The last good hero release was Ana

Ana is the only hero who truly added something positive to the game. We finally got a high skill cap and fun healer, which was needed. Though we need to gloss over the fact that she was busted for far too long, but now she is where supports should be.

Sombra on the other hand is a flop. She is fun, but then she is really weak, and troll dps hero is the last thing the game needed, we have enough of those already.

Orisa brought a ridiculous amount of shields with herself, and she is blocking damage in the 40000’s, turning the game into a spam fest.

Doomfist is the worst designed hero in the game. He has 3 stuns, an ult that makes him invulnerable, so he is the polar opposite of pure joy to play against, while being awfully clunky, buggy and thus almost unplayable.

Moira has a “technically lock on, but basically lock on” weapon, that heals her, stopping low sustain heroes from doing anything without a pocket support. And then her orbs are just awful, the random poke, and the chance of randomly dying to one is definitely not fun. (I was screaming at my monitor when I first saw that ability…)

Brigitte’s issues are too long to list properly. Too hard to kill, CC though shields, armor making heroes unkillable, all that while being really easy.

We are probably going to get a new hero release soon™, and while I’m excited, it’s not the “I can’t wait to try it out” but the “please not another hero ruining the game” type of excitement.


Agreed. Everything you said is pretty much true. Doomfist especially is so annoying, horrible feeling to play against, and horrible feeling to play as.


Doomfist has only 1 stun ability and he’s playable. I enjoy playing Doomfist



  • Doomfist
    • Annoying
    • Broken
  • Orisa
    • Spam
      • Note: I think Orisa if kind of balanced now but she just has her shield way too often
  • Moira
    • OP
    • Auto Lock
    • No skill
  • Brigitte
    • OP
    • Annoying
    • No skill
    • CC & Stun
    • A knockback
    • Self healing
    • Armor

EDIT: A lot of people say Moira doesn’t have auto lock, but she does. I have tested it myself. I don’t care what those click bait Overwatch youtubers who just try to get their videos to 10 minutes say. They use other peoples videos without giving them credit, they say the same things over and over, and most, if not all of it is them just rambling.


And 2 other that knocks you up and locks your movement.


3 star heroes should come next

so many heroes with extreme gimmicks and not enough with good fundamentals and a skillset that rewards good aim


Ok but seismic slam and uppercut doesn’t stun


Unless you are channeling high noon, or have an invulnerability ability ready, it’s close enough.

Last I checked, DoomFist only has one ability that applies a short stun.


Ana feels like the original heroes. Others seem like fan made. Sombra has a nice kit, not frustrating to play against. She is week bcs we have too much cc. Ana brought the 3rd hard cc on the game. After her, almost every hero has cc!


OP is literally all opinion.

Ana is best hero except she’s only viable when she’s OP and totally unusable on console yet we should just “gloss over it”. :expressionless:

I’ve loved every DLC hero (except Doomfist) and I love how unique they all are.


True, not actually stuns but does hinder mobility.

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I also think most of the maps they added are bad compared to base ones. Junkertown is for sure the worst payload map. Moon map is the worst 2cp. Blizz world is meh, eichnwalde is decent, rialto or w.e first point is just awful. Oasis is a good map, best map since launch imo.


Never claimed otherwise.

Ana has been power crept unfortunately, so she is bad on pc too.

It’s made more sad by the fact that she has such a massive impact on the game, when the better supports are not in play.


I like most of the maps. But they really should not close the gate on junkertown third point, for the Eichenwalde reason


Orisa was never good, I kinda feel more bad about that since we have so little tanks, she has the anti CC and good shielding yet she still can’t find consistent use outside Pirate Ship.


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Absolutely not.

Ana powercrept the heal rate of this game to an insane degree while also completing shafting other heroes until they were put on her level.

The effects of ana’s release can actually be felt in every support change ever since she came out. Now healers must be able to barf out so much HP that they can heal a tank in less than 2 seconds or they’re not viable. Its annoying.


Orisa is definitely not useless, that’s Sombra.


I know right. She must be the best to the OP since shes’ the easiest to shoot and least likely to win 1v1. :crazy_face:


Kind of true… Support power creep is crazy.
But that’s why I referred to the nerfed Ana.

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