Here's a thought, Nerf Support damage, give only support CC

As the title says, Why not cut the support damage in half and only give CC to support and here is why

If support had half the damage they have now but only they had CC they could deal with flankers without being 12k damage 2k heal supports… and they would be the SUPPORT for the team, not replacing the damage

Supports already have broken utility, more broken than any form of CC. Anti grenade, rez, suzu.

Supports doing damage is fine that’s the skilled part of playing support, but most supports can’t aim.

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No. Support damage is fine, and more cc is the last thing the game needs.

Also, allowing Supports to better deal with flankers will VERY likely necessitate a flanker buff, further increasing the disparity between Tracer and other DPS.


Except every game has a dps moira 12k/2-4k and that team is losing because support has too much power creep, but yes you are right they already have a good chunk of the broken utility, this is why i say give them each a cc and rip off the bandaid and cut their damage (i am a support main saying this)

i think they should be more focused on healing and helping set up plays over Damaging with a heal every third life

Anti-nade should have some kind of range. Like a real grenade. That I can throw the grenade 80 meters downrange and have it detonate on impact is one of the amazingly great, but absurdly broken, aspects of Ana’s kit.

If it had a short range, Ana would need to take a risk to use it. i.e. get close to the brawl, or flank as one of the slowest heroes in the roster.

It’s not as bad as the no-aim no-skill vampire witch, but it’s pretty bad.

Edit: If the enemy team has a vampire witch, I switch to Pharah. That usually stops it.

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Nobody likes a dps Moira, but doing damage as a support is fun. A big reason why lifeweaver is boring to play. Moira outdamages him. If Lifeweaver was hitscan he’d be amazing since he could make better use of his petal.

In tight spaces thorns are pretty close to hitscan, especially for the slower heroes in the roster. Long open sightlines, not so much.

They should make the thorns work like Storm Arrows with a single deflection, that would make things interesting. As long as they add Interact to the petal, and Decline to grip :wink:

So remove the healing and just make this Cod?

if you want to play damage you queue damage, i like the mental game of support, needing to know the surroundings, keeping team mates alive and watching for the opening to boop someone out of place and infront of my tank/damage. but it is really hard to do when 80% of the support out there seem to only want to dps ruining what could have been a perfectly fun game for everyone making it miserable for 4 others… i just report them for gameplay sabotage now because they are intentionally throwing a game by only doing damage.

and it is not just moira but kiri,zen, bap, ana i have seen all of them with 2-3x the amount of damage to healing… today alone…

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Na the supports who are talented enough to deal damage and keep their team alive are way more skilled.

If you get an entry pick as a support that’s huge impact or help dps finish off kills. In 5v5 you have way more time to dps with only having to heal one tank. Supports shouldn’t be healbots unless on Mercy really

Good thing then, that most Supports don’t require strict aim to do damage, like the Damage-role heroes.

Yeah, pretty much. But OW wasn’t balanced around that. Instead, Supports are just easier heroes to play over the Damage-role.

These are fine sentiments, and there’s nothing wrong with them, but it also brings up a solid point. If you want to play DPS, then go for it, but you’ll have a harder time doing damage than playing the Support who focuses on doing damage.

Moreover, as a Support, you’ll have more “perks” when it comes to survival. Self healing, and low cooldown escapes are generally not seen on the Damage-role. Or rather, operate a little differently than those in the Support-role.

And likewise, Kiriko, Baptiste, Zenyatta, and Ana all have bigger projectiles that are easier to land than Genji’s own shuriken; and yet are just as lethal.

True, but…

Supports shouldn’t be only healing the Tank.

In general, Supports healing numbers need to be equal to or greater than the Damage-role’s own Damage numbers.

You bring up a fairly underlooked bit nuance with the Support-role. Despite their homogeneity, they do have a surprising amount of skill-celling/depth with the way they can juggle healing others and killing targets. Far more than many Damage-role heroes could have.

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Support damage is fine. If anything, they need healing nerfs.


This ^ Like if i am playing lucio i want to see my heals about twice my damage i should be 9k+ heals and 3k+ damage, that is my mark for an average game. On brig i like to keep the spread a little more close but if i notice my damage is up and healing is down i know to get back in place no one gets my heals.

i am just saying everyone complains about the CC because of tank melt meta. give it to to the ones everyone wants the damage cut on, they will still have the ability to survive, will punish flankers more, and will give them the nerf everyone else wants

I Would personally like to stun lock flankers :stuck_out_tongue:

If you look at the dmg/heal values in the game…

  1. Lucio heals at most trash damage. Every single hero can out do Lucio healing and especially the moment you focus fire someone or the moment he goes into speed. When you spend 50/50 in speed/heals his healing output plummets real quick.
  2. Brigitte is a really resource hungry support. You can have long droughts of healing in a long fight which gives you advantage to keep killing people.
  3. Ana DPS or healing plummets extremely quickly the moment you poke her in a few ways. Shields or flanking.
  4. Zenyatta is extremely fair as he gives up all his support for pure offensive utility. Glass cannon build.
  5. Kiriko is effectively a pick based character. She cna do high solo target healing, but her DPS plummets very fast trying to do heal shoot heal shoot or even heal shoot shoot. You have pretty much have a guaranteed 1sec drought between each heal letting you get kills in.
  6. Life Weaver damage is awful and his healing plummets the same way as Ana.
  7. Mercy lacks drought, but has no burst and does even less damage than other supports after factoring in dmg bst values.

The real outliers with damage/heals are baptiste/moira. They skyrocket the sustain in the game with very little droughts.

more cc to the game is horrific for the games health, we stepped away from CC for a reason. and i’d rather not do 10 dps as mercy, or 37.5 damage per shot with ana (mind you thats 6 shots to kill 1 squishy)

yeah i get that i was just thowing a ball park, i am saying take the cc away from the other roles, and give cc to support at the cost of some damage, not really 50% but tone it back some Like 2-3 shotting as brig is kinda op

support damage is in all honesty fine, its just the insane utility of some supports paired up with high healing. instead of nerfing damage and quite literally bringing back CC, why not change the actual problem and address suzu and biotic grenade? there should be a global healing nerf aswell, but pair that up with a global damage reduction too as both stats are WAY too high in todays overwatch


Amp is where his real healing comes in and that can’t really be discounted.

Mmm… yeah. Whipshot and Shield Bash kinda address this, though. Also being heavily restricted on cooldowns for Repairpack healing is a good point, but there are a lot of cooldown-based healing that’s really demanding on cooldowns. Baptiste’s Regen Burst is one good example.

Ana isn’t unique here. She is one of the few that can’t heal others while dealing damage at the same time, however. Or alternate, so I would say this is half-true.

This really isn’t true; Zenyatta’s Orb, though limited to one, can be juggled effectively and Transcendence is cheap.

Not really. It takes a while, but weaving between the two, becomes a lot easier to maximize healing while doing damage in alterations; similar to Baptiste. It really is action-heavy, however.

Made up with Tree of Life.

True. Until Valkyrie.

if supports couldn’t aim you wouldn’t have ana in nearly every game

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i Agree, i still have my 5 rez mercy pog around somewhere i remember the cc, the reason i brought it up this was is these are the things the forums complain about, support damage and the cc, i figured we could make that swap, then have cc hell for a season before they decide to remove cc or add the tank back :stuck_out_tongue: because we know support will be what everyone queues for lol

Ana’s get carried by anti, nano both S tier.