The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Better that than the laugh track the show (the big bang theory). Don’t you watch good shows? Did you say you watched Breaking Bad?

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Breaking bad was great. Let me guess your favorite show. So you like the cowboys and Aaron Rodgers, so I’m going to guess either keeping up with the Kardashians or my little pony.

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As of right now my favorite show is Brooklyn 99. I normally. I would play into your teasing but the 99 needs help to stay alive until we are sure NBC will give it another season.

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Mei is my second most played hero.

I hope I’m still allowed in the fanclub


I saw about a season and a half of the show. It’s good, and pretty funny.

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Our current club owner is a Mercy main and according to one of our lost regulars I am a Mercy main as well. I identify as a Mei-n but my time played weighs heavy on Mercy.
So you are good in here!

It has good cold opens and the fact it doesn’t have a laugh track make me smile.

My favorite cold open from the show.

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Hey, as long as you have a team to cheer for! Honestly, it’s not an intellectual or moral difference, just different uniforms with varying stats. I like the Chicago Bears because the bear is my favorite animal. xD They haven’t won the Super Bowl in a very long time.

The Buffalo Bills are terrible. My closest friend lives in Buffalo, he is the anti-Bills fan because he can’t stand how bad they are.

She will turn you into Reaper, though, a shade to suck blood. Yuo SURE you like her healing more than pretty elegant Mercy’s?

I am very happy you are not familiar with frat hazing.

Mei might have to punish you. And Snowball too.

I am ashamed Elliot Rodger shares MY first name. I am already hopeless with women, now I have to go around knowing that “the perfect gentleman” has my name written on his corpse. Blankety blank.

We need to fix you up with gyros.

Be careful or he’ll vote for Bernie Sander’s corpse in 20 years.

If they make a sitcom about Overwatch, I am totally down.

Of course you are! Do you like ice cream prepared with liquid nitrogen?

Evildoers dying a horrible death is good and funny too. <_<

Where IS Hotaru?!

What Akaras said.

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I do! Used to have a little shop here that made nitrogen ice cream. They closed down sadly

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Reminds me that I have an shipment of Helium tanks coming in. Time to sound funny.

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All you need is an occasional visit from Mei, and all of that will change. I promise. :ice_cream: .

Can you imagine what would happen if we fed helium to Hammond? OMG.

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Go see at 0:58 there is my Mei & Kat-chan angpau design


You have to be a real dedicated fan to be a Bills fan.

Sounds tempting.

Who doesn’t?
Mercy is great with her lock on healing. On console PharMercy is almost too good. Her healing output is too low to sustain tanks in combat though, so on attack I typically roll Moira but because rez is a powerful ability I teand to run Mercy on defense. Ana I only pick if my team has two tanks and a Bastion to ensure most of my shots land. My accuracy with Ana is usually around 47% on mystery heroes so I don’t know what my real hang up is with her…

Who knows, I eat everything that is put in front of me. I have only turned away two things in the last fifteen years.

A sticom like the one the Overwatch team kinda already did?

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You beat me by four hours!
Also, that’s pretty cool. Mei herself is holding it!

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Helium full chubby Hammond cheeks or Helium full into his Ball. :thinking:

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The high-pitched hamster squeal will be legendary.


I wish Pharah was a guy. Then everybody would ship Mercy with Pharah.

Congrats!!! That’s something to be proud of. :smiley:

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I think you get it now.

Her perfect ship is on the way, no need to hurry.

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You do know I am going to send helium-high hamsters after you, right?

McCree and Mercy are the only ship that makes sense anymore.

For what!?

We still got Roadhog!

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Because I can. All diabolical villains do everything for this reason. Including sending helium-high hamsters after people.

Blizzard actually said Mercy’s heart belongs to Roadhog. I hope they give us a real answer eventually.

Widowmaker and Mei have way more in common than mercy and mc cree.