The Silent Reinhardt nerf

Sometimes there isn’t. He’s not a particularly mechanically demanding character. Knowing tips and tricks on when to press a button isn’t exactly the peak of mechanical skill.

I know I’m gonna get hate for this, but while I agree they should have noted it, these changes should exist, because abusing a physics engine/cancels to do things like move faster than intended shouldnt be a part of the game. It’s the same reason I hate watching pro super smash bros melee. It’s just engine abuse.

So then every hero should not be able to cancel animations, then.

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Correct. Lag after moves should be part of the price of using them.

That feeling when I was using animation cancels without knowing it. OOF.

This is agitating, to say the least. This is the last thing Reinhardt needs right now.

Then that’s the issue, then. You’re making valid points, but it’s obviously a bug on Reinhardt if he’s the only one affected by this now. If it’s intentional, all heroes should follow the same rules.

Then you’d have the same reaction to Genji aswell, since he is, currently useful and viable, Greantly due to the RMB being able to animation cancel.
This is actually more widely known than reinhardts… yet they’ve done nothing to that? it’s painfully obvious that the animation cnaceling is something Blizz knows about and probably wants us to use considering they’ve done nothing to genji’s animation cancel ever since the game came out. The same goes for Tracer.

the reason why people hate this bug/glitch/nerf ( with rein) is because this was the only thing making him still viable and adaptable in current meta…
and i’m saying this even though most heroes counter him…
-Pharah is making you into hamburger
-Doomfist is making you into a kebab
-Sombra is making you into a hot-dog
-Moira is throwing nudles and orbs at you
-brigitte basically makes you irrelevant with her stun (removing the entire barrier… what???)
not to mention her LMB counts as melee… so they go through shield.
-Junkrat is target-practicing you
-And now hammond is making you into a hamster-wheel

i could go on for days…
nerfing rein, in face of all that, is just ridicolous.
he had a hard time, as is, without the nerf.


That, or it’s an unintended consequence of something else.

Of course, Blizzard has some history of not including all intended changes in the patch notes, and that is unprofessional.

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Exactly my thought. Perhaps its because of Reins “rework”.

But even then, I hope they dont remove it entirely.

What? No, they shouldn’t. I can understand being against animation canceling, but lag after an ability or action? What?

That’s what animation cancelling efeectively does. It removes the finishing part of moves which makes players unable to capitalize on the moves animations.

Oh ok.

Maybe rather say that moves need to complete before new moves can be made.

The bit about lag was kinda confusing.

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i felt it too the first game i played, rein feels so bad to play now i hope this is just a bug.

brig is instant cast rein isn’t, the difference is brig won’t get shot after hook by hog but rein will.

Reinhardt needs these bugs fixed and animation cancels put back in to even have him viable against stun heavy meta.

Damn, it’s like they’re trying to win the “Worst Balancing Team of the Year” award or something.


Rein does not need nerfs.


IMO animation cancels in general are cheap and should mostly not be in the game. They’re counterintuitive to gameplay. Unless you read all of the wikis, forum posts, etc. you have no reason to believe characters will be able to act like that, so it just feels buggy and cheap when someone else does it.

I had to look up what this actually is …

“Using any form of input or interruption to cause a character’s sprite or 3D animation for landing/attacking/etc to drop frames and stop early. This allows you to instantly keep moving or attacking rather than waiting for said animation to finish going through all its frames.”

If I am reading this right then your issue is that you can no longer cancel an attack because you have to wait for it to finish the animation, right? This must be side effect of the new code for his attacks Blizz is working on then. Is animation canceling common to all the other characters then in OW? Sounds like just a bug really…

Animation canceling has never been intended by a game developers. The animations are intended as they represent a skill/movement that allows other players to react. Its a lot harder to react to an animation cancel that is done in under .25 seconds when the average human reaction time is .25 seconds…add in cast times like road hog hooks and ana sleep darts and you’ll NEVER react in time to an animation cancel…

Animation cancels have been an exploit in gaming for decades, especially in MMO’s…theres always some loophole where 1 skill can have its animation canceled (unintentionally by dev’s) by another skill. Its not something any developer boasts about or even adds into their tips…

Loads up comp game
See’s tip in bold letters at bottom of screeen

“You can cancel reins SKILL B animation with SKILL A but you cannot cancel SKILL A animation with SKILL B”

Thanks for the PRO TIP Blizz! Erm I mean exploit discovered by players and gone unreported due to its benefits…

I am appalled that any pro or top 500 player supports animation cancels…

Lol, show us on the doll where that nice German man hurt you