The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I actually learned something from the stream I watched for this Mercy event.

Namely, how powerful Sombra can be if you play her right. People on forums call her garbage tier and such.

Mei’s VA is a total sweetie.

He’ll eat you alive, you know.

That’s just the point, she’s always laughing and smiling.

And the typo wars begin again…

Can you remind me what the fine is for 1st Degree-Mei-Slaughter?

Shrines in Overwatch?

It’s not the typo police, it’s the typo SECRET police.

I’ll see you in the Gulag, bro. >:-)

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<–watched 6hrs of Vale playing supports and learned nothing.

nah. akaras is typo police. widow and me never forget.


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I agree with this.
I know it wasnt Mei for real but this made my day:

But he wants Mercy

I was only trying to help!

I was only trying to help!
widow said you dont like Seren he even fixed the typo when I pointed it out

I should really start it now…

a false fact being removed isnt a typo thoguh :thinking:

you’d have to do it everytime someone (including urself) used a mei pun

It was never supposed to make it through the filter and if he had left it, it would be seen as a fact
I was helping!

Well we know that wont happen.
Id have to start a new english dictionary so I knew what the new rules are
But I am not the typo police!

I can honestly say that with you back, it’s like nothing’s changed. xD

That’s a good thing.

How are you liking the Mercy event, Hotaru? Don’t forget to watch streamers on Twitch for great Mercy sprays.

There’s even one where Mercy is healing Mei, that’s the one I am using from now on for obvious reasons.

As promised, now that the Angel costume request thread is abandoned, here’s a link to the dusty Mercy fanclub. I wonder if there are any Mercy mains who are unaware of it; it’s been kaput for a while.

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Im aware of it, but it seems the mods here frown sternly on reviving long-inactive threads


The last one is great, because what you don’t see in it is Mei’s team pushing the payload the last 5 meters to the finish unhampered. Of course, her team will totally forget that and all vote for the Ana who did no heals while doing nothing but sniping the entire game. :laughing:

Of course! What did you thibk Hotaru was doing this whole time!

Like the ones you thought about looking up.

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game was out in early 1017…i have beaten the game multiple times. :expressionless:
using bow only is hardest as u cant do it w/o mastering the perfect guard.

nah. u dont use guides on game like botw as it ruins experience.
anyways going away now likely for days/week.

1017, wow…thats a long long time ago :slight_smile:

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Playing monster hunter. (are you secretly megadodo?)

Are you secretly akaras?

It was a typo, I’m sure you remember. I typed out “I don’t think hotaru likes you” to seren rather than “I don’t think hotaru dislikes you” like I meant.

I wish akaras didn’t make such a big deal about it, he even went on to claim that I said that you “hate” seren. Poorkaras.


I support this.
Why get a game if someone else is going to play it for you.

Nintendo just started in 1016

I wasnt last I checked.

That’s where calling me the typo police started
Post number: 2435 is where I became what you all call me

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Plotting evil with Pinky and the Brain?

Play Fallout 4 and get a weapon that uses teddy bears as a ballistic weapon.

Junk jet makes me tear up, it’s the most beautiful creation humanity thought up since we invented nukes.

“I have become Mei, destroyer of worlds.”

Dodo didn’t go extinct. He just wants you to think he did so he can steal your plushy pillow and lazily lounge upon it.

Does the typo police violate the due process clause of the US Constitution?

Nintendo actually started in 466 BCE, when two plumber time travelers created devices to pump waste out of the house.

…then, Atilla the Hun came. Via time travel.

And we were just making a difference.

That’s what Rodney King said too, and look how that turned out for him.

He got in a scuffle with some cops, it was recorded by someone out his window, they got acquitted on police brutality and then the riots happened.

He went and publicly said, “Can’t we all get along?”

I am so sleepy, didn’t sleep well. Did you sleep well?

Alright, now i am yawny and sleepy.

Time to crash. Have a splendid day!

Dont trust Mei. She hates us all

I never use it because the ammo has weight.

Why not have them create a playing card game?

Wouldnt he end up being his own Grandpa?
I guess we know how we defeated the giant brains from space

The LA riots!

Id just like to sleep in my own bed… Being four hours from home is almost too much.

Thats how I felt yesterday, in 48 hours I only slept for 2!

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This week my work schedule went from noon to 9 or 10 pm, to 5 am-3ish.
I’ve been so tired all week, I was so tired last night that I fell asleep around 8.