A quick Mercy Survey

Update: Survey is now closed. Thank you so much for all who participated! Results can be found here.

Alright, so as we all know, Mercy has been a popular subject around here. As such, there have been many opinions on how to handle her, as well as many accusations thrown around on both sides.

That said, I prefer data over opinions. So instead of all this back and forth “he said she said”, for the next few days I’ll be running a survey so we can finally sort through what’s actually a popular opinion, what’s baseless accusations, what the quiet ones are thinking without fear of being drowned out, and, most importantly, so we can get a solid understanding of where the devs should go from here. Bad comes to worse, at least this will allow us to get all of our ideas in one place.

I should probably note I’m not a professional survey-maker. I tried my best, but there’s always room for improvement.

The results are private for now to encourage everyone to be 100% honest, though of course I plan on sharing the results publicly in due time, probably in a new thread.

I figured I might as well make an FAQ-esque section to this to try and help address what I feel to be common concerns, and so you don’t necessarily have to scroll through the entire thread to find the 3 posts where I might’ve answered something.

What do you plan to do with this information?

On top of looking at the obvious questions such as “Do people find her enjoyable”, I also hope to see if I can go into more detail on the different demographics and try to tackle some common stereotypes such as “Everyone who think she’s fine doesn’t actually play her” and “All Mercy mains seem to enjoy is Mass Res and nothing more”.

I’ll also see if I can release a cleaned up copy of the CSV alongside my interpretation of the results so those who are interested can look through for themselves if they wish to either double check my math or look for new findings/correlations.

When can we expect the results?

They’re out right now! You can find them here

Why do you need to know my in-game ID?

(Disclaimer: When I say ID, I strictly mean public gamer tag that you go by in-game or on the forums. I do not want any login information such as an associated email, and you should never be willing to give that sort of thing away. To those who left it blank thinking that’s what I intended, apologies for the misunderstanding, but good idea playing it safe)

Strictly for reliability purposes.

I legitimately don’t care who said what. But if you leave a valid ID with your responses, I can know that you aren’t just some troll trying to throw off the data by submitting the same useless responses over and over again.

Leaving an ID also means that if you were to lose the Edit link, but want to change or clarify something, you can.

As promised in the survey, I will count your response even if you leave it blank. However, I also plan to run the numbers a second time strictly using the responses with a given ID.

Also remember I do intend to keep the ID’s 100% confidential. Even if I release the full CSV to the public, I will remove that question from the list so answers remain purely anonymous.

But my ID is private, so I feel uncomfortable leaving it.

Wth all due respect, no, it really isn’t.

For example, if you were to go to my Career profile page, with a quick glance at the url you can see that mine is Slyther0829#1317. Even private profiles can’t hide this as it’s used to identify the profile itself.

This goes double for forum users, as it’s used in Forum Profiles as well.

With console players, the finer details may be a little different, but the general idea is still true.

Are you only using the forums?

Yes. At least that’s as far as I plan on personally going. I’m not personally all that active anywhere else, so I’m just sticking to what I’m familiar with.

That said, others have already begun sharing the survey amongst other groups. If you wish to do so, feel free. More responses and more communities taking part means the more accurate this is to the Overwatch playerbase as a whole.

Won't the numbers be skewed one way or the other?

Yes. And No.

Due to the nature of this sort of thing, those unhappy with the current state of things are much more likely to give their responses than those who are currently pleased. There are also large groups that will naturally share the same opinion amongst themselves, so if this were to be shared, there would naturally be a sudden flux towards said opinion.

That said, all opinions do deserve to be heard. I can’t simply say “Well I’ve already received X amount from Y group saying Z, so time to just cut the ties and find someone who disagrees to keep things balanced.” If you think one group is dominating the charts, then you can always help by finding others to represent the opposition more clearly. With enough responses, the numbers eventually stop being skewed and are simply representative of what the majority seems to think.

I will say, however, the great part about the second section (Self Identification) is that I can see exactly what type of players are saying what. If it feels like a specific group is “dominating” the results, I can simply run the numbers without them as a factor and see what everyone else thinks. If the numbers come back relatively the same as they were with the group included, it’s easy to say that the group wasn’t necessarily skewing anything there, at least not by themselves.

Also know I am actively watching the numbers as time goes, so I’ll notice if any sudden shifts in one specific direction were to happen, and I’ll be sure to make note of it down the line.

