The hypocrisy of "skill"?

That’s terrible logic tbh lol, at least for a game that’s actually patchable.

Its almost as bad as the line “Don’t like it, don’t watch it” or “Don’t like it, don’t read it”. It’s a cop out way to avoid discussing actual problems and putting forth possible solutions, and encourages stagnation.

I mean, if that’s what you’re into u keep doin u i guess


Its not only tracer now is it i dont really care if she counters tracer she seperates the bad tracer from the good is more the real thing i am ok with that. And 1v1 is hardly a measure of balance of a hero you need to see her in the team she is in not if she 1v1 some character that is not really helping and is not what balance revolves under.

What baffles me is that Brigitte has so many hard counters, but that is conveniently “forgotten” when complaining about her.


For me it should be every hero who need to be like this.
And against the popular belief Mercy need more skill than Moira or Brigitte.
She have a really strong mechanic of flying/movement with the Guardian Angel.

It should be all the hero who are the most effective when played perfectly.
Sometime I can’t see the difference between a diamond Moira and a Grand-Master Moira.

Double wrong.
vastly outperform

Symmetra have only two stars, should be three. Also, Moira have two stars so she have as much skill as Tracer. . .

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Surely if you play rein youve been in a rein 1v1 ready to predict block that shatter only to have brig shield bash you giving them a free team wipe and completely taking the fun out of main tank

Get good.
As pointed out above Brig punishes players who think they are better than they are and position sloppily and are too aggressive.
So if she wastly outperforms someone it’s because that player have been getting away with sloppy plays.

Almost no actual Rein mains complain about Brig because she’s easy to defeat as Rein.

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why would i get good when i can just solo brig from plat to gm like literally many people have

Yes, and if that happened it was because we got outplayed. So no, it doesn’t bother me.

My team could have easily prevented it with breaking the opponents’ shields, or displacing Brigitte or Reinhardt. If my team didn’t react, we got outplayed.


But they dont.
What you and many others fail to understand is that picking up a high-skill hero on the spawn doesnt yield you an advantage against “easy heroes”, you have to EARN it

“Omg Mcree doesnt win 100% of the times vs Junkrat RageeEEEREEEEEEEE

It doesnt work like that and it wont, and its intended that it will not. Ever.


The majority of Overwatch players are bad, so if there is a hero who destroys the bad players, the majority will cry for a nerf.

I have some example for the pre-Roadhog nerf. The Bastion trauma and now the DeleteBrigitte movement.

In my opinion, only listen the majority is really bad but only listen the pro minority is bad too.

It will be so cool to have like 12.5% of each ranks : Bronze-Silver-Gold-Plat-Diamond-Master-GM-T500.

But the reality is this Competitive Mode Tier Distribution


I have seen this so many times in other games, especially MOBAs, people think that since they are playing a “difficult” character they should automatically be entitled to win if they play against “easier” characters.

It is especially funny when they keep insisting they should automatically win against characters they think are easier to play, even if that character is DESIGNED to COUNTER their own character.


i said easy to play heroes should never not all easy to play heroes factually outperform
junkrat is trash atm and just about a troll pick
yes brig should be viable at top tier but not statistically outperforming skill based heroes

1st please don’t compare statistics of supports and DPS/tanks, it doesn’t work like that
2nd she’s not outperforming Ana who’s considered “high skill” hero, or Moira, or Zen. They all have their usages.

If you’re talking about a “high skill” DPS running straight into her face to get maced to the face, well, that’s his bad, not Brig outperforming a “high skill” hero.

PS. Back to my OP, there’s not any measurable “skill” apart from the mechanical one. And that one is hardly the most importat in a game like Overwatch. OW =/= CoD

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im comparing the winrate almost every user i see has a 60% win rate on the hero at all ranks

Well then, I’m sure that is a very, very representative stat from a representative number of players in this game.

Brig isn’t outperforming any “high skill” heroes. She’s good at what she does, but she’s not unstoppable. She’s not immune to Widow clicking her head, someone shoot her shield from range for 1 second (literally Orisa’s pea shooter is enough) and her most important asset is gone. I’m sorry if a player get comboed as Tracer, perhaps don’t get in her range next time or don’t play Tracer into Brig.

Sure, if she’s literally never touched Mercy and doesn’t know the logistics of using her kit, she might not do so well. But a GM Ana could play around with Mercy for an hour and use her in comp. This is because her actually kit lacks complexity. Sure, Mercy requires skill, but it’s not anything other supports don’t need. Thus, stemming the idea that Mercy requires very little or “no skill”.

In fact, mL7 (debatated to be one of the best Anas) did a Mercy stream and kept up fine.

Hahahah, I know ml7, I like his streams (taught me a lot about Ana and Moira!) and this one was really funny. Especially for me because as a (former) Mercy main I could finally see billion mistakes in his Mercy gameplay, something I can’t say about his Ana.