The patch makes the game more fun and that is what matters

Dudes gotta be kidding thinking this is a “good” change to ball it’s literally flats crappy take but not as bad

Look at the patch flats suggested
3.5sec latch
orisa shield 300 HP
Hog gutted
500 HP 250 healing

Bc he wanted to see more rein

I meant while your team is engaging. “Lurking” around is wasting time.

These are all incorrect comparisons. If you get booped off the map you should die unless you can fly. Hammond being able to save himself was basically a mistake, specially if it takes him so long to do it. If you can do it fast like for example Reaper, sure it at least took some skill, but being useless for so long just because you need a ridiculous amount of time to get back on is not good, might as well just die and respawn.

And I’m guessing what you say is true and relevant, sure.

I am. I’m just supporting my argument with the opinions of others, I’m sure there are some like you who will disagree and that’s fine.

This is like someone trying to defend FtH McCree being able to melt tanks. BUT MAH FUN. Sorry brother, some stuff is just not right and sometimes they need to change.

For everyone who doesn’t want to abuse a broken mechanic and make others miserable.

Right back at you.

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So your basic logic is, making 1 hero less fun makes the game more fun for 31 heroes! Cool, so then every balance patch should be:

Hero 1 → made less fun. 31 heroes are now more fun!
Hero 2 → made less fun. 31 heroes are now more fun!
Hero 3 → made less fun. 31 heroes are now more fun!
Hero 4 → made less fun. 31 heroes are now more fun!
etc. to infinity.

All heroes have now been made less fun, but the game has been made 31x more fun!


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The only real fun is for Moira.

Other changes aren’t even remotely fun for the opposition.

Who would want to deal with this? Getting killed by character with massive spam damage who doesn’t have any sightlines to you, aka you won’t see it coming and cannot punish them, is just stupid.

So why are the nerfs to Brig fine but these buffs aren’t?. They are being made by the same people who thought they were warranted. You or I may agree or disagree, but that is our opinion only, which is subjective.

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The experience of the community as a whole is more important….yes…it’s why scatter for example was removed in the first place….and you said so yourself…you can always just play something else if a hero is nerfed…unless of course you don’t play anything else

I mean the Cassidy buff has been walked back like 3 times…I don’t think they’re very sure themselves if it should be in game or not….and scatter has a history as well….I don’t think these changes were made with balance in mind….and that’s why they’re so problematic to begin with….think they’re just trying to placate to people who think the game has gotten stale….just throwing something wacky out there


I do play everything, specifically whichever is the most fun. Which is why you don’t see me complaining about a patch that literally makes the game more fun. You are the one that is complaining. :rofl:

After all, you’ve doubled down on the flawed logic I have already shown. The more you make things less fun, the more fun everybody has!


Why would I run off and lurk somewhere taking up a tank slot while my team is engaging. That is not what a lurk ambush is for.

Nope. Every single one of those nullifies something that should have killed you.

Or teleport, or wallride, or fade, or leap, or jumpjet (which admittedly is basically flying) . Why? Why is this a rule?

How so? If someone can catch themselves with a tether and the enemy walks away giving them up for dead, why shouldn’t you be able to work your way back up?

Except dying, spawning and returning to the objective usually take longer than working your way back up.

What I’m saying is my experience and true and relevant to you saying that Ball lost nothing and the change makes it more fun. One more time I do not use “spin to win” and don’t care it’s gone.

No you’re not, you’re now trying to invalidate my objections by saying they all aren’t real or useful and have swapped from your original position that Ball players would just have to adjust since that argument fell through and can be leveled at the original problem.

Except I ALSO didn’t “abuse a broken mechanic” and it’s STILL LESS FUN.

I was referring to the quotes you used, not everyone who plays this game. I didn’t say “all” the people or "everyone. So that didn’t make sense nor is it comparable.

I’ll ask you one question: Do you play Wrecking ball regularly?

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But that’s exactly what I’m saying it’s not doing though….you’re making it less fun (or more unfun - however you prefer to look at it) by adding back in a mechanic that was so complained about that they had to have it removed once already

If I gave Cassidy a 2nd stun, Would you call that making the game more fun? Cause the Cassidy sure as hell thinks so

Cc in general is a good example….and what are they doing? Removing most of it so that the game overall benefits (at the expense of the fun those heroes were having with it)


This patch makes the game already more worse than it is currently. Kinda really shows biased balancing. Nerfing Ball accomplishes what? Less players playing Tank? People don’t seem to figure out why people flock to Ball and heck even Hog sometimes DVA or Zarya over Rein Orisa Sigma Winston. Buffing Hanzo and Cassidy when they are already top 5 DPS is a slap in the face who like heroes that are completely struggling to even have a purpose in this game. Heck, why invest in Reaper anymore when there are cheap and BS options like Hanzo and Cree. Also, surprised they didn’t buff S76 and Tracer as well.

But you are taking a huge amount of time doing this lurk ambush, that’s the point.

Wrong. You can’t heal a one shots, wallride doesn’t take long to save you if in fact you can save yourself, fade is a dodge, you have to avoid whatever it is that will kill you before it hits, same with wraith, flight is limited, AS SHOULD BE GRAPPLING HOOK. You can still save yourself if you can manage to do it within a reasonable time frame.

