Positivity forever 😜

I know it’s far too early to make my next positivity thread but due to how bad the toxicity is I think I’ll make it now :confused:

But happiness can be found anywhere you just have to look for it :smile:

Not to mention the Archives/Uprising event is going to be here soon :yum:

So I hope your getting what you want in the current event because the next event will bring fun new things :upside_down_face:

And I hope you had a great day because tomorrow will be :100:% better I guarantee it :slightly_smiling_face:

This will also be my last thread and last few post here on the forums after this I will depart though if I’m being honest no body will care least of all those who never cared for my positivity in the first place :neutral_face:

Though I would like to give a special thanks to BattlePants - for always being by my side :shield:

KnockingNick - for giving me the motivation I needed to continue :speaking_head:

Drizzm - for always sneaking into my threads without me noticing until I was directly contacted via a comment :thread:

Akaras - for being so understanding and accepting :sun_with_face:

Serencious - most of all for keeping me here on the forums after I gave up hope quit funny really in a good way of course :laughing:

Widowmeiker - for being the silent liker and appearing out of nowhere :blue_heart:

Hotaru251 - for helping me figure stuff out about the forums when I needed it :memo:

Rocktopus - for always appearing on my positivity threads be it on day one or day two it was like a magic trick :tophat:

Silenthill - for being around since my very first positivity thread a year ago and appearing on my threads or other every so often :rabbit2:

And last but not least :smiley:

PyroPanda - for helping me figure out how to create a signature along with appearing on almost every positivity thread I made :panda_face:

Plus anyone else I met along the way that was a great help thank you so much for not only being kind but for always giving me a reason to stay here until the end keep up the A-MEI-ZING work :innocent:

And as Baptiste likes to say let’s maintain that positive attitude I think we can all learn by his example after all these forums and the game itself are super toxic I think Baptiste/Blizzard might be onto something :crazy_face:




That’s sooo cute! uwu
Lots of love! :purple_heart:


Thank you took me ages to type but it was worth it :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Awwww, you’re leaving for good? :frowning:

Hopefully you make a reappearance sometime in the future, you will be missed!


Even just seeing a topic like this that’s not about “nerf this buff this” is a breath of fresh air


I might someday but it’s degrading how much toxic hate there is I can handle it in one setting but in two no I’ve almost cried with what people have said to me not a good sign in the slightest but as long as someone is making these types of threads in my stead I know things here will be alright :yum:

And that I’ve done at least something right :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Bye! :sob: Make sure to check out the winky face discord at least.


No I totally forgot to mention you I’m so bad! :woman_facepalming::man_facepalming:

You were a great help in helping me continue on here also! You deserve just as much recognition as the others I mentioned! :hugs:

And I will make sure to visit that discord :upside_down_face:

Always remember positivity is :key:


More in-depth dev communication, faster servers from Google, and faster balance updates.

I’m pretty happy about all that.


Hit up our Winky Discord.

You play on PC?

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I will totally try and visit the discord seems like an interesting server if I’m being honest :grin:

And to answer your second question I think some things are better left unsaid :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


I’ll try my best to rally up the more positive people! :smiley:


So is it broken?

You, BattlePants, Rocktopus, CoolUserName and Drizzm will make a great team if you all band together :yum:

@Rocktopus - to make more sense I usually keep that kind of information private for safety reasons it’s just something I’ve learned to do over the years :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:


Haha. No problem. Thanks!

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My pleasure I knew I was forgetting someone then you commented and I was like oh no but it’s fine now :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I just wonder what my positive thread should be? I’d like to have a theme of some sort. :thinking:


Imma send you a friend request, see if it works :ok_hand:

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I’m ok with that :yum:

After all I can’t stop you nor would I try :sweat_smile:

@KnockingNick - I had a theme of sorts but make it creative always have a different name and the emojis are optional but they make threads pop :wink:

Always remember positivity is :key:


I main tanks btw :shield:

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