The logic of support sustain

How much time are you willing to spend to get say… 60 health back?

Because the passive would be, 6 seconds of not being in combat. So, like, that is the main fight…

I think it would literally make DPS worse to have it :), because so many of them will pull out saying “I have an ouchy” and the fight will go on 4v5 and they will lose.

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Kiriko pretty close with suzu, tp, broken hitbox. They both have immortality which makes them broken.

To be fair, learning where healthpacks are on every map is definitely the responsibility of all DPS players

That would be fine .

I mean, yeah. But knowing where they are doesn’t mean you can get to it or, that it’ll be available when you get there, since there could be 9 other players who know the same thing.

I’m not sure if you team who will have lost the fight because of it would think so, but I’m 100% willing to have you get the power :slight_smile:

(as a Sombra main - your damn right you don’t to rely on it being available to you… Muhahahahah!).

Cough… sorry about that.

If my team cared about me being out of the fight that much, 2/5 of them could look in my general direction and solve that dilemma.

Okay, as someone who made an entire alt account just to play Sombra, that’s relatable.


This is true, and is one of the reasons I’m happy with it being in there.

it won’t make that much of a difference overall, but it will make people feel less frustrated.

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There are more, mostly revolving around the removal of the support passive, significantly nerfing support survivability and damage, and nerfing support utility across the board. These are just a few of the ones I found with a quick search.

it should be removed like all role passives

I get it, but again, to be fair, as a support main, seeing people die 3 feet from the spawn room or arpund the corner from an unused mega healthpack can be really frustrating, almost as frustrating as the tank who dies and asks “where’s the rest of my team?”

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I agree. I have no problem with the support passive being removed provided the other roles also lose their passives.

I get it. I Flex, so I pretty much know the frustration from every possible angle.

I am struggling because I did not play that Samoa arcade event and now I have no idea how to live. It’s scary. These health pack placements just get stranger as time goes by.

Custom game modes: Samoa

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Word up. I should check it out. I remember doing that way back when we got Horizon Lunar Colony. It is going to be hell navigating those menus, though. Don’t think my heart can take it.

Those menus blow, in ways man had never invented beforehand.

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Even if that’s true. Still can’t go away. It’s a non negotiable.

You do realize that certain dps are supposed to do that. Genji, Tracer, Sombra are 3 specific who are supposed to go on hard flanks alone and dive the backline. If you see a tracer, genji, or sombra hanging with their team then they are playing wrong. It doesn’t mean that they can’t help their team or be there for them but that’s what they are supposed to do. Go in, get a kill, and get out. So to say it’s their positioning is incorrect as technically that is good positioning for them. It can be argued that maybe they engaged at the wrong time but the fact remains they can do the right thing as they are supposed to do and instead of getting a kill they get stomped. Once or twice it’s no big deal but when it’s every fight that’s the issue we are dealing with. Supports stick with their teams so they get help unfortunately you have Super Woman Kiriko who can be completely out of position and get a kill or two and if the enemy try to punish her for it like they’d do for a tracer or genji she just poofs herself back to her team for free. You can’t sit here and say that that’s fair. The 3 dps built for that don’t get to do that, nor do they get an immortality cleanse or self heal like her and the other supports do. This is fully a support problem.

Yes it can sleep is the number one problem in the game