The Silent Reinhardt nerf

Hopefully like the mercy slingshot jump that was actually a bug but gave it as an ability; they do the same with rein. He needs those to bait out and make a difference on the field


It is as @Paradox mentioned.
mechanically, there won’t be a difference between a bronze rein and a GM rein^^

either way, i hope we are making this a bigger issue than it is.
it’s most likely a bug, and i’m sure it will be adressed in the next update (or two ^^). it’s either that… or i may need to restrategize my entire rein play xD


The worst Reinardt nerf might be the damage fall off buffs from hitscans and mei… But havent played Reinhardt yet. And if what you are saying is true… thats rly fed up


Ya when I had been getting rein coaching I believe every other tip was use these animation cancels and the bunny hop to move faster and bait out abilities like a hook from hog.

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As a Reinhardt main… He feels sluggish and the lack of animation cancels is highly disturbing. Not every player who plays Rein in Gold knows how to do these little things and now my edge over them is being taken away. What the hell?

Hitscan buffs are fine for hitscans but they do hurt Rein. Why take away those little skillful things from Rein in addition to that? This is absolutely terrible.


Yeah. i bullied so many reinhardt players using these tactics.
now… there is no difference between us (other than my experience of the game in general).

a good hero: is a hero who is easy to learn, but hard to master!
This suited rein perfectly. now… i don’t know…
not to mention, every update, be it new heroes, or buffs to older heroes: seems to never be in favor to a rein.
even the only support who could keep a rein alive in tough situations (mercy) has been getting a healing nerf xD


wait a minute… thats why i couldn’t block the enemy earthshatter today? the shield takes longer to deploy?

I don’t know what nerfs is OP talking about, must have been an exploit nobody knew about.

Or the Mercy nerfs that are stated “bug fixes”? Blizzard thinks they’re so fcking clever.


it is well known by most rein players.
and these tricks is what made him able to adapt, despite all the crazy heroes that have been released^^


Haven’t tested it yet, but shield hopping and swing into firestrike animation cancel were pretty damn crucial when it came to playing Rein.

I’m worried that they removed these intentionally, it’s a devastating nerf to him.


thank god im not the only one that noticed

I noticed that they also removed his bug where if you held RMB and LMB to look around without moving his shield, you can’t earth shatter or charge in the direction that you’re looking (not where the shield is facing), which was a little sad.


quit the game very long time ago when they f*ed up rein.
This game never been the same after that. He feels completely clunky, buggy, weird and weak.

Playing rein is just asking to get a stroke.

April 2019 fix lads.


I most likely to switch to Orisa, especially when no one is able to deal with Doomfist.

i usually use orissa when it’s on defence (since we are stationary)
but on attack… Orissa is not the best hero =/
even a very nerfed rein is better since he can move with the shield.

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I guess this is Blizzard’s fix to reinhardt’s bugs. Make him unplayable.

It’s frustrating that every patch Reinhardt gets worse and worse, broken and buggy.
They are moving one step forward and two backwards.

He feels so sluggish and slow now.
Try to melee swing while holding or canceling your shield and it takes an entire 1sec for the attack to start swinging. Same with Firestrike.
It’s even worse(slower) if you jump shielding and try swinging out of your shield.
If you do without holding or canceling the attacks are normal.
This is a massive stealth nerf, we should not let it go unnoticed.


Worse and worse, buggier and more unplayable… removing the skill barriers and tools to make him actually good… Good job blizz. You really fixed those bugs that were so detrimental to him… not. :roll_eyes:


I’m not noticing in my quick testing. Care to explain which animation cancels you think were removed from the game?