The official Mei fanclub

mei is good girl.

she cools people down in the supppper hot summers.

Where was she when I was at the junkyard pulling a motor?
My main left me to burn out there!
Which is why I like her, Mei don’t give a ****!!!

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pushing the payload in Junkertown…nobody else bothers staying by it :frowning:


Well, while she was doing that I was dieing in the hot NM dry heat!
Mei don’t care but that is why I call her my ice queen.
Mei is the best.

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She has bills to pay D:!

You want Mei to starve and be homeless?

lies. She sends you letters every month! I have seen them. you framed them on your walls.

Best skin in overwatch. Convince me otherwise.


Have you seen zen’s nutcracker skin?

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Jiangshi is pretty good, but nothing comes close to nutcracker zen

I will give that second best skin in the game. And zen’s nutcracker 3 place for you toridadog. Cthulu zen is up there to.

But look at her bed-head. how can you beat that?? Rhetorical question. You cant

Cthulhu zen is cool, nutcracker zen is funny. Just like mei’s jiangshi and pajamei!

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Simple. With a massive white ponytail on a robot.



She can move in with me. Imagine what I would save not running the AC!

Her first letter to me was " lern 2 play noob lol" I have not stopped thinking of her since then

Mei is a person not a tool!

she knew you neded a blunt answer to get motivation. she is a smart girl afterall.

I’m currently using zarya’s 80s skin. I was born in the 80’s and it definitely deserves an honorable mention.

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I forgot about that skin! It’s ameizing too

ofc. its great.

dont doubt the 80’s (i was born in mid 1989)