For the same reason we don’t allow Pharah or Echo to fly forever. It defeats the purpose of other heroes entirely. The only thing I can give you with this is perhaps increasing the time a bit, like 7 seconds, but it definitely should NOT be permanent.

Saying that your experience is the only one that is true and relevant is naive. You are not disagreeing with me only, but with everyone who thinks like me or that believes the change is not important, which is a lot of people.

You are the one who said only your opinion is relevant and true not me.

I haven’t “swapped” my position? I don’t know what made you think that. I stand for what I said.

That is your opinion.

So just the people who disagree with you, sure.

It’s one of my favorite tanks yes. I like mobility, I play Dva, Winston and Hammond.

You didn’t really answer my question but ok. As for what you say, that buff was taken back because they made others. Those apparently didn’t work so now they are trying something else, and old idea that never made it in favor of others, just like they tried increasing his hp before but didn’t go through, then later they still increased his hp and it did work. I don’t know if this one is going to work or not, that takes time, but what I’m sure is that there is a valid reason why they are buffing him.

I’d call that the million dollar question….many people have openly questioned what that is….and dev notes were coincidently missing this time around

So far all we’ve gotten is:

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The answer is very simple, it’s just that some people don’t want to accept it, which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but in the end the devs will decide as usual.


Cassidy and needing help u gotta be kidding me… also hanzo aswell really?

It was removed because people complained about the 1 shot mechanic, not because it could ricochet. It was ironically replaced with an ability that is much stronger. You should also note, there are daily complaints about Hanzo’s 1 shot ability on his primary fire too. But if you ask me, even though storm arrows are an objectively stronger ability than scatter ever was, I still had more fun with scatter because it was unique. The devs know this, and added the ricochet mechanic back - but now it no longer has the ability to 1 shot. It is a nice compromise of fun for everyone.

If Blizzard listened to whiners on forum everyday, literally every hero in the game would be doing 1 damage. Because dying isn’t fun.


The point being there would be nothing else to do during this time other than rush into the enemy by yourself or hang back with the rest of your team doing NOTHING.

You can heal someone up so the shot that WOULD kill them doesn’t. Wall ride up from a boop after getting back to a wall can take LONGER. Fade also shoots you forward and can recover from a boop OR as you posited earlier avoids a one shot that would have killed you. Wraith is the same and can dodge one shots or avoid killing shots. Flight with phara is barely limited and necessarily so because it’s what she’s about. You CAN still save yourself with tether but now it’s luck as to whether you have the right momentum or angle , not whether your reaction time and aim are good enough.

Why should every hero need to able to easily die to everything that every other hero does that’s potentially lethal? Booping a phara or a DVA and most of the time a winston is pointless even in their current incarnations. Does that make the other heroes pointless? No. Because they do a lot of other things that can kill those heroes and the fact those skills exist make those heroes good choices against boop-happy players.

I’m saying my experience is true insofar as every example I gave is something I had a problem with. I’m not like your quotes telling OTHER people that their problem isn’t real. Not so much that they are the one truth above all. And relevant to the discussion at hand about it removing other things besides “spin to win” and those things being useful, skillful and fun.

I didn’t say ONLY.

Do you? Cause it seems I’ve poked holes in that and you haven’t said anything other than trying to discredit them.

It is , and I will state that IN MY OPINION it made it a lot less fun for me. However I make no claims for everyone else.

… can you read?

Then I feel you are missing and have MISSED a very much deeper playstyle than just rushing around the map.

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Let’s all be glad they don’t….and it wouldn’t be 1 damage….it would just be 32 completely broken heroes

Of course the Cree player likes the patch :joy:

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Fun over balance… So, why nerf hammond???

All these changes are stupid without any neutrality, done in a convenient way

  1. giving more opportunity for the moira to act as flank/damage

2.Hammond being crippled in one of the easiest tactics to be defeated

  1. Cassidy who already has 225 health, reloads the weapon faster than the Ashe (and much more damage than the Ashe even without scope), has an ult one hit and now has vertical mobility

  2. Rein, the only tank that only receives buffs for more than 5 patches, the only one that still has a barrier with a lot of life and even after increasing m1 damage, did not have the ult cost increased, 5 hammers in less than 1 minute of game already give him 100% ult, and now devs gives onehit to him, even ignoring the opponent’s shield (and will know if it’s a bug)

The devs working on ow2 is no excuse to give content creators the responsibility to balance the game by prioritizing fun, after all ow1 is the only one we have so far and keeping the game competitive healthy is a priority.

If you want funny games, go to custom game and create your own rules.

This post is genuinely interesting, seeing someone constantly telling everyone else that they should be happy with changes because it’s their opinion. “Bro it makes the game fun for me so it’s a great patch.” “What do you mean its not fun for you? In my opinion its fun so you can’t say that it’s not” “Stop saying patch bad, I think patch fun stop saying it isn’t!!!” “Don’t you know that having an opinion means I get to shut out criticism!!!”