The logic of support sustain

I see a lot of people getting upset with supports and overwatch because they have the ability to outfight a DPS. I think how the logic should work is that a support when using their sustained cooldowns on themselves as opposed to a team member should have an equal chance of beating a DPS as the DPS has of beating them.

If an Ana and a Genji are fighting, I think that with the use of sleep and Biotic grenade, that the two of them should be on completely equal footing. The downside of course being that the DPS forced out your utility and now the team has less heals as a result.

It doesn’t seem like DPS players understand anything outside of getting immediate kill satisfaction. Baiting out utility cooldowns is a huge meta gameplay move.

Sometimes I think DPS aren’t willing to run away because they only want the immediate endorphins from getting a kill as opposed to playing the long game. A Genji, especially with that, should be able to bait out the utility and then get out of there, only to come in and fight moments later once the team is ready.

Extend this logic to basically every other DPS.


Broooooooooo supports are broken idk what game you’re playing


I’m not making any comments to their current state. I’m just saying that that is the purpose of sustain. If you think that the sustain is too strong and doesn’t achieve that goal, that’s a completely separate argument.


But therein lies the issue. They are not on equal footing. Ana wins those just with nade. Bodyshot + nade the ana is probably half hp minimum and the genji is one shot so he has to leave. Ana doesn’t really even need sleep dart to win that interaction


Sure if gengu doesnt use his movement abilities, land headshots or use deflect on her abilities. So why should he be rewarded for playing so poorly


as a dps main i play support bc its easier.
all dps can do is aim very well.

support just has to react and play smart.

if everyone had an aimbot then dps for sure are disgusting but they miss half their shots.

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But that’s the point, genji has to dash in and one shot ana, if he doesn’t one shot the ana with dash + all headshots + melee gg.If he dashes in ana uses nade at her feet so genji cant really deflect it and is full hp meaning one body shot is enough to put him one shot. That’s if the ana doesn’t get a single body shot before the genji closes the distance


So you’re assuming the Ana is playing absolutely perfectly?


It’s not playing perfectly tho, the nade has splash and even her bullet size unscoped larger now. Throwing nade at your feet doesn’t require insane mechanics or anything. I’ve never dueled genji as ana with any fear of dying but idk that’s just me unless the genji is literally insane

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Very good point. A team game requires team play. Goes over a lot of people’s heads though.


No, they are not, but it doesn’t matter cuz they are about to be nurfed to the ground. So good luck getting heals.

Genii right click doesn’t require much skill either, but there we are.

Although, to be clear, I do think a big problem in this game is bad map design. For example, in your case, you’re not wrong avoid gengine having to use utility in order to close distance. In a well-designed game, there would be plenty of flank routes to where you can get into location without having to be constantly pressured by hit scans like Ana

I’m not saying it’s the hardest thing ever, just that it’s easier to play that 1v1 as the ana. You don’t really have to sweat that hard while it feels like genji has to. Not just to close the distance and get a slight advantage but to not take damage on the way in.


Not really, but even if that was true, the issue is what you described is an OW1 duel. In OW2 Supports have REGEN HP outside of combat and that skews things.


The problem also lies on Support having an easier time doing damage than the DPS doing damage. Again, hitboxes being forgiving, damage per sec etc. Now add to the table that some supports ALSO have disengaging tools like a Teleport and immortalities on CD so we come to the reality that many are not willing to accept:
If your abilities/skillshots require less skill invested than other roles, you should be more vulnerable or less effective.

Today, Supports are neither. They are just as effective doing damage (or more in some cases) than DPS, they have more sustain due to the passive AND their “plays” require less skill to pull off

Something has to give.


Agreed. Although like I said thats a larger map design problem.

You’ll never see me defending hitscans with the current

Yes, they are… And yup, can’t wait for the support nerfs :slight_smile:

They aren’t. If you can’t win a 1v1 against a support, maybe it’s you that’s the problem. But like I said, after the nurfs, good luck getting healed.


I don’t think you understand the role of DPS and are making blanket statements as if every hero acts the same. The only situation where a Support should be killing DPS faster than a dps can kill them is if the Support player is capable of doing 0 healing.

You want Damage? Sure, but you lose your healing output. Like Mercy, for instance, has to put her healing staff away in order to do meager damage. On the flip side, she’s very evasive and has amazing self-sustain with her passive.

It’s not just an “ego thing.” I accept defeat if you’re a better at the game than me and can outplay me in a duel. If you think that you should be able to just look in my general direction for a few seconds and kill me though, you need to wake up from dreamland. There is 0 outplaying an Illari “hitscan” bullet. There’s 0 outplaying a Kiriko kunai. There is 0 outplaying a Pull/Suzu/Anti/Immo/TP. None of this is “fair play” and even less so when you stack the immense healing numbers and damage numbers.

It’s no longer “Supporting,” it’s just eviscerating.


You’re pretending like supports are losing the ability to heal. lmao, nice bait

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But you seem to be misreading my comment entirely. I’m saying that their damage is objectively lower and they win by elongating the fight through self-heals with their utility. Heals that are them being denied from your teammates, put down the pitchfork, you’re being a little weird.
That’s the point of sustain it balances out the time to kill between the two

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