The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

It’s -9C. Might sound like I am trolling you, but it was -26C yesterday, so it’s like night and day. We still need to take precautions, but it’s acceptable and non-dangerous to do stuff like errands, so I am very thankful for that.

Thank you for asking!

It sounds like you guys have great weather, don’t take it for granted! Chicago weather is really bad, so we’re always wishing for a nice day out.

Whatcha up to?

The only thing that makes me think you are trolling is that you are using celcius.
I just finished up at the gym and am about to head to my mom’s house for dinner.
What are you up to?

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My car measures temperature in Celcius for some reason. Tht’s why I usually do that, I don’t check the Weather Channel, I just look in my car.

I should go to the gym. I should get in shape. >.<

Like the ones that run under tanks and went all kamikaze?

How about the doctor stop fixing the enemies of giant space gorilla.

It’s good when that happens but I can settle for just great service.

That’s about the same distance I have to drive to get to Sparkys. I have done it four times in the last twelve months only because I was already heading to ABQ.

It’s a long story but a quick summery would be just to say they are a evil Japanese gaming empire.

It’s not a opinion Sparkys is better than Five Guys. I have never tried your laguna burger so I can’t say if is good or not but Sparkys is real good.

I sure hope she is okay so when she reads this she can go Hotaru on ya

It’s never to late to start

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Nah, that’s just what American K-9 units call the service dogs. Let’s say a blanker stole a car and leads the cops on a high-speed chase. They block him off so he has to stop, then a cop opens his passenger door, and in goes the fur missile. In a few seconds, the cops have him.

What if the giant space gorilla is helping the enemies of humanity?


The food is just so good, but it’s bad for you. :frowning:

It should get a Japanese anime girl as a CEO. Then, things will REALLY get interesting.

I know… I should…

I suppose the kind I was thinking about was more of a fur anti tank mine.

What if the doctor is? Who can say what is the “right” side

If it was bad for me I wouldn’t eat it!

Konami is dead. Nothing can save it now. They tried their own Metal Gear (Metal Gear Survive) and that game was met with a overwhelming wave of disappointment.

I recommend baby steps, start by doing small stuff you don’t want to do. For me the first step was doing the dishes.

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Suikoden is a Konami franchise. Well, there goes the best bunch of console RPGs I ever played…

I shovel the snow for my mom and dad, trust me, that’s a lot harsher than dishes. But, I need to go to the gym regularly, like you guys do.

Mercy is too awesome to be evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Military uses dogs too. But not as cannon fodder.

If it was really as good as you claim, then you would have gone more than four times in a year.

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Alot of people feel this way about Konami, they have a huge amount of cherished IPs but they don’t seem interested in working on anything if they can’t monetize the heck out of it. The were charging for freaking save slots on Metal Gear Survive!

I believe you. I did it for a bit when I was in Maryland. I have to hand wash all my dishes, I hated it before but now it’s just something I do everyday.

If she wasn’t evil why does the giant space gorilla have to taze her?

Not anymore.

I’m to poor to go any more times than that… Freaking gas…

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I mean, sitting in a car for a long while just to eat in a particular place is pretty big dedication, so I don’t blame him for only doing it occasionally. There’s a hot dog place in Chicago that’s famous, (there was a movie filmed in it) and I occasionally trek the 30-40 minutes and take it easy around the speed trap cameras to eat there.

I’d have to agree with Akaras that even if you love a place, if you live far away you can’t go over there often, especially if money’s tight.

I bet Mei’s favorite restaurant in Antarctica is hard for her to frequent now that she’s going around saving the world.

Suikoden had a cult following, me included. Novels, fanfiction, highly detailed fansites, fanart, everything. It was more intense than Overwatch because of the length of the franchise and because the lore was waaaaaaaay more developed, though the problem for English-speaking fans was that a lot of the stuff was in Japanese. Way back in the days of Playstation 1, Suikoden 2 got awful reviews in the gaming mags but people loved it and Suik 1 sooooo much. There’s a pretty and shy girl ninja that loves the protagonist of the 1st game, I think their fandom was at least as rabid as Hinata and Naruto’s. And now I find out that Konami pissed away such a thing.

