The majority doesn't like 222

I think it stinks that the devs have the audacity to tell me that solo tanking is not fun when I very much love the challenge and then add the further pain of taking it away from me completely in comp. I only play comp. Sometimes I want to solo tank. Heck, most times I want to solo tank. It’s fun. I don’t care if the majority don’t think so. Before they could have as many tanks as they want. Now I’m left incomplete. A shell of a tank main slogging through a 2-2-2 world. It’s not horrible, but god do I miss solo tanking with stakes attached.


15 mns for playing dps ? In high gm it’s 15 mns for playing healer and almost 1 hour for dps…

Im a flex player. Im liking that I can play QP dps guilt free whenever I want with a very short wait (I’d usually only see one game each week as dps before role queue was implemented).

I do wish that if you are in a group, you can select multiple roles and either log into games as one of them randomly OR be able to switch off between friends.

I actually like 222, but don’t like that the game has yet to be properly balanced around it.

The reality is this whole rock paper scissors way of doing things will not work anymore, you have to give reasonable soft counter play so people can play around specific abilities. Like making Sombra’s cloak have a longer flicker, Ashe’s Dynamite should reveal her if she’s cloaked, adding a weak spot behind Orisa’s Shield, making it so any critical damage Widowaker takes causes some flinch, getting rid of Reaper’s Health Regen when does damage, and instead just give him more ability to actually flank and get around.

The game won’t improve until they stop trying to balance around Hero A being shut down by Hero B, Hero Swapping really does not help the game anymore.

It is , the one straw poll I know for sure on the forums shows about 60% in favor easily, another 5% didn’t care, that left the remainder unhappy. Its roughly 2:1 in favor. There’s a Reddit poll that IIRC showed about the same.

I kinda feel like Flex needs to be it’s own thing, and only allow 3 max per team. It should take an average of your SR, and use that to match you.

Tank and supports selfish? Haha you guys (dps) cause your own downfall. 222 was place becuase you never wsnted to swap to a tank or support all these 3 to 4 dps clmps were horrible and made bad matches.

Selfish haha

I don’t see how the SR system can work for the various roles.

I rarely to never play dps (cause I usually can’t if 4 people instant-lock dps) but my SR in beta testing queues for DPS was stupidly high compared to my SR for healing and tanking. Because both my healing and tanking games were plagued with people dropping connection. I had multiple games with people who couldn’t stay in the game but were obviously trying to get back in. Or just playing 4v6 for the match.

Dc, throwers and plain trolling have been in the game since launch. Hows is that an argument agianst 222?

Didn’t say it was?

I prefer 2 2 2.

I said I had poor luck on tanking and healing when doing placements. Maybe 30% of my games for both tanking and healing had people struggling to get a connection, leaving entirely, or, in once case, a mouse ran out of batteries.

I had great luck on dps when doing placements. No issues with any leaving or even people not switching when they needed to counter the opposing team.

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Ah ok read that wrong sorry hehe

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No worries, it can be easy to misunderstand complaints without body language.

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Neither poll appears to have been properly conducted, and ergo neither poll’s results are valid

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idk if we are having too much fun too, i am a tank main and waiting 1 minute for a game where i play 1 of 2 heroes and shoot the same blue object is not very fun

there was no reason to implement 2-2-2. 1-1-1 for all of the reasons people give, would of sufficed.
this is forcing a rpg type of genre and it changes the game’s genre, without the community support even if people say they like it. they dont know what theyre saying and do not support it. i bought this because it was a fps not a rpg. this ruins the game. competitive had it put it in for whatever reasons they dream up but its not fun.

I’m loving 2s. You see before I had to play tank or support, as even if I would lock in dps first they would lock in WM or Hanzo and leave us a healer down. Now I que I know Ill get a chance to practice and play dps. Boy golly they reverse it ill just leave again.

think it should only require 1-1-1 and you can queue for it and wait your turn to get that one locked in place. but you can switch tho after as long as 1 other dps or whichever class remains.
not forcing a composition made up
i dont get why you all think it has to be forced so bad for.

Playing one tank or one support is miserable for that one tank and support no thanks
In your scenario people would que for tank and support and then it would be a race to click dps.

ok well thats your pretty subjective opinion. why we all should be forced to this is awful

“The majority doesn’t like 222”

“According to queue times
Tanks: 6% of the game
Supports: 18% of the game
Main dps + flex players + one trick tanks and supports using RoleQ for playing dps: 76% of the game”

“3/4 of your community”

“at least a good 60%”

Do you have proof to back up these claims?

If not, it’s just more fallacious hyperbole.