Sombra Hack Overpowering?!?!?

So, recently I have been seeing a lot of sombra players in my game, and they have been doing a lot better than before. so I take it upon myself to bring up the topic of sombra hack and how overpowering it is against heroes like Lucio. I am a Lucio one trick and I think it is kind of absurd that they would take away Lucio wall ride or even his healing capabilities. Lucio has no kit whatsoever once he is hacked and he at least needs a way to escape. This discussion can go for all other heroes as well but I feel since I am a Lucio player I will discuss him. Blizzard needs to bring back either his song aura’s or his wall ride whenever he is hacked. or maybe even take away sombra’s ability to hack movement abilities such as double jump, wall ride, and sprint. I understand sombra’s need and want in the Meta but she is too overpowering to play against. I’ve only won against her like once or twice in my games out of many. #BringBackMovement!

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just like pharah > reaper and reaper > winston

It’s called having a counter


Everything is most effective against something.

Lúcio can’t wallride for the same reason soldier can’t run or mccree roll.

Hack is designed to disable - LĂşcio is simply affected the most. Deal with it, or accept that onetricking in a game with almost 30 heroes is guaranteed to have drawbacks.


And sombra has no kit if she can’t hack you and her TP is destroyed. Btw you can completely negate her whole kit with fractions of a point of dmg.

Don’t see how that’s unfair to lucio mains


Straight from the Overwatch wikipedia page:

Players can change their hero during the course of a match, as a goal of Overwatch 's design was to encourage dynamic team compositions that adapt to the situation

Then you go like:

^^ There’s your problem


Her hack can be mitigated by 1 damage. Which then puts her on a 2 second CD.

Until this is changed you really don’t have much solid wall to ride on.


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Yeah it sucks - but the forums thinks sombra is underpowered so enjoy playing a boring game.

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blaming others for a situation you force yourself into, naisu


Honestly Lucio is one of the most annoying heroes in this game, there is 1 (ONE) Hero that counters him and lucio mains lose their mind.

Don’t one trick it’s bad for the game


i.imgur .com/Nx7hH9Q.jpg

Winston, Mei, McCree, and Pharah also counter him.

Apparently he’s the Tracer of supports now. “You have only one counter!”

Which hero is Sombra’s counter? There’s no obvious pick for this. Even GMs have problems with good Sombras.

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Winston, Ashe, McRightClick, Faira, Mei, Roadhog, Rein, Brigitte…

Shall I continue?


Every hero if you’re not oblivious. :+1:

Explain how those heroes “counter” Sombra after she hacked them.


Sombras counter is herself, both literally and in the sense that her damage is low, her hack is fragile, her cloak is fragile, and her translocator is obvious and destructible. She’s a fragile hero in general, and is countered by heroes with kits that don’t rely heavily on abilities (soldier, mccree, hanzo, etc.) or players with half-decent gamesense.


Better yet, explain how she can hack them if she’s always on CD?

As others have said, stop putting yourself in a situation where she’s advantageous.

i.e. if you are Winston, don’t attack her on a mega health pack, you won’t do enough damage to her to kill her, unless you are damage boosted or have help

If you are faira, try having a little situational awareness, because the ONLY way she can counter you is if she hacks you out of the air. If you are within medium range of her, it’s your fault not hers. And here’s a Pro tip, you don’t have to score direct rocket hits to stop her hack, there’s this new concept in FPS gaming called Splash Damage.

If you are roadhog, literally turn away from her no head shots, wait for her hack to wear off then heal. You can literally ignore DPS in a lot of situations as roadhog, if you are smart enough to know when, where, and how to do it. I have dubbed this technique as “@ss Tanking” others however like to call it “Feeding.” But that feeding is a 2 way street for roadhog, while it feeds them, it also feeds his ult every 8 seconds.

McRightClick - Stun + Rightclick is your friend… If you don’t know how to use that, that’s your own fault for getting that close to her in the first place.

Brigitte does not need her skills to kill Sombra, so hack is almost pointless to use against her. A good sombra will never square up with a Brigitte even if Sombra has a health pack, she just can’t win a 1v1 against Brigitte, unless Brigitte is AFK.

Moira should never get hacked by a Sombra unless she doesn’t know Sombra is there, if that’s the case the fault is Moira’s fault alone, for no situational awareness. You can hear sombra come out of stealth up to 20m away, her hack range is 16m. If you die to a Sombra as Moira, it’s your fault not the Sombra.

Mei doesn’t need her skills to kill Sombra.

Zen doesn’t need his skills to kill Sombra

Rein doesn’t need his skills to kill Sombra

Orisa, doesn’t need her skills to kill Sombra

The list goes on and on.


Broken link my dude and I’m not going through the effort to type that letter by letter.

He means that it’s your own choice to restrict yourself to playing one hero in a game with almost 30 heroes and designed around counters.

Got ya, fam!
ps: you can just copy paste the link and remove the space before the dot :wink:

Any hero that does damage counters Sombra.