lets look back at 6v6 sigma, his barrier got increased from 1s to 2.5s. thats a 1.5s increase, sure not 1 second but its only 0.5 off.
EVEYRONE bashed this change, it made him feel super clunky and unfun to use his shield with, the same with mercys GA nerf. so his shield cd got reduced to 2 seconds.
the argument with “mercys GA deserved a 1s nerf, its only 1 second its not even huge.” when a simple 1.5 increase, surely impacted sigma’s gameplay by a mile. i can have a say in this too because i main sigma, and i played him during that change, but the argument doesnt make sense. is it because its popular to hate mercy right now? is it because shes a support and sigmas a tank? make it make sense bruh
I wouldn’t compare a resource ability such as sig barrier to a mobility cd. I play quite a lot of mercy and didn’t feel like the change was nearly as bad as people say, most of them just got used to diving straight into danger and always having a bs get out of jail free card, now they actually have to mind their positioning. Hell, a nerf that’s closer to the one you described would be Kiriko’s heal recovery nerf. Now that’s one that made her clunky for me.
I literally said the same thing about uppercut going to 0.35 seconds in ow1 and rocket punch going from 3 seconds to 4 in ow2 with tank fist.
every reply I got was players saying “its just a second you won’t even notice it” meanwhile the 0.15 difference in uppercut recovery time literally changes your ability to secure kills on certain heroes and in certain situations.
I would have rather Mercy gone to 150 hp than GA go up at all tbh. Narrow her margins for error, rather than kill her crazy movement potential, because fighter jet Mercy is fun af.
I play Mercy in plat and can barely notice the change. If you compare this change to the way they have completly butchered heroes like Mei and Roadhog, the whining by Mercy players seems pathetic. This 1 second causes me maybe one or two deaths per match if even that, usually i don’t even notice it.