The official Mei fanclub

Didn’t you ship seren and me like two days ago. I don’t know what kind of boy you think I am-spoken in a sassy voice.

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Snowball told me. Has this entire place being recorded.

you cheater!

poor sere gonan cry knowing you cheating behind his back! HOW COULD YOU?!

Are you saying one person can only be shipped with one other person at a time? You disgust me

he might have broken up with seren

So it’s Widow-dog/ Snickers.

is that why sere isnt here? heartbreak?

My like on this post marks the first time I EVER ran out of likes. I guess no more likes for ten hours…

i have yet to ever run out.

i still think you guys are just joking

like if i went and posted cute mercy/mei pcis they’d magically have mroe apepar.

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That’s what I’m saying I’ve liked about 100 posts today and I still have them.

Probably. We need to help them get back together by spamming replies to all of Serens comments

Why would I lie about this!? Blizzard more evil than Mei!

Hotaru gave serenicus and me that name.

Like every single comment in this thread. Then you’ll run out

we cant D:!

else you will be heartbroken.

sere deserves better than beign cheated on.

How? I wouldve gone with serenmeiker or widowicus

Who are we shipping?

I like widowcus. It sounds like a gladiators name.

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Serenicus and widowmeiker, widowmeiker and me

i shipped sere and widowmei other day.

then widowmei and torida tonight.

they went with it and thus widowmei is a cheater and torida is a homewrecker.