The official Mei fanclub

When we get a speedo hog this list is gonna definitely change.

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shocking truth!

Snowball is the tool I want in NM. It’s freaking hot out here!

Her last letter to me was just as bad it read “lol you lost, GG2EZ”

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snowball has an AI! It is also nto a tool!

well you lost for a silly reason v-v

  1. Speedo hog (in theory)
  2. Pajamei
  3. Jiangshi
  4. Nutrcracker
  5. Totally 80’s
  6. Cthulu.
    7+ (Doesn’t really matter)

Did you just write that? In the Mei fan club? Fix it.


It still doesn’t come close to

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Umm… you have some strange fantasies

idk what you possibly mean :slight_smile:

I don’t know what you’re talking about

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Hey there bebe. Just kidding.

Snowball would be better for the environment I am sure a scientist would understand my AC needs.

Possible, but she still calls me a noob. In fact the one on my wall simply says “U suck noob. From Mei”

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I tried to post an image and it got messed up so I panicked and deleted the post

It’s ok. I forgive you.

So what are we going to name our first child? I’m thinking Zenyatta

and now it is immortalized.

youre welcome :slight_smile:

it was of you in a roadhog speedo makign a heart with your hands.

Zenyatta if it’s a boy. Ana if it’s a girl.

Zenyatta either way.

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gasp! how did you know?