The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

You do what you gotta do to stay alive.

So she will not share with you.

Our poor MGS and Castlevanina communities. Both of which are still corner stones for the classic PlayStation. Square for Final Fantasy almost went down a dark path but eventually they came at us in 2015 with the KH3 announcement and the one we have all been waiting for. Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

I can’t…
Politics and religion are taboo topics…

Most don’t like them because various times they were caught cheating. If your winning your winning but if we are not going to put asterisk on the years they were punished for cheating it will always seem like they got the “rings” by breaking the rules every other team tries to follow.

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Hey, just to let you know that the #MeiCNY redraw in your own art style challenge will end in 16 days!

And also, I’m going to take part in the OW SEA Fan art skin contest. Will be drawing Mei in her summer skin.

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I think she’s not OP, I think she’s high-skill. Wall is a strategic device for stuff like dampening enemy ults or separating the enemy team. If you don’t use it just the right way, they can go right aruond the wall or something. The freeze only affects one enemy, which is a problem for Mei if she’s outnumbered.

I definitely agree that if the player is skilled she can do tons of harm, but it takes high skill to make the most out of :ice_cream: queen.

Cue the “staying alive” song.

Your Mei slander will get you nowhere here :stuck_out_tongue: . She luffs us and you know it.

I know politics, but why religion? If you’re with like-minded people it’s just a bunch of people reading the Bible and listening to a sermon or something. I don’t see how that by its nature has to make other people disadvantaged, angry, etc.

I didn’t know about the cheats, but part of it is, if the same team always wins and the opponent can’t even put up a good fight, the fans get bored.

One year ago, Alabama beat Georgia in the championship with a spectacular 41 yard touchdown at the last second by a freshman quarterback. It was a nail-biter, and I think everybody expected Georgia to come away with it. That game was as epic as a well-made Hollywood movie.

It’s not just the win, it’s the game. You only see that sort of game in any sport every once in a blue moon, so once you have the indomitable Tom Brady and his never-lose Pats, the only real excitement are the commercials lol.

I can’t draw, sadly, but I hope your contest will go well!

Tom has never beat Eli Manning in a Super bowl or met Aaron Rodgers.

It always happens.
I debate food more than those two topics. Though my own research I believe people find me and my silly arguments to be more pleasant than my brother who likes to argue politics and religion. Also because they find me more pleasant they tend to listen to my side of debates as opposed to just shutting down my side.

You are the one slandering my nefarious ice queen!
Soon enough she will turn you into a ice cube by freezing all of Chicago!

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That’s probably because he used voodoo dolls to give them jock itch at the worst possible times.

Food is better, yes. Mei is better too, not that I would put any stock into your Mei slander which will get you 0 :ice_cream: at this rate.

More like hug and some free dessert but ok.

Where do you guys think meis at balance wise? I think shes in a pretty good spot :slight_smile:

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Well, she needs more garments that are not Antarctic, and maybe an ice cream emote, and more of those goofy ones where she’s jumping for joy.

You can clearly see I know tons about balance. >.<

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I think were both in the same boat lol I just like to speculate

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Sadly, while I love the Overwatch art and music, I don’t know much about the math stuff. Still, you gotta admit, a Mei ice cream emote would rock.

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You would rather watch your team lose in the playoffs, than eat a Whopper or big Mac? Masochist much?

I’m not a fan of the Patriots or Tom Brady, but only one qb has faced Aaron Rodgers in the super bowl (Ben rothlisburger). And Tom Brady has more super bowl wins (6) than Eli Manning has super bowl appearances (4)

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She is the only character I feel is consistent playing as or against.

Na, Tom isn’t the “goat” until he can beat Eli or win five consecutive without his team getting caught cheating.

Im starting to think you don’t know what that word means.
YOU slander Mei!

Only if you have snow cone flavoring. She is still going to freeze you. Your words are sacrilege to Mei.

No! I just know what I like.

The big debate in the NFL is who is the better QB between the two, we know who has the better coach because Bill wasn’t fired mid season. Between the two only one was humble enough to say the other is better, the other guy has a ego so huge it eclipses the sun. Just freaking say the ball was under inflated!

Eli is still undefeated vs Tom.

this stat means nothing to me, I know my team has won a few but I don’t care. I just like them because they are my team.

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I don’t think many people actually believe Eli Manning is as good as Brady, so maybe Manning wasn’t being humble by saying Brady is better than him maybe he was just being honest.
As far as having a big ego, I think that is a very common thing amongst people who reach the absolute top levels at anything (not just sports).
Can you think of any humble world champions or ‘goats’?
Holly Holm. I’m having issues thinking of any others.
Now think of world champs or ‘goats’ with big egos: Terrel Owens, Randy Moss, Deon Sanders, Floyd Mayweather, Roy Jones jr, Muhammad Ali, Adrian Broner, Ronda Rousey, Connor mc Gregor, Ken shamrock, Brock Lesner LeBron James, MJ, Kobe Bryant, Russell Westbrook. These are just off the top of my head, I’m sure I could add to the list.

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Eil didn’t lose his coach mid season this year. I’m talking about Aaron, Aaron.

Home town hero right there for ya. I think you also can claim NPH and Mark Maron as natives of ABQ.

Good list/point. I think Ali was completely justified because he was also fighting civil rights and draft dodging.


Let’s Go Patriots, just joking I don’t watch NFL that much. But I do really enjoy watch the Bruins, Red Sox , and Celtics play though. The AD rumors are bothersome and very troubling.

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Your last part strikes me with an dagger because I just like to enjoy supporting my favorite team no matter how many chips they have. I don’t care about the Lakers pass the Celtics in number of NBA titles overall. I just like the Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox no matter what.

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…until the Buffalo Bills win it all 7 times and you’ll change your tune real fast then.

Eli’s cheesecake, frozen to yummy goodness by Snowball?

No, the big debate is whether Mercy is more awesome than Moira. I, personally, can’t believe anybody even asks such a thing.

As Animal House so eloquently put it, “Sir, may I have another?”

She loves me. I am the person that wants to give her a hug. She wants to file a libel lawsuit against you. Told me so herself while gorging in comfort food out of the emotional trauma you’ve caused her. >:-o

As we all should.

I’d be impressed. To be honest, they are quite bad right now as are all the teams who start with a “B” in their team name with exception to the Bears.

Moira has better HPS and she has purple tubes all around her which is cool.


I would have believed you if you said she vist you at your house but “gorging on comfort food”… No, not Mei


I’m ashamed that Aaron Rodgers shares my first name.
But, if QBs were burgers, I think of Tom Brady as Five Guys or Blakes.
Aaron Rodgers is a packaged microwaveable burger you can buy from Walgreens in their frozen section.
Meaning Tom Brady is axiomatically (I learned this word from the big bang theory) better than Aaron Rodgers.

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Dude… Rodgers is good. I say this a Dallas fan who is still hurting from “the catch” you know the one pass Romo sent to Dez to advance in the playoffs.
I may not like the man but can not deny he is a great QB, if Belicheck was his coach we would see ameizing things. Tom wouldn’t even be known.

I see why you like those inferior burgers now.

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You like burgers without the ‘r’…

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