The majority doesn't like 222

we don’t have the numbers, im not saying i have the numbers.

We did, in the 222 system. Now you get to hang out with mostly just DPS players and you don’t seem to like as much anymore.

Look here is how it all boils down.
Tank and Support “broke up” with DPS, most of all when it comes to QP.

Now like anyone else who doesn’t understand why they got dumped some DPS are still trying to pitch for tank/support to come on back.
Sure, nothing is going to change and it would be right back to the old cruddy this comp sucks, you’re solo healing/tanking etc but hey baby just come back.

Please babe? I mean I know you moved on and found other DPS who are willing to wait to play with tanks and support. Ok, I’m sure you like that in game.
Yet ya know, all of old DPS insta-lock player are still willing to give this relationship a 2nd chance!!
I mean come on now, just come back and try solo healing again so I don’t have to wait in a fair line to play DPS. I SWEAR this time it will be different!!
Please babe… I don’t have tanks over here now and I’m low health all the time. Just come back… please.


Nah man everyone wants 222 just dont play DPS hurr durr since DPS are bad people that eat little children.

Don’t do it tank and support! Yes I know those POTG’s were exciting, but he was never any good to you!

I would say 15% of people hate it, and most people love it.

I got much better solution - not playing the game at all. I’m not here to play waiting queue simulator.

I liked solo healing / tanking, I felt more needed than usually. But you crybabies can’t have that “weight” on you.

Correction: the majority of people who previously insta-locked dps don’t like 2-2-2. Everyone else is happy with it.

Ofc. they do everything just for OWL but at least this change has other major benefits too.

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I think we can agree on that. I do enjoy 2-2-2, actually. Many of the heroes I play work best alongside such a comp. As long as they accommodated QPC as a permanent mode somewhere, I was happy (and they did, and I am).

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Exactly. Now I’m here to tell you that the majority totally voted “John” sexiest male name for 2019 and also, the majority totally thinks strawberry is the best flavor of icecream! No wait! Rocky Road! No wait! Pumpkin! The majority will get back to you on that one.

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You’re wrong, plain and simple.
I’m a flex. Before RQ, I couldn’t play DPS at all, 2-3 slots were INSTALOCKED and they were all DPS. As a flex player, my only choice was to tank/heal.
Now I can actually play DPS and learn something. Long Q? No problem, I can stand a longer Q sometimes, due to the fact I’m still playing tank/support 2/3 of the time.

So no, your argument is flawed.
Of course some anti 2-2-2 are reasonable people… but the vast majority is like “I’m not gonna be your personal shield/healthpack, but someone else MUST be MY personal shield/healthpack”.
Otherwise, if it’s only “I want freedom & creativity”, QPC should be a big deal for them. But no. QPC is bad because there aren’t tanks and healers. Seems like freedom & creativity is a good thing… as long there’s someone else not picking DPS.


Why are some people talking like they have access to classified information from the devs?

Why are some people still claiming that the devs make changes because of forums “whiners”? Who are the “whiners” now?

The queue times maybe are a problem, but nothing will revert the RQ simply because they worked on it for years. It takes a lot of work to implement it. I’m sure they’re still processing data like crazy, working on fixes and hero balance decisions. Now the only thing we can do is wait, adapt, or leave.

I, for one, not going to leave since the RQ improved my matches. The game is far less frustrating and I extremely thankful for this change.

2 wrongs don’t make a right. This is a kindergarten level mistake on the devs part, imo.

I didn’t realize it was selfish to play a healer or tank in order to support and enable the rest of my teammates. Guess I’ve been playing wrong this entire time.

Call it karma then. Either way you will have to deal with it anyway.

We all have different ways of dealing with things :wink:

It was even pointed out by the devs that solo tanking and solo supporting is not fun.
So 2/3 of all roles have a problem that could be fixed.

It’s not that they lost many, many tank and support mains in the past because of slow balance and other bad decisions.
They had to do something to retain these players that OW doesn’t end up like QP classic

Another fact: Rolestacking was abused to counter strong comps, usually with triple or quad tank.

A days worth of QP several months before 2-2-2


For a mode where 5DPS is supposedly rampant, i get a lot of 2-2-2’s.

Depends on what you play. If I played support in quick I had 2-2-2 or 2-3-1 quite often, but if I pick DPS then it was usually +4DPS

here’s the thing, I did. but we can’t fill every role and sometimes, you know, we’d like to DPS, and get sick and tired of having to go Tank or heals when the 3rd DPS (widow) and 4th DPS (Genju) gets picked. so no Role Lock is a blessing from the gods.