The Silent Reinhardt nerf

I noticed that they also removed his bug where if you held RMB and LMB to look around without moving his shield, you can’t earth shatter or charge in the direction that you’re looking (not where the shield is facing), which was a little sad.


quit the game very long time ago when they f*ed up rein.
This game never been the same after that. He feels completely clunky, buggy, weird and weak.

Playing rein is just asking to get a stroke.

April 2019 fix lads.


I most likely to switch to Orisa, especially when no one is able to deal with Doomfist.

i usually use orissa when it’s on defence (since we are stationary)
but on attack… Orissa is not the best hero =/
even a very nerfed rein is better since he can move with the shield.

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I guess this is Blizzard’s fix to reinhardt’s bugs. Make him unplayable.

It’s frustrating that every patch Reinhardt gets worse and worse, broken and buggy.
They are moving one step forward and two backwards.

He feels so sluggish and slow now.
Try to melee swing while holding or canceling your shield and it takes an entire 1sec for the attack to start swinging. Same with Firestrike.
It’s even worse(slower) if you jump shielding and try swinging out of your shield.
If you do without holding or canceling the attacks are normal.
This is a massive stealth nerf, we should not let it go unnoticed.


Worse and worse, buggier and more unplayable… removing the skill barriers and tools to make him actually good… Good job blizz. You really fixed those bugs that were so detrimental to him… not. :roll_eyes:


I’m not noticing in my quick testing. Care to explain which animation cancels you think were removed from the game?

Jump Shielding and Swinging out of your shield are the most noticable

Everyone go to the Bug Section and create your own topic/post about this new Reinhardt bug. We must not let it pass silently.


I haven’t actually played Rein today. God damn it dude… I’m so sick of this :frowning:


I guess they really do want us to go triple tank dive, nerfing reinhardt and zarya… Why?

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Tested with Brig. They made her barrier deploy behave almost identically. She just has faster deploy times.

As with most animation cancel changes, this is probably permanent.

PTR or live?
I didn’t notice anything on live at first glance.

It’s currently live.

I’m getting really tired of this.
Every patch Reinhardt gets worse and worse.
They manage to introduce more bugs and break stuff with him than any other hero.

Trying to swing after holding your shield is so slow, it’s unplayable.


Needs attention, I hope this is filed in Bug Reports.


I can see this being the nail in the coffin. not being able to swing quickly out of shield, no jump speedups with canceling shield, and firestrike being slower out of a swing too? To hell with that.



Firestrike is not slower out of swing. Firestrike has always had priority and animation canceled all attacks. It still does.

Rein deserve a real nerf like a damage reduction on his mele to 60 instead of 75. This hero is absolutely BROKEN in mele range and his ult charge rate is extremely high.

This lolnerf is nothing