The mercy nerf feels AWFUL

i dont care about 55 hps im glad its back tbh, triage or not. its just this GA change.

using mercys normal GA, in a straight line, is such a bore id rather play kiriko and spam her kunais id at least get value doing that. the change is only a buff for players who dont use slingshot and superjump, which is like, 5% of the mercy player base (made up statistic: point is very very VERY few players use her normal GA without her techs)

i dont even care that its 3s now, its just the fact the cooldown starts AFTER the ability is over instead of when you let go. PLEASE remove that nerf it actually feels so bad its insane. id rather use superjump every 3-4 seconds than not be able to use slingshot nor GA for 3 seconds.

but hey, OG mercy mains, guess what? remember back when bunnyhop was first a bug? well you can still do the original bunnyhop (i call it bughop). i have a replay code showing how to do it HCZ5NG
if you do that, it skips the nerfs GA received! for less distance…

just skip like very little bit of time into it, but its still not even that useful. this is by far the worst change they’ve done for mercy.


So if reverting the GA nerfs would decrease her death-rate, how would you compensate with other nerfs to keep her death-rate the same as it is now?

Personally, I’d do

  1. Lifeleech can’t stack in Valk
  2. Slow down Valk GA speed a bit from it’s current +47% flight speed
  3. Slow down Valk BackwardsGA down to normal GA speeds
  4. Always been kinda weirded out by the beam in Valk being a massive 30m range

It’s weird that the CD has a delay, but it’s like a 4-5 second CD for Guardian Angel.


All three of those nerfs–at once–would be fine for me.

But it’s a moot discussion. By Blizzard’s own admission, the GA nerfs didn’t increase her deathrate at all, so keeping them in place really accomplishes nothing beyond making her miserable. They need to roll them back and go at it from a different angle.


That’s the thing, it’s not all nerfs.

And if anything, but the devs referencing the death rate, that just tells me that they are trying to keep that deathrate in check.

For example, Mercy in Season4 still has their lifeleech, which is a survival increase relative to Season2 Mercy. Which is being offset by these GA nerfs. And assuming they want to keep the LifeLeech, you’re gonna need some other mechanic to keep her deathrate in check.

Then they can scrap her lifeleech. Nobody asked for it anyway.


If lifeleech is gatekeeping the fix, then they shouldn’t keep it considering no one asked for it in the first place and what their intention to do is being made null.
I’d be fine with changes or even changes that incentivize that GA’s cooldown fluctuates depending how selflessly or dangerous you play. Changes that make her “weaker”. Yet if she is the same level of usefulness but not as fun to play then what is the point?

Even a simple small hp nerf. Anything that meets the intention of what they wanted to acheive. It’s been awhile and all that feels like has been achieved is just changing things for the sake of change.


I kinda doubt they will, but granted I’m biased on that.

But would it kill you guys to not do the “Revert and I refuse to think of anything else” routine over and over again?

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I don’t think it’s weird, I haven’t checked all mobility abilities but most of them don’t start their cooldown until finished : Echo’s Flight, Phara’s Jump Jet, Moira’s Fade, Brig’s Shield Bash, Sojourn’s Power Slide, Doomfist’s Rocket Punch.

Why should Mercy be different on that regard ?


I feel your pain Tatianna.

IMHO, the Dev’s just want Mercy to die more. Above everything else, be it damage boost, resurrect, or whatever different groups take issue with…Mercy must first die more than she currently does.


After your GA, there is a delay in which you are just standing and your GA is still active. All other abilities start cooldown as soon as you stop.


Most movement abilities are also pretty instant and don’t have floating “dead air” momentum in the middle of it. Mercy’s movement is a bit of speed that starts to dramatically decrease until a falling “float”.

That’s a lot of vulnerability time that has to be considered.


its one of the best movement abilities in the game, on a 1,5s base cooldown, or 3s if you use the additional tech (which is basically a whole second GA). i literally cannot fathom getting angry about this.


Echo’s Flight is literally floating “dead air” while her ability is not cooling down.

Echo can also just straight up fly which isn’t the same level of movement or what GA is and she can do it whenever she wants.


And Mercy’s GA start cooling down as soon as the speed or acceleration of GA ends.

What is your problem with that ? That’s the norm.

I agree with most people on the GA CD. If 3s seems short to you, remember that she is pretty vulnerable outside of her mobility, and that OW2 encourages flanking and diving a lot. The 1.5 sec GA has also been her “trademark” over the years, as far as I know (I’m new to the game, so…). And that’s also what most Mercy players want back, regardless of the rest. That’s what makes her fun to play, because standing still behind a teammate to heal or damage boost him is not really the pinnacle of funness…


It doesn’t though. A lot of the time you will be on the ground walking after a GA and it still not be on cooldown yet.


Because the uses are different was my point. Echo isn’t reliant on another person for her flight because her kit is designed with the intention of being a flying DPS laying down shots and bombs. If her flight was too good or too fast, her positioning would easily make her the best DPS.

Here is the thing, though, an independent movement ability is not the same as a conditional one.
Echo can decide and plan how she wants to engage and/or disengage with her flight on her own without relying on someone else for her kit to function.

Mercy’s movement is not based on combat, it is under the design philosophy of being adaptable to move to a team mate to heal them. It’s useless in combat and, if she has no one in LoS and is alone, it’s not possible to use. To add on, there was a tactic that you move from one team mate to another with that ‘conditional’ as a crutch for dodging and more down time on the ability means you are less likely to do this “ping-ponging”.


You can also not move during Moira’s Fade, she doesn’t get to start the cooldown earlier.

GA works with flying, if you don’t fly you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s not active. There may be 0.2s of latency right after even if you are still in flight, that I agree removing that would match the effect better.