The last good hero release was Ana

I’m skeptical.
He has cc, ridiculous movement, and up to 1300 hp.
At least Bastion can melt 2 or maybe 3 of them alone, which is nice… Too bad that didn’t affect Winston either.

But Hammond IS a high skill, hitscan, tank, that is apparently easy to balance.

Ha… HA HAHAHAHA… Um do you people remember what Ana did to the game on release? She broke it… Like completely and totally broke it, the last thing you can say she did was positive… It was a fraking nightmare of untold proportions. She single handily was the most devastating hero to the meta EVER, she mixed it up so fracking hard she controlled it.

That was the beyblade/ tact visor meta that wiped entire team unless you had Zen or Lucio… So basically the exact same thing thats going on now. How people fracking forget and are blinding by nostalgia…


People aren’t forgetting.

There are two things at play here. The first, that playstyle was more fun at more ranks of play. It may have been strong and meta defining, but more people enjoyed it. It was more fun than pharmercy. It was more fun than briggette, zarya, and 4 snipers.

Second, that meta defining gameplay was not nearly as strong in uncoordinated play as it was in coordinated gameplay. So no one here actually cared.

I did mention she was op af, but only her numbers were overtuned, and she has been heavily nerfed.

But if you want to argue that all new heroes made the game worse, feel free I guess.

I thought exactly the same a few days after they have released Brigitte.

Ana is, or lets say better was, really the last new hero, which felt like she had a complete kit and was reasonably balanced in the risk vs reward section. Until they introduced Moira and Brigitte and Ana became kind of meaningless.

I would give Doomfist and Sombra honorable mentions, in that sense that they are kind of fun to play, but do not really feel as if they have a complete kit or toolbox.

Sombra should have been able to cancel her translocator from the beginning and should have had a passive ability, which refreshes her translocator cooldown, when she collects a hp back up to 1 second after the teleport. So that you dont have to wait every time several seconds, after you teleport back to your hp pack.

Doomfist seems also very high risk low reward like. But i also really dont know what to give him without making him then too strong.

But those 2 heros where at least fun to play, even with a incomplete kit.

But the other 3 heros, Orisa,Moira and Brigitte where really bad designed for different reasons.


Orisa is just overall a boring character, with really boring abilities. She is boring to play and she is boring to play against. And playing against her is also kind of lame. Sure she is not op or anything, but if you are alone you can forget to destroy her shield before she already has a new one ready to go. You basically have to get behind her shield and then she plays the dashing on the other side of the shield whenever you cross the shield game.Which is not super effective, but really lame to play against.


Moira is just super save, very low risk, very high reward character.She may have no aimbot, but the real cone of her damage beam is so big, that it is really easy to hit enemys with it. Its almost impossible to miss with that, aimbot or not. And then this spaming giant aoe damage balls around corners, which have a damage radius so big that you often cant even dodge them, whos idea was that?


So many people have already talked about, why introducing brigitte in the game was probably the worst thing, which could have happend to the game, that i really dont need to elaborate again why brigitte is bad for the game. The most annyoing thing about her, in my mind, is that she is way to effective for how low effort she is to play.

Overall the last 3 heros, Moira, Brigitte and Hammond have all in common that they are super save to play, low risk high reward. I have nothing against hammond , because he is at least a complex hero, which takes time to master his movement and learn all the things he can do, but Moira and Brigitte are super cheap to play and really make the game less fun for everybody else.

I disagree on all counts. I think each of the new heroes has added something that was missing and contributed to more engaging gameplay overall. Minor issues here and there aside, I’ve loved all of them. Brigitte is my favorite so far.

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I still remember when the complaints of Orisa were that she is just a mash up of existing abilities.

lol free wins? really. it’s not a free win. just bc they have that hero doesn’t guarantee a win. I’ve seen those heroes destroyed by other comps having neither of them on it. every hero has an area theyre good and bad at. not my fault you’re allowing them to get into that good area

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Instead of playing better, they picked an easier hero.
If they win with those hero, they didn’t work for it, if they lose, the enemy team worked for it.

You didn’t answer my question about how much time you have on Widow.

no they didn’t they picked a different type of hero. brig/moria have different skill requirements. they also need a much more grouped up team than others. they have poor dps. brigs healing is also very poor. they need to be close or they get near 0 value which is why they rely heavily on others to get them close. mercy is better and can give way more value. zen too.

if Im running at you with a knife (or sword or flail or whatever melee weapon) and you have a sniper rifle I’m pretty sure most ppl with the sniper would never feel disadvantaged. sure I don’t have to aim my knife but running up to you puts me a huge disadvantage

about an hour on console but almost 4 on PC. I find her boring lately honestly super useful in some scenarios but there can be better picks with the current meta.
I do love getting HS tho. flying hook HS are my favorite thing to do. I don’t have any trouble with brig or moria as widow like at all esp when on HG on maps like Anubis. i always like to have my hook in my pocket tho so I rarely do the FHHS.

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I agree the last heroes were mistakes IMO brig herself ruined the game and should have never been added but maybe not Ana i think Doom was the last good hero

Not different, less. Everybody has to do everything, except aiming. Also they are pretty forgiving.

That entirely depends on how hard it is to hit what they are trying to hit.
Reinhardt shield -> weak
Squishy heroes -> OP

They are supports, we are comparing to dps.

But this is overwatch, not a classic fps.

