Nerfs that supports should get to help queue times

I am sick of having plus 10 min queue times on support for QP. I stopped playing comp due to bad matchmaking. I peaked at diamond 5 and basically play open role queue, which I still have to wait like 5 min for, this is ridiculous! The new supports are overtuned and do too much. They need weakness just like the OW1 supports have.

Here are my recommendations:

  1. Remove the support passive, for that matter all role passives to equal it out.
  2. Immortality lamp should be reverted back to giving heros 1hp as it was in the beginning.
  3. Illari should not be hitscan with that high damage. Either making her a projectile hero or lower her damage and give her fall off if she continues to be hitscan. The size of her projectile is huge, it shouldn’t be so easy to hit head shots.
  4. Lower nade anti healing to 50%, she literally has junkerqueen’s ult on a cool down.
  5. Kiriko’s hitbox needs to be fixed it’s too small. Also, suzu should not give healing or have knockback effect.
  6. Lifeweaver’s grasp should not heal!
  7. Also since all tanks cry like crazy about discord, give them a small resistance to discord to 15%.
  8. If all these nerfs go in, sombra’s virus should go down to 50 damage total.

I think this would help queue times and not totally kill supports.