The Mercy Rework - Part 1: An Introduction

And they always do? Not to mention that you only get to do that whenever you have your ult. Still waiting for those stats btw.

Yes. As once trickling starts, it doesn’t stop, until everyone is dead.

It may be tricky to get to good spot to resurrect everyone, but that’s what made things interesting.

So you are saying that they always perfectly trickle within the time interval required for you to get a MR off? And get everyone ready to push together.

Yes. 10 seconds is a long time in FPS, and players aren’t known for having long patience.

I don’t need to get them “ready to push”, they already are on point - I just need to get them back up. Ideally, when enemy is in the middle, so they get surrounded by resurrected teammates and can’t respond to attack from all directions at once.

I can’t tell if I have been baited into talking the the greatest troll ever…

I see. How do you get the Rez off, unless you also wanted MR to stay instant.

As long as it had immortality, it didn’t matter. Without one, I just had to use it in unexpected place - behind enemy backs, for example.

Immortality frame had it’s benefits, as it allowed some extra uses for MR - like escaping bad situation, or gunning down ulting enemy, while being immune to damage.

Right so being able to get off a massive Rez without any way to punish it is a great idea because?

It’s great idea, because it’s easy to punish. You literally have to kill 1 player, and dead players stay dead.

But you said you wanted it to have immortality.

Yes, as it still means, that should just 1 enemy be smart enough to save ult for later, my team will get wiped all over again.

I won’t mind having flight instead of immortality, however.

Ah right, so the way to punish it is to just win the team fight again because you made the 900 IQ play of hiding and going for a MR… That’ so smart Cleopatra, gee you really won me over there.

Are you dense? It’s not a team fight, it’s target practice - teammates won’t even have time to use anything defensive.

Really? I mean really?

Yes you are. You literally can put gun to the head of resurrected teammate and pull the trigger, moment one is vulnerable, giving one no chance to defend themselves. Calling it “team fight” is silly.

It’s something McCree mains often did - free killstreak on targets, that won’t have any chance to use anything. mains also used it - when you get resurrected and first thing you see is mech about to go boom, you really have a bad day.

That for all intensive purposes is still a team fight, there’s a team there, you fight them. Your whole idea is based on having idiot teammates who go in one by one but within a 10 sec window for you to perfectly get 5 people back up again, and also somehow expect the enemy team to have perfect target prioritization to cleanly win the fight again despite no longer having a positional advantage…

Not to mention advocating for hide and rez

and somehow I’m the dense one here

Because it’s normal to have idiot teammates. And enemy literally can each pick 1 of my teammates to put down again - they have advantage here.

If you have idiot team mates then don’t expect the enemy team to have perfect coordination and ult usage to counter your feel good button.

I do expect it, as it’s something I found quite often. 1 smart enemy is all it took to ruin my plan.

I mean all you have really done her is unintentionally present a TED talk as to why MR was an absolute garbage ability that was right to be removed and should never return outside of PvE.

Your play/plan is not good. It doesn’t deserve to work in the first place.

I am not trying to convince you, I merely explain my opinion. And my plan is great and deserves to work with what I got.

I would survive either way, difference is that with Valkyrie my teammates wouldn’t.