The Sombra competitive experience

Sombra’s usefulness is directly proportional to her team’s skill. So if her team is trash, she’s trash.
Granted that she can make a lot opportunities for her team but when do teams actually capitalize on this?
I’ve had games where I did back to back hacks on key targets but my team still couldn’t push in or get a pick. The only thing that guarantees a team to push is if you get a pick from the enemy team because it drastically reduces their effectiveness however Sombra ironically can’t pick a target reliably by herself unless you have T500 aim, in which case just go Widow or Tracer.

Sadly, we can’t have her damage increased because an “invisible Tracer” would be broken.

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The hipocresy is HUGE in this game

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I smell a Genji player. In all seriousness tho, the only character that can be picked up in 5 minutes is Brig, because she’s that simple. I believe that both Sombra and Genji are on the same skillfloor, anyone can play them, but it takes an exceptional amount of practice to be able to utilize them to the fullest of their abilities.

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Don’t forget how effective it is if she is great at stopping low health players from escaping.

Don’t worry, this happens to any non-meta or unpopular hero. It’s either “gg we lost because of [insert unpopular hero]” or “omg how does he make this hero work quickly all commend him”.

Although Sombra is easier in that regard. If your team is half-aware of your existence and your hacks, they will lead you to victory.

Yes but Sombra is special where she is too weak to have her on your team but at the same time needs nerfs, because shes clearly OP. Just look at the front page.


And what else is she good for? Hack is literally the only thing that makes her playable. It is not overpowered. If it was, she’d been spammed across all ranks non-stop. Posts like “hack is op plz nerf” are like “rez is op plz nerf” or “chain hook is op plz nerf”. They just have their uses, it’s not a reason to nerf them.

No need to tell me. The community just hates her.


My Win rate says otherwise :frowning:

I started playing sombra recently (because I play support in 9/10 matches I sometimes get put into a match with 2 other support mains) and except for a few bad games have been tearing stuff up.

Every single time we lose a match and one of my team members yells at me, someone on the enemy team defends me with talk of how annoying I was to deal with and they wish I was on their team.

If you are the kind of person who will defend an enemy who played well and lost than I take my hat off to you.
Those kind of ppeople are amazing.


“Sombra switch, we need MOAR DAMAGE.”
Sombra has gold damage on a team with 3+ DPS

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I feel like this was not happening much a couple of months ago, but recently i am catching hell way more often. Any time the team as a whole is failing the blame automatically goes to Sombra. Occasionally i will switch and even offer up the DPS position and guess what happens? Most of the time there is no change. It gets pretty old, but then again the toxicity in this game is very old too.

Recently, i have been playing Sandstorm Insurgency. It is pretty fun and the community is a lot more fun to communicate with.

Nah, it always happened. There were a few days where it didn’t happen before she was consequently broken by a hotfix the devs put in to placate people that whined, rather than adjusting, to her changes, allowing a lot of her bugs to really shine.

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Well, the big change that happened to me is dropping from 2900sr to 2400sr. I started getting sh@t more around gold, but that’s just me.

Sombra is destroying this game honestly. super unfun to play against.

That of course comes down to the player… you can’t just dismiss a character out of hand, it doesn’t work like that. And its absurdly unfair when all the crap Genjis, Hanzo’s etc. etc. get a free pass to not do well…

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Its not adding to the discussion, but I Just had a QP experience with a Silver border Sombra who utterly refused to hack any health packs for our team, I mean nothing… she tried to tell us “well, ahm a back-line Sombruh” or some nonsense, then literally the next game we get an enemy Sombra (she’s still on my team pull the same junk) and their Sombra_ is hacking our health… I could have screamed… we literally had no health packs the entire round because this idiot refused to hack anything even when multiple people called out… but was so proud of ulting when no one else had an ult ready to coordinate… thats the kind of thing drives people batty around Sombra that leads to a bad rep.

Most people dislike Sombra as she isn’t in chat and we have no isea who she hacked because it’s not the shield tank. Often we’re quite sure it’s no one. She needs intense coordination to work and you don’t get that in the low ranks.

In my experience, i need to beg my teammates to join voice so i can actually talk to them. And in 9/10 cases not everybody does. If I’m lucky, 3 people are in voice.

3 listening beats 0. I’m always in voice anyway and happy to try but not knowing who she is hacking really limits the team. But apparently my experience in comp is unlike everyone else’s who has ever played this game according to forums.