Akaras, you’re right, I do hate Konami now.

Snow shoveling is not a kiddie’s fun hour out here. My closest friend lives in Buffalo, they once got 7 feet in one day! Then, it started raining, the snow saturated with water, becoming even heavier, and roofs started caving in, in a town that took days to shovel out of the 7 foot snowfall.

When there’s feet and feet of snow, it’s essentially weightlifting but you have to breathe through your nose or you’ll get sick right away. If it’s like 4-5 feet, you gotta be careful or you’ll hurt your back. It really sucks.

I was just gonna say…

My cousin works in Hatch and I am jealous of him.

We all know her favorite food is snow cone without any flavoring.

If you want to hate them more look up what they did to Hideo Kojima at the game awards in 2015

A work out is a work out.
Do you at least feel the burn?

It sucks… If it was about thirty minutes away I would try to go at least once a month. Three hours of driving for just a burger is a bit intense for me.

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At least he doesn’t work for Orrin Hatch!

It’s flavored by the tears of her many enemies. :smiley: I am only saying this because you forgot to.

They didn’t let him go to an awards show? That doesn’t seem like good PR…

No, I am not a Bernie Sanders voter.

Three hours is a lot of driving. There must be a good burger near you.

He could, I have never seen him “working”

Only on a bad day to cheer herself up.

That is the “new” Konami.

And you won’t be with that attitude!

I wish there was.

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You should get McCree to stop by your area and use the Peacekeeper to shoot proud golden eagles out of the sky for you because everything tastes like chicken.

You’re being inconsistent, my friend. According to you, all Mei does is murder people for pleasure, so drinking their tears would be a good… dessert, if this libel-construct had any ground in reality. Which it doesn’t. xD

I went to Suikosource to get the full skinny on what happened to Konami and the franchise. It used to be a vibrant website filled with active fans; now, my question has been up for maybe 3/4s of a day, nobody answered it.

I am going to buy the Suikoden series on eBay this coming month. Not going to be cheap, but considering the situation, if I don’t do that, my favorite game series from childhood will be gone.

I’ll live. xD

Omnomnom, I am loving the McDonald’s vs. Burger King vs. DeathBurger Jr.

I’d rather watch the Cowboys lose again in the playoffs.

The Burn!

I told ya Konami is out.

You shouldn’t have too much of good thing. You’ll spoil your self.

We have the awesome Road Runner! And I’d never want to see one get hurt.

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Well, the New England Patriots won for the 9001st time in the Super Bowl, maybe you can settle for that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Konami game fansites seem to be just as out rofl.

You mean Mei will give me :ice_cream: .

The Acme corporation is pitiful. Wile E. Coyote should go to its competitors.

Who cares. The cheated for most of those wins.

Oh right, Bern*

They still exist.

If your are lucky and she thinks you worthy of sharing with. It’s unlikely because you are a Mercy mei-n.

Road Runner is just too boss for Acme

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Why not affiliate yourself to the Zen cafe too

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I’d like to keep to the Mei and Mercy threads so I can answer anybody and everybody within a reasonable amount of time. I am not in any way disputing that the Zen cafe and Bastion’s fanclub have a lot of good, fun people.

I think the country has New England Patriots fatigue. It’s no fun when the same team wins almost every year.

Exercising for America!

I don’t think Suikosource will go anywhere. It’s not really about current games because of Konami’s decisions, but it still is a very very very extensive database of Suikoden lore, pictures, game guides and information. It’s a pity their community has suffered.

Mei is too sweet to care and you know it.

He probably pops speed pills to dodge Wile E. Coyote.

Mei is super annoying, especially the wall and freeze. they should remove freeze and instead make it just slow you down by like 30% or something, incapacitating mechanics are lame and frustrating and ruin game experience for everyone else.

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