[The Older Watchers] To The Older Gamers (35 yrs and above), Hello!

I’m Gen Y but tell people I’m Gen X since I couldn’t stand Gen Y’s back then. But now that Millennials are around… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

From a player who grew up with Commodore 64, Atari, Sega and Nintendo… and plenty of Duke 3D and Halo.

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Duke Nukem. They released a game a few years ago for that franchise… but I don’t believe we’ll ever see another one again due to the stifling politically correct days we live in. Too bad too, we all had a sense of humor back then and enjoyed tongue-in-cheek humor. It was a great game with near endless replay value.


Thank you, Napalmitos.

Well, '76 was the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac and it was a huge baby boom year in my country. So there was a lot of competition for amenities and especially, schools. It was uber competitive academically, to the point, whereby academic grades were tightened and shifted upwards while placements in the only 2 universities did not increase. It was really stressful growing up under those conditions…

However, that said, It was not a bad year to be born in, those of us '76-ers were young enough to recall the atari days / Street Fighter 2 hitting the arcades and pin ball machines! Yet, we were old enough to see the development of mobile phones (i loved my chunky Nokia 3310), the internet (screeching dial up modems and netscape) and of course, seeing PC gaming moving from the fringes to mainstream.

…and yes, the 1st damage dealing character i cut my teeth on in OW was Soldier 76… :joy:

I think that most of us do not regret getting OW! Game on, dude!

Wow! Highlander! Even until today, my friends and i are still quoting the original and of course, watching and re-watching it. Great job on the movies, dude. Really, you and your colleagues did great. It is such a pity that it did not continue beyond the TV series and that last movie. It really should be brought back. The White Wolf set of paper and pencil RPG was quite nice according to my fellow RPG geek friends.


Don’t remember which thread you’re referring to, because there’s endemic problems both in forums and ingame.

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What Overwatch would look like if it was made back in the 1990s

I remember Neo Geo having my favourite arcade games.
Metal Slug and King of Fighters!


I worked on Seasons 3-5 of the Adrian Paul show. I take no credit, nor blame, for the films. :rofl:

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You guys have Overwatch in retirement homes?

Very nice gif file, Vangel! … and back in the 1990s, no one could have complained about how OP pirate ship would be!

All the old Neo Geo fighting games can be bought and downloaded onto the Nintendo Switch via the Nintendo Shop. Get a couple of fight sticks and let the good ol’ times rip! I enjoyed Art of Fighting so much in the arcades.

These two threads:

But no matter. Yes, i am unsure if it is a generation gap, difference in upbringing or just a sign of the times. To be sure, i do not experience all that much “toxic” behaviour on the Asia servers but as i said, it could be a cultural difference. However, one would assume, from all the negativity, that the OW in game and online communities are cess pools of vulgarities, ragging, rage and other bad behaviour. So much so that no one would ever think of buying and playing the game.

I have tried to do my part to spread some positivism but to no avail:

It seems to me that majority of the online community, here, contradict themselves. They all rant and would spend hours rage typing essays, tantamount to a full a thesis; on how “toxic” and “broken” everything is but do not attempt to even try and make things a little better.

So the saying goes, “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”

I am just thankful, that i visited the EU forums prior to being redirected to the U.S. forums (strange, i know but well…). Our EU cousins are definitely way more civil and more helpful, for sure.


Turning 43 in August, but am no longer playing the game. The forums is kind of a study in stupidity as I observe Blizzard’s increasingly poor judgement in effect.

Also… just hit 1000 posts…


Same… 32

I really like the state the game is in right now and am seriously excited for Wrecking Ball.

What keeps me playing the game are predominantly the social aspect and being able to play with my friends. Have met a lot of cool people.

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Ha ha!

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It must be old timers playing in the gif Cuz they all are on the payload


Wah Ha ha ha!

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Ayyyye Duke Nukem with Windows 95 my first PC game.
I took it from my older brother.

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“Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!”

I’m about to turn 34 lmao I’ve been a game nerd for longer than many of Overwatch’s younger players have been alive.

Old lady voice

Get off my game you darn kids!

In all seriousness though I love grouping and playing with gamers of all ages. There’s something nice about trying to make sure the younger kids have a good experience with Overwatch.

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Glad that I made the minimum requirement. =p

What are your ranks (if you do play com)?
Asking for a friend.

No, I am just curious. =)

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Thank you, everyone for contributing to the thread. I hope that peeps have maybe added one another and are having a good time in the game or perhaps even other Blizzard games like SC and HOTS.

I have requested to be added to some of your friend’s list and hopefully, we can meet up online for a game or two when i visit the U.S. server =)

That sounds wonderful, Lypreila. I try to be positive with the younger players on the Asia servers myself, to the point of having “adopted” a few of the young 'uns with them calling me, “papa” and “uncle”. =)

I think that it is so very important that, in view of the “toxicity” blatant or otherwise; that the adults in game reach out to the younger ones. Although, sometimes, that may be frustrating for us because of their immutable views and lack of basic courtesy. However, that is no unique to younger people as well.

Hello Vuveryvti and welcome to the thread!

Myself, i only did placements for Season 10 to see if i was as bad as i thought i was (below 500SR) and was placed Sliver. From what i can recall off the replies, i probably am the lowest at Silver.

I think that quite a few are in Gold and Platinum, i thought i read that one of the Older Watchers here is Master or GM level.


38yo here, gamer since 7yo on apple 2.

9000 hours on the mmo Dark age of camelot over 10 years :stuck_out_tongue:

Now with a familly and 2 children it’s a bit hard to spend that much time on a game but since the begin of OW i have arround 800h of play … gamer till the end :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for posting and game on, Faoline!

Older Watchers, gamers for life!