The majority doesn't like 222

Oh the irony :rofl:
It’s the same for solo tank and support

How would you handle SR in LFG?
Seperate SR for each role?
How would handle someone switching mid game fron 2700SR role to 2100SR role?

I don’t care about your SR. If your garbage Role Queue was only in competitive I wouldn’t mind that. But now it’s in QP and it really bothers me.
And still, it is not my problem how you’re going to find 5 people. It’s you, who wants to improve your gaming experience.
I don’t know, maybe in other competitive games there are only genius people with 200+ IQ, but still they managed to find people of same rank to play with. OW probably is another case. Everyone’s too “smart” for that.

You have QP classis and it is here to stay, achievements will probably come to.
What’s the problem with QP classic?

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Lmao, I’m a bit tired of that endless circle. You guys have only two agruments: “DPS player are selfish, that’s why we have RQ” and “If you don’t like RQ go to QPC, it’s the same as pre-222 QP”.
You obviously know, that QPC is trash gamemode, where people (you know, even support/tank player want to play DPS sometimes) coming to play as DPS after they see 5+ mins queue time in QP. In result we have matches of 6 DPS almost every game. Doesn’t smell like an old QP to me. Somehow I’ve managed to play old QP for 150 hours without seeing 5-6 DPS in my every game.

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The fact is that tank and support mains would like to play tank and support, but not as solo role.

This shows further how much we needed role lock. The people who want structure and have a more pleasant experience will get it.

I don’t like 2-2-2 not because of dps queue, but because i can’t switch role! 2-2-2 changed nothing, stubborn people are stubborn and won’t switch, toxics are toxic and will scream at everyone, but now comp with even more different types of beasts ruiners! Thank you devs, no 5 dps for now, now our healers/tanks play like dps/our dps socc and we can’t do anything about that!
I hate 2-2-2 - Support main
Who thinks that 2-2-2 made game better is blind, thank you

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If you want to play with a second support / tank, you just go and find that second dude for yourself, it’s that simple. You’re not forcing everyone to obey your needs, you’re solving your problem by yourself with tools that already been given to you.

People who are stubborn to switch , DPS supports and everyone else who wants to try to sabotage 2-2-2 will tank their SR.

It will fixes a lot of problems in the long term

The same goes for you
If you don’t want 5DPS in quick classic look for a tank or sup

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And here we are again. Afraid to tell you, but it doesn’t work backwards. Who are you to force me into that because of your problems? Why you think you somewhat better than me, so it’s not you who should solve your problems, but me. You forced role queue on everyone and now saying how everyone who don’t like it should act. If you still can’t understand that, you’re just egoistic and nothing better than those “selfish” DPS.

Role queue is for everyone.
DPS need space, heal, peel and support to do their job
Role queue shifted the focus from “I can carry” to “teamplay is the carry”
Role queue makes balancing a lot easier, because more consistent matches provide more consistent data.
QP should be an environment in which you can prepare for comp Teaching the game “properly” reduces bad habit for new players, they learn to play in a “proper” team composition.
LFG would not have fixed the problem of different SR on different roles. (When I main support in quick I play around mid diamond, if I main DPS for a while, it’s mid plat)
Easier matchmaking than mass LFG, too many different stacks are hard to match together.

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there is literally a clone of old school QP in arcade that is functionally 100% the same in every core game play way as QP has been for the last few months. The only thing lost is some stat tracking and achievements.

but those have never been the main focus of QP anyways.
The ONLY real game play change is the player base of QP Classic is now devoid of the bulk of tank/support mains who have moved on to the more balanced 222 format game modes.

but other then that, QP Classic is old QP.
You just don’t seem to like who are playing with now as as I assume the never want to play tank/support. Yet that’s not the game mode’s fault or the fault of players who left for the 222 game modes.

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Nah, it was OWL and making the lives of the devs easier. Basic customers do rate, but low on a very tall totem pole.

Easier balancing is questionable.
QP was never meant to prepare someone to competitive. I replied about that already to another dude, I’ll just copy it here.
I don’t need your high level teamplay when I’m not playing ranked at all. Old teamplay in QP was enough for me.

Yeah, what a ‘little’ detail. 6 DPS matches almost every game, but OF COURSE it’s the same old QP. Absolutely no difference at all.

I never said it is fault of players who left for 2-2-2 game modes. It is fault of crybabies who forced 2-2-2 in QP and fault of devs for listening to these cries.

I’ve never read anything more delusional on this forum.

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Oh I did. I can give you several examples in fact, let me list some of them:

Everyone who plays DPS is a selfish DPS main
Who cares about Flex players? those dont exist!
Anyone who swapped roles was throwing anyway
Thanks to 222 matches will be better and I will climb for sure!
Nobody will throw in 222 because they are choosing to play that role
Nobody cares about DPS long queues, they deserve to burn

And my personal favourites, the blatent lies that nobody who has any clue about game development and balance believes:

We needed 222 to kill goats
222 is needed to end the VAST MAJORITY of matches being full of 4-5 DPS comps.

Nothing hurts like the truth bro, I can understand ya. But stop pretending it’s delusional.

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How is your current complaint about the team comps in QPC any different than the old complains others use to make about team comps in QP?

On some level it’s still you thinking the game should be played one way and the random players in game with you going “Nah, you switch then”. It’s a just a community issues.

It still changes nothing about how QP Classic is just old QP. The big change is about who is playing.

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I’ll tell you last time. Gonna make it bigger so you can read it better.
It’s not MY fault that support/tank players were playing with 5 DPS. I didn’t force them into that situation. They could solve their own problem just by finding a constant group of players they could play with. But they forced their problems onto my shoulders, forced Role Queue into QP, created trash QPC and now I have to deal with it instead of them. If they weren’t so selfish, I would never had to deal with 6 DPS in QPC. My complaints are ABSOLUTELY different.