The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Mei mains, question of the day:
What was the initial reason you first picked mei?
What made you decide to main her?

I first picked Mei because she is the ice hero. I’ve always liked ice characters. Sub zero from mortal kombat is my favorite character in that game and Articuno is my favorite Pokemon.
I main her cause she is so fun (her ice wall is my favorite ability in the game), she is super survivable, and she has a very high skill ceiling.


She has a few skins with normal skin.

She’s also sweet and adorable and the underdog in the lineup because she’s a normal person and not some sort of weird construct.

Edit: my heart still belongs to Mercy. And alcohol.

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If I had to choose between a girl or alcohol, it would be an easy choice.
One makes you look forward to coming home after a hard day of work, makes you feel warm on the inside, and helps you fall asleep when you’re stressing out.
And the other one wants to argue all the time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not in the Mei club especially by the new boss.

Mei the gods have Mercy on your soul.

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To be fair the ‘boss’ of the club also used the word maybe.
Also, you have to answer the question of the day.

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It reminded me of this.

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And the first part of that.

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So, being here with Hotaru all this time makes you want salvation by bottle?

Mei is A-ok in my book. :smiley:

My Mercy! You can’t have her! >:-o

I corrected “maybe” to “Mei-be”.

I miss Tori. :frowning:

Wait, what?

I will give you a pass on the other Mei words but “mei-be” and “a-mei-zing” are mandatory!

She is still my most played hero! She is just as much mine as yours!

Tori knew the REAL Mei like I do…

I quoted Tori on a mei club spelling error and he went and edited it so he wouldn’t be wrong. Good times.

I hated being ice walled in my spawn so I decided to try her out. I kept picking her because I got kinda good with her, eventually she became my best hero and now I mei-n her. I mostly play her as a off tank because her DPS is barely noticeable.


Gimme a break, bro, I am new at this! By the way, I answered your post at Mercy’s, but I edited it in so it won’t notify you.

No! I refuse to believe it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, there was a Mei balance back then. Now, most Mei-ns love Mei rather than regarding her as Satan.

I don’t play Mei, I just like her character concept. She’s very sweet and plays around with Snowball. Kinda like the girl next door in a lineup of giant Germans and homicidal pyro Aussies.

You have been here since the beginning! In fact I think you inspired Tori to make the original Mei club. So no excuses!

You have to accept it. Hotaru said I was a Mercy main so now I have to live with that until I get my Mei hours up.

The overwhelming majority of Overwatch players say Mei is satan.

I almost exclusively do mystery heroes so I play everyone. My weakest heroes in order are Pharah, Reinhardt, Doomfist, and Zarya with no healer. My support game is strong! But Mei is my mei-n gal. If mystery heroes screws up and give me Mei it typically takes a one shot (Widow, Hanzo, Doomfist, Reaper, McCree, Rein) character to get me off her.

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She also said that symmetra could survive in a small room while facing 6 meis. So she is wrong sometimes.
I kinda miss hotaru tho. It’s been much quieter in here without her.

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What!? When did she say that?

We all miss Hotaru, she was always picking on us.

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In the old Mei fan club. I’d have to try to find it.

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I will be waiting.
The other day when I was looking for the Tori “amazing” error I went through over 1000 posts.

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Ant one character trying to fight sux of anything would be crazy. Silly Hotaru.

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I helped him start it, yes, but the terminology you guys use has mostly been over my head. I don’t even have an hour on Mei, yet at least.

I think Hotaru has Hotarunapped you and it’s actually Hotaru saying this to me right now :stuck_out_tongue: .

The overwhelming majority of Catholic nuns regard teddy bears as greater demons out to swallow all life on earth to feed their ravenous hunger that can only be satisfied with living flesh and warm blood.

Normally, Comp is harder than Quick Play, but I am a Bronzie so for me Comp is actually easier. Playing against people in QM, there are no skill tiers, so you really CAN be matched against Grandmasters and top 500, and that’s not smurfing but rather the legitimate way QM is made. In Comp, I am up against other Bronzies unless I am up against smurfs.

Not sure where or why she left…

That sounds like an overdose of :ice_cream: to me…

I would go crazy trying to find a post in one of the fanthreads…

We must bring her back. :frowning:

Ha! Was I drunk when I wrote that. I don’t drink so I who knows what’s with all those errors.

If I know it exists I’ll find it.

She did like her ice cream.

This is true, my guess is because you can feel the pressure in comp. Five people breathing on your back, ready to pounce on your first mistake.

Who says they are not?

Na, because I am not fighting Widowmeiker yet.

Fix it.

Even though I find Mei sweet and adorable, my gaming time belongs to the angelic Mercy. Whom NO ONE calls Satan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, do you think Hotaru decided we are bad company and she went off to greener pastures where she’ll replace us with Roadhog mains?

Must… not… fall… prey… to… augh dies

Mic mutes do wonders.

Who could NOT like :ice_cream: ?

The determination… no one can stop the Akaras!!!

Have you any recollection of being chloroformed?

If you find it, you get free :ice_cream: .