The Silent Reinhardt nerf

Ah, of course, how kind of Blizzard to “fix” these pesky Reinhardt bugs, like how they “fixed” Lucio’s scroll wheel “exploit” after not even mentioning it for like 6 months. Which, for the record, you could easily use the “exploit” with any button on your keyboard or mouse. You didn’t need scroll wheel.

The worst part was that after the nerf, despite his snail speed (which did get buffed to where it is now), there were people who if you even mentioned him being so much slower, they accused you of “abusing” scroll wheel. Despite the fact I’ve always used spacebar, there were still suckups who insisted me noticing the speed meant I used scroll wheel.

So that got really ranty. Point is Blizzard can and will change stuff after months, even years in Reinhardt’s case, despite not even mentioning it beforehand. Personally I think this is going to go the same route as the Lucio nerfs: Blizzard says the removal of the mechanic was a bug (as it’s not in the patch notes), they then decide the mechanic itself was a bug, followed by community outrage which results in them putting said mechanic back into the game in a far weaker state that’s “accessible”, narrowing the skill gap.

My guess as to what happens next anyway.

I understand your reaction, as you’re used to it, and now I’m only referring to animation cancels. However, they shouldn’t be needed in the first place, so getting rid of them opens up for fixing the core mechanics so they’re not needed. And also, most of the effects of cancels are psychological. I remember the scoping change for Widow. We (as in Widow players) were in an uproar, and it buried her for a year. However, when actually measuring the effects, I found they were negligible. Sure didn’t feel like it, but they were.

And tbh, this changes nothing skillwise for Rein. The effects of mechanical skill has always been marginal for Rein, compared to awareness and positioning.

Admittedly, I play(ed) him in masters, and there may be things I don’t know compared to you, but I have a hard time believing that component in particular is very different…

True maintank Reinhard: nerfed
True mainsupport Mercy: nerfed.

Retarded hybrid sh!t: boosted.

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Well that’s a lot of bs if you ask me


Who care anymore ?
This game is full of bug anyway.
Rein is full bug since a very long time.

  • Shatter who hit pppl who shouldn’t and miss ppl who should be affected.
  • The hammer hitbox is stupidly large for it’s real design
  • The pine charge bump lot of time instead of pine
  • Hammer hit can make you flight away for no reason
  • etc…

This game as way to much problem that are old since release, it’s a shame.

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Sombra is hardly “broken”, unless you’re talking about her sheer number of crappy bugs.

Calling Wrecking Ball “OP” is laughable considering he has the biggest hitbox in the game now, and little damage output with a comparatively small clip.

Hanzo and Widowmaker have both been nerfed this patch and both have further nerfs rolling out next patch.

Please, if you’re going to complain, at least try to be factual.

They did this to Genji too early on. I think Blizzard needs to make a statement on how they feel about animation cancels.

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Genji was never touched on cancels, it;s his entire lazy kit.

Blizz do need to pop in and answer about what they did the the poor German man though

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pls revert these changes these werent op

So still no official comment on this, huh?

You know, I try my best to defend the devs when I can, but stuff like this makes it really hard.


You’re objectively wrong.

When they took away Genji’s “triple jump” they also lowered the duration of his ultimate and got rid of some animations cancels.

Everyone, including the not dangerous Ana: all animation cancels killed.

Genji: 2 bugs and no animation cancels that mattered killed


Lol. I remember Genji mains on the forums crying that the animation cancel they got rid of was going to make him invalid.
They got rid of it because Genji was able to kill very, very easily when he could cancel his melee.

So, to say it “didn’t matter” Is only showcasing your bias and ignorance.

That I said none of his animation cancels they fixed mattered?

Maybe try reading again, I am not defending Genji, they have always been two faced on if animation cancels are bad

What part of the “payloads float above ground” did you actually miss?

Most ultimates don’t go through solid walls no. But payloads are not solid walls, they are objects that float above ground and this is especially noticeable on angles like when numbani payload makes it’s way around the corner and there is a very noticeable gap between the ground and the floor.

So yes, you can definitely both shatter and dva ulti people behind payloads if the payload happens to float, such as numbani payload.

Casttime is slow enough that it’s possible to react to rein shatters with old symmetra photon barrier and zenyatta ultimate. Hardly instant.

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It’s a ground effect. It goes underneath the payload the same way it goes underneath barriers that leave a gap. Doomfists meteor strike does the same thing.

I’m not bothered by the mercy nerf. She has a get of jail free card so she needs some balancing

I spent another 8 hours on Reinhardt after the patch. These are my observations. Lets start with what Blizzard said they did.


Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Charge from propelling him forward if he was airborne due to Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut

As far as I can tell this is in fact fixed. But was it ever really broken?

Now for all the stuff that was changed for no apparent reason.

  1. Every action Reinhardt performs except for his Hammer Swing > Firestrike > Hammer Swing the player must wait until the completion of each animation to begin another another function. Raising and Lowering his shield now has a delay on every action performed on either end.

  2. His Hammer Swing is back to the 2017 Anniversary patch hit detection delay. Cannot confirm if the 10% adjustment to his swing timer has been reverted or not, but the hit detection does not register until the animation is complete. This leads to heroes not getting hit by the hammer if they move from one side of Reinhardt’s visible area to the other and out of the animation once it completes. Think Genji Phantom Blade, except for it is the heroes ONLY reliable attack, and the reason people are supposed to be wary of getting close to him.

  3. Charge and Earthshatter are still a hot mess. Neither were addressed in the patch so this is not news.

What does this do to Reinhardt?

Heroes are not supposed to be close to Reinhardt. If he cannot reliably keep them at a distance he can only do half is job. Standing there with his shield up is the only thing Blizzard has not changed. His animation for deploying and removing his shield was already punishing enough seeing as how in a game where “favor the shooter” is frequently spouted off by players Reinhardt is the only one this doesn’t apply to. His shield should instantly deploy, and instantly retract. The fact Blizzard now ties everything Reinhardt does to this animation is absurd.

Hit detection for his Hammer Swing should have zero problems. As a comparison, how would ANY another hero not have players of said hero flood the forums if say Soldier 76 had to wait to reload for all the bullets he just fired to hit someone. The outrage would be catastrophic. For some reason people want to justify it because “its just a hammer”, or “hammers wouldn’t act like that in real life”. Reinhardt’s Hammer Swing is the other 50% of Reinhardt job. Blizzard you need to repair the damage you have done.

Reinhard players are one of a kind. We don’t prattle on about how other heroes are too powerful or unfair to play against. Things that happen in game we adjust to and attempt to counter play the best we can. We don’t get to solo carry games, but we do enable others to play at the pinnacle of their abilities. In a team based game there is no more definitive hero that is a team player then Reinhardt.

I will continue to play Reinhardt. Even with all his flaws I can still overcome. But should I have to?


Hey! That was a great read. I linked your comment over on my post here:

Wanted to make sure you were aware.


I have no idea what these former “animation cancels” were, I guess I never used any kind of that stuff during my ~46hrs of Reinhardt? Rein feels as wonky as ever, maybe I completely missed something in the past. Would explain why I never was really good with him… hmmm.