The majority doesn't like 222

Well its not like youre throwing facts out so we are both just throwing out opinions.

I dont like role queue.

I dont play shield tanks even if we need them. I will only play moira or brig.

I will get my free loot boxes and credits.

the point is forcing this on people for no good reason. you thinking its hard on single tanks or healers is prety subjective. at lest the team has 1 and i think objectiviely this is balanced.
there is not an obje=ctive reason it should be forced.
i think that forcing 2-2-2 equals not fun. the only stance against this is someone thinks its hard on solo tanks/healers.
both have merits. point is it should be forced for 2 2 2.
and they should take this out. did they not think it through? out of all the things they could of done, forcing 2 2 2 why? i do not see a single call for it. that somethign else like 1-1-1 wouldnt fix. and make it were you can queue for that 1 1 1 position so you can play that game you want to be 1 1 1 and get that locked spot of. maybe lock it to no more than 3-2-1 so no more than 3 of one class. and force 1 1 1. and make it were u can queue that one spot. calling it fair or balanced is just subjective and ruins peoples fun. i dont see any balance issues, i dont see it being hard, not on a good setup. blaance, still a good team setup, counters this. there is no reason to ruin peoples fun. or however they like to play the game. theres no reason this game then should have 2 2 2. its a dream only in competitive play that they use. so stop forcing it on everyone else.

If you do that it, it well boil down to a race of the top three who click dps. So you well have 1 tank 1 support 3 dps and one guy who sees that all the dps have been picked then leaves.

so what? you force this and call it a choice. this isnt a choice and its not a good arguement against arguements saying this is bad. it doesnt support any reason to force it. and pretty old argumeent i read almost to every good response against it.

Its still a choice, no is forcing you to play anything. You dont want to play tank or support? Fine que as dps, there are consequences to every choice you make but you still have a choice.

its not becuase noone was asked and this changes the games genre. why 2 2 2? some kind of rpg going on here? whats the reason? you said, its hard on solo tanks/healers. not with the right composition its not. in every situation it has a counter. 2-2-2 doesnt fix anything. its not a choice, its a game genre change by the maker and i dont think they can do that. plus they do that all the time without caring. so you know whatever. im just saying here, this is forced, not fun, and im pretty bored of it. ill go to arcade, do classic, and it seems for soem reason all the shills have gone to make it look bad, playing 3 sniper mode dps first things they pick. my regular games were never like this.

this isnt a fight against robots game were a composition might be the best even. its humans and forcing this composotion for some balance is not fun or even.

Look another 222 hate thread by another low post count account.

I flexed. I was able to play dps one time out of hundreds of games. You couldn’t flex dps before and you can’t now. There is no difference with that. However if you want to play dps now I don’t have to worry about auto losing because I want to play dps one game in 20. The real issue is playing tanks is not fun. And that is what needs to be addressed.

They don’t need a reason.

It’s their game. They can change it however they want.

And they certainly don’t owe you or I or any other random player any explanation for the changes they make.

i believe they do owe an explanation of what the game is

i do believe they cant change the game after selling it to me as one type of game mode. its objective that the type of game it is has changed with 2-2-2 being forced.
its not a fps game, now its a rpg game. there is no balance for this fps game. can be because of teh character types make it hard on the team over all.
i believe theyre just using the competitive mode excuse pushing it in this game mode to prop it up. then also the balance excuse.
but that, is just a dream of the competition mode.

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You are in small minority and that’s why 2-2-2 is just

So… those 90% who then are also obviously not bothered enough by the implementation of RoleQ to tell the Game Developers they don’t like something?

Even with that Logic RoleQ is facing far more Support than Opposition… after all People only go to the Forums to B**** about stuff after all right? :wink:
So if that Breeding pool of Negativety is majorily Positive to something it’s more than fair to assume that that thing is generally seen positve by the entire playerbase.
In this Case giving the “Most people don’t like RoleQ” even less ground to stand on.

That’s not true.

I really like 222.

I hate how bad Blizzard are at balancing the game with their massive power swings.