The official Mercy fanclub

Hi there and welcome to the Mercy fan club! Come hang out and talk with your fellow Mercy enthusiasts! Please feel free just to chat about whatever and get to know each other; “on topic” would have everybody repeating the same thing very fast.

I am new to OW, but my friends basically lured me in here with promises of a beautiful Swiss healer goddess as a honey trap. Obviously, it worked!

Now, they’ll tell you anything: she’s been nerfed, she’s too easy, she’s too hard, she’s no longer relevant, she flat-out sucks… but I think it’s time for us to tell the haters that no matter how many times our Mercy gets nerfed, we’ll love her all the same.

I am one of those people that only play heals and I also tend to stick to one character once in a game like this. People have already given me tons of useful Mercy advice, but the one thing I had to disagree with is that one-tricking Mercy is somehow bad… she’s my main and I am sticking to it!

If you’re a Mercy fan, this is the place for you! And if you’re not, well, you’ll probably going to be shooting at me in Quick Match.

As of 7/17/18, we are M&M: in Alliance with the Official Mei Fanclub! Mercy is hot, and Mei is cool. Both are sweet, hence the M&M. So, if you have the time, stop by our affiliate fan club! We have :switzerland: chocos, they have Mei :icecream: !


Mercy Main Here!

No matter the buff or Nerf I will keep on maining her



I flex, but Mercy is one of my mains. Does that count? Am…am I still considered a member of the Fan Club? ;-;



I am also a Mercy fan. I main Mercy as well, but I also flex heroes such as changing to Mei during matches or switching off to Orisa.


Mercy fan (my (former) 3rd)

but until she get fixed, I adamantly refuse to play her - or jump on the Moira bandwagon.
(Lucio on payload, else no healer. sry)


I don’t play Mercy but she cute so I’m in.


“Did i ever tell you how i lost my medical license?”

Oh, ups, i must have confused you for someone else.


I miss psychotic 5 man rez mercy. The one that would watch everyone die around her on purpose. Only more sacrifice will make the mercy press Q.


Come on, guys, talk to each other! No need for just one-liners!

And yes, even if she’s just one of your mains, you’re in. The Guardian Angel loves you! :smiley:


Been a TF2 Medic Main when I first arrived. It only seemed natural that I mained Mercy. The fluidity is nice. But I miss the feeling of slaughtering every Scout, Demo, Opposing Medic with my Crit-Machine.

I started to lose interest in her, once they implemented spectator mode. I wished they’d revert her…


If other Blizzard games are any indication, they’ll be tweaking things for balance for a long time. I may be wrong but it kinda sounds like they nerfed her so much that they may power her up more later… just conjecture on my part, of course.

@wit: sacrifice will make her press Q, yes, but also intense gunfire. Don’t forget your ammo!

@FaneL: I think Roadhog lost his medical license for obvious reasons. Mercy? NEVAR!


I was a Mercy main only once, i still enjoy playing with her but i sucks that what she used to mean before has changed significally.

She was a resurrection angel, always helping and less about fighting, now you see more offensive Mercys when ulting and i dont feel like flying is actually doing any good to my team, They had to change her whole role just to “balance” her.


@Nazztypunk: well, the changes seem pretty recent, who knows what will happen later? Anyway, I just got here, and I like the game a lot, though admittedly I have no perspective on the matter beyond 4 days ago.


I’m dps main but Mercy was my go to healer when I would flex (when no one else played healer). Unfortunately, since the nerfs, I have switched to Moira. I hope one day, she will become viable again because I miss playing her.


Glad you are enjoying the game man, try to get all the event skins because imo Mercy has the best skins. hopefully they will fix how she fits in the lore now


Well Seoul Dynasty of all teams just used Mercy for most of attack on King’s Row. So not dead, I’d say.


@BubbleDncr: The League players are crazy good. I don’t think I could game like them if I spent my whole life trying lol.

@Nazztypunk: yah, I saw the skins, I can’t wait to get them all. Though, sadly, “all” means till next winter… wish I had joined one month earlier…

@Eldyrus: ultimately, gaming is for fun and you gotta play what is fun. It’s unfortunate to see people get so angry about matches, games shouldn’t feel like a job.


I used to be a Mercy main but now play mostly tanks due to the rework crisis. I’d like to enjoy playing her again and hope that someday she’ll receive some love to return her to her former glory.


Well, so far my main role is to bleed on them, and I take this role very very seriously. My current average is 8 deaths per match, luckily it’s not 9 'cause Mercy is not a cat.


I may not main her, but she is one of my favorite characters😀

You know what she needs? An animated short👌