The second and third questions (Why do/did/don't you enjoy Mercy) are confusing!

Yes. Yes they are.

Apologies for that. I would change it to make it clearer, but that would invalidate all previous submissions. Especially by now, it’s far too late to do that.

Just know you don’t have to stick to one small grouping. If you enjoy something, miss something else, and dislike a third, feel free to mark them all. They’re only split up like that so it’s clear what’s a positive and what’s a negative about her current state.

When in doubt, you can always put in your own reasoning using the “Other” option.

If you have any additional questions or need a specific clarification, feel free to ask. I’ll try to get to them ASAP. Though if I end up taking a bit and you wish to finish now, you can always edit your response later.

If you have comments on the survey or just want to leave your opinions on Mercy here to start friendly conversation as time goes on, feel free to leave them.

Thank you for your time, and happy gaming.


Nice survey right there. :grinning:


Nice idea.
The issue is that the survey is very in-depth and I feel like it can get very complex very fast.


Have a like, OP. Good way to get some solid information.


Too many answers to even the most basic of questions. You find out with later questions whether you liked her more before or presently. A simple yes/no question should start and then lead to reasons why.

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sadly, most of the people who visit this forum come here to complain, so the survey would be biased if only forum-goers answer it. The only way to get a good grasp of what the actual player base thinks, most of which dont come here, would be to advertise it ingame, and only Blizzard can do that.


I just realized you can resubmit surveys.
Watch out


This survey totally won’t be lopsided toward “pls revert to mass rez”


In every thread there are people with all the opinions listed in the survey. While only forum goers have access to this, sure, to disregard it based on that is silly. We’re not looking for a 100% accurate testament of all player feelings everywhere, just a general consensus.

You say that as if anyone who likes Mercy’s old ult better aren’t real Overwatch players.


I’m saying people will keep redoing the survey over and over again so it’s in favor of Mass Resurrect. We all know the type of people this thread will attract so this survey won’t really be useful in any way.


Yea… Yea I can admit I can be really bad with keeping things simple and straightforward.

Especially with this, I get so many different ideas that they sorta crash into one another. Trust me when I say this is the cleaned up version.

Thank you for bearing with me though. I would edit it to make it flow better, but I feel like after it’s gone live, changing certain aspects or adding questions would skew things a little.

If you really think it’s worth it, I can try to come up with something, though.

You’re not wrong. But it’s the best we can do.

I was actually going to mention that this is purely intended to get the idea of forum-goer’s, but forgot about that halfway through. We see a ton of debates crop up purely about X believes one thing, Y is more prominent, and no one thinks Z. This helps sort through what’s true and false, at least for what we normally see here on the forums.

Yea, that’s what the last question is for.

I’ll probably look at the results 2 ways, one with everyone involved (more responses, but more potential for spam), and a second using only those who provide reliable names (fewer responses, but each one is unique).

Not really sure how else to fix this without requiring everyone to log into a Google account, which I’m not really sure if I have any business doing.


If you get the entire forum to answer this in a matter of days it’s going to be a lot to work through.

Just make sure to keep the results seperated and release both sets. One is going to be far more reliable under these circumstances but with the other we’ll be able to see to what lengths some may go to which would be funny/interesting/disturbing <----take your pick.

There are sites that give immediate results (so far) to the questions asked and subsequent visits to said site just gives updated results without the ability to change answers. If you ever decide to do this again (for more accurate results) and to rethink how you ask the questions I’d suggest looking into one of those.

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:spider_web: Yeeted a survey entry. Godspeed you quirky data collector.

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Cool survey, can’t wait to see the results!


Hopefully this post doesn’t get 404’d for something something coc


Just here leaving a comment to keep the post going and also I took the survey <3

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Im not giving you my full Battlenet ID nice try

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took your survey. I had to check, but ironically i have the same hour gap between my main Ana, and my old main Mercy. In fact, mercy has more hours! lol

She is just lacking versatility, utility, and decision making choices.

IMO mercy needs a way to regulate her healing. 50 HPS wouldn’t be a problem if she had utility to regulate how much incoming damage you take.

However, i strongly disagree with the thugs running around saying mercy needs to be debuffing the enemy. that is not mercy.

Mercy makes her team stronger. She doesn’t have to stoop as low as sabotaging the enemy team