Well, I have 220+, thus I have to wonder why do you lecture me on Widow, instead of the other way around.

maybe it’s bc youre complaining saying it’s not fair a melee character to get close and kill you? when I do play widow i have 0 problem with them. with other widows I haven’t seen one complain about this in game or here esp pros about them. in fact brig and moria don’t get as much use as the other supports. every hero has an area where they should excel and areas where they aren’t viable. the only really OPish hero atm is hanzo (with the recent nerf he’s getting more inline) he’s the reason brig appears so much better. I’m fine with him bc I can still usually kill him with many of the heroes easily. you should learn the other’s pros and cons unlike other players who play the same hero on every map even when it’s a bad map for them. if you can’t understand what melee range is or what retreat is maybe OW isn’t for you.

this scenario is the same though. she has the knife and YOU let her get close istead of hooking away

OP? really you’re joking.
if the HB is is OP then having one of long range if not the longest range hero is OP to fight against a melee hero. there are more areas to snipe from on LG and HG go watch some pros or streamers. I see many if not most using the HG as widow. they also usually see other dive heroes go for them which are faster than brig and moria and they have 0 problem fighting/getting away.

rein needs way more awareness game sense timing and positioning than widow. all widow needs is aiming she needs almost 0 of every other skill that heroes like rein need.
moria has to know when to heal when to damage to charge heal know where and when to be at any moment to help her team. when to ult (like rein) which helps her team the most without being vulnerable (bc it’s free kill time when she does). brig always needs to fight to get any value at all and she’s horrible if her team is spread out or if she isn’t front facing the enemy team with her tank or others.

again all you see is “Aiming is all that matters and should matter” but as you said…

so guess what aiming isn’t nor should it be #1 and only skill. do they need to aim? no? well guess what they can still require way more skills (yes plural) than widow

If you look st the numbers Ana is only useful to players platinum and above. That’s actually a problem.

To flatten that hard curve they need to add is a skill or passive that is both useful to players that are low skilled yet trivial to circumvent by by high skill teams.

The chief problem she has at the low end is that she isn’t supported by her team and subsequently gets no peels. That’s not the player’s fault!

The best thing I think they can do without violating her imposed restrictions of low mobility and low heal is to give her a Ghillie Suit passive.

It’s an ability high skill teams consider trivial to circumvent but is nonetheless highly useful to her at brackets where team coordination and communication is fairly low. It’s an ability that’ll give the low skill Ana room to grow into the hero and subsequently make it easier for her to transition to high skill play.

Currently as is Ana when played at any bracket lower than plat is easily hard countered and too easily dies. At least with such a skill the player can learn positioning in an ergonomic manner and have ample space to practice their mechanics as well. As is dead Ana’s don’t heal and subsequently transition to become Mercy masters instead.

I have more time on my least played hero…

Get me a pocket Mercy 24/7, and I won’t complain either.

Or maybe this game should be BALANCED.

That’s not how it works. But you are basically telling me don’t play the game.

Those pros and streamers are frequently deleted by random nonsense, and even when they own, like kill 3-4 people they still lose.


It’s just that this game isn’t balanced at all…

supports have also been historically the easiest class to burst down as all their health pools are 250 or under (not counting armor bonuses.)

It’s exactly as much as dps heroes have, except their self sustain is worse.

time != skill
it’s sad how poor you understanding the game is. come back when you actually know what youre talking about like maps, hero skill (and what range means), what OTHER heroes require like rein (bc clearly you have 0 idea), and what your grappling hook actually does and how to use it.

it’s more balanced than you think. Do you have any idea how hard it is to balance every different abilities stats and Hitbox sizes?

this scenario is balanced sniper vs melee/short range hero. i might as well let them get point blank. well now theyre point blank i should just give up bc it’s not fair

when did i say not to play? never nor did i imply it or anything. how hard it is to press one key and fly away from the character attacking you? takes 0 skill but apparently thats too hard for you.

“random nonsense” you mean like being out of position? you mean like failing to pay attention and be aware of the a hero closing in on them? you mean getting salty since a kit is different and complaining and refusing to improve due to your incorrect assumptions about the heroes, the maps, and the game as a whole?

yes he does. if he’s not paying attention to what others are doing his team will suffer way more than widows. if he even drops his shield for a single fire strike he could get ulted by the enemy rein or have his teammate get headshotted. he also needs to be able to get into a fight safely and can’t pin recklessly or will die immediately after.

widow’s awareness. put down mine. move around camera to aim. that’s it. her not knowing where every enemy is doesn’t put her as much at a disadvantage as rein. if one or two heroes are in a place where his shield can’t protect from he gets WAAAY less value and the whole team is at risk. widow on the other hand just has 2 less targets. her not properly timing all her abilities is way less hazardous than rein using fire strike at the wrong time or not hitting multiple targets with it, or him dropping his shield for a second can end up costing way more than widow missing a single shot, or him pinning wrong either ends up missing entirely or costing him his life. widow has neither of those risks.

every hero has different amounts of skill in different areas useful in different scenarios. you don’t even understand that very basic aspect of the game. maybe instead of complaining about “fair” you should understand the game first since you don’t know what that is.

no youre just bad and refuse to improve. blaming balance when you have a HUGE range ADVANTAGE over the heroes you’re complaining about and refusing to try something different bc “OMG theyre so OP. so unfair” all you want to do is complain and want everything handed to you.

keep blaming the game bc that’s how real players improve

You are just toxic at this point…