The hypocrisy of "skill"?

We’ve all seen the increased distaste towards Brig, in my case, it brought flashbacks to when Mercy had mass rez and people complained she’s “no skill hero” and is “unfun to play against”, which essentially led to her getting a rework, yeet.

I seem to have problems understanding where this need for heroes requiring “skill” to be the best ones comes from. Last time I checked, OW was about diverse roster of heroes with unique abilities quite often more MOBA-esque rather than pure FPS, ones we can see in other games.

So why should a hero that takes “skill” be better than a hero that supposedly doesn’t require said “skill”?
I edited out misinformation on my side, sorry about that

Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. Isn’t there a hero (multiple actually) that does not require aim (which is often the “skill” measurement) and yet is not constantly bashed upon that they’re “unfun” and “no-skill” heroes? Reinhardt or Winston both require very little aim or “skill” if you wish to call it like that, yet are considered “fine” and “skillfull”. Why? Because they require good positioning and game-sense and all that stuff that actually defines a good player in this game, rather than the ability to click heads. Sure, if you combine these two, you’re a great player, but imo it doesn’t provide enough of an argument to say the hero that doesn’t click heads by design does not require skill and thus is elligible for nerf or straight out deleting from the game. I strongly believe it’s just entitled and self-centered if you use this argument.

I think these are unpopular opinions but I will say them anyway:

  • I think Brigitte is a fine hero. I don’t mind dying to her as I always know it’s my bad I got into her range. Same as when I die to Widow because I LOSed her.

  • Brigitte may not require aim, but you will know a bad Brigitte player from a good one, just like you can differentiate a bad Winston from a good one.

  • She may counter your main and that happens with new hero releases (who remembers the cries of Moira being OP because she leeches on Genjis? I do…).

  • She already received a lot of (four? five?) nerfs that reduced her oppressiveness while still preserving her playstyle, on which I commend the devs. She could use maybe some more minor changes but I don’t think she’s OP. I haven’t seen many suggestions on how to improve her, if people dislike her so.

  • She’s just good, because she’s a hero (Mercy cries in the background :smiley: )

  • She has a ton of counters and is not unstoppable (unless she asks who’s ready for punishment thanks to granny).

I hope she’s never gonna get a rework, we all know what happened the last time Blizz tried to rework a support hero because the hero was “unfun to play against” - they defeated the hero (and the fantasy of it) and stirred even worse controversy than before the rework. Maybe you don’t agree with me on that, but one look at these forums and you may have noticed the community has atomic bombs exploding every day when Mercy is mentioned.

There’s simply so many abilities that are “unfun” in the same concept as some people say about Brigitte and her abilities. Who likes to get rocket punched in the face, or antinaded in grav for example? Is it fun for the transcending Zen that his ult is useless? I’m sure he and his whole team are all hopping in their chairs from the enjoyment. Some people differentiate those abilities by saying they “take skill”, or that the hero who possesses them “takes skill”. Personally I don’t see a difference between tossing nade into a tight group of enemies and Brig whipping someone into abbys or using 3 abilities to kill 150 hp hero. Meanwhile, Winston automatically zaps anyone on his screen in 6m radius.

In my eyes, this is so hypocritical it hurts.


why should a hero anyone can do well on be stronger than a hero that takes practice?

why play a game when there is no point in getting better, you can just play easy heroes and win?


People wanting a fair and competitive environment.

Heroes have a number of stars to represent their difficulty in play. Coincidently, Mercy and Brig are both a phat 1 Star.


I will always uphold the belief that the most mechanically demanding heroes should be the most effective when played perfectly, not heroes that take much less experience.


Wait, so… to clarify.

Holding W + LMB1 = A Diverse unique ability?

I think Brig said it best, “What do you think you are doing?!”


This is about to blow up, I’m glad I got here early


People mistake skill with being flashy.

Pick a hero with an overloaded kit, do well with it, get a solo triple kill and pretend like it was skills.


It’s fine for a hero to be easy to pick up and play.

But they should have a learning curve that requires practice to improve and climb with. The common problem with a lot of the perceived “no-skill” heroes is that they plateau so early on, or they’re given a lot in their kit to compensate for how basic they are.


her kit forgives any form of misuse or mispositioning, u dont have to manage anything, u dont have to think about your position, you dont have to think, and yet you have more then any other hero in the game


lucio vs brig for instance.


cough doomfist
cough Brigitte


We have the star system.

A fair and competitive environment huh?

Is that what people want?

Is that why I can log on right now and start recording and I’m sure I’d encounter smurfs in 50% of my games?

Oh that’s right, people just want fair and competitive when it’s on THEIR terms.


kind of goes to the OP’s point if thats your example.

On forums right now DF=skilled player Brigg= no skill boosted support main.


they also have reaper as i one star even though his skill ceiling is in space


Guess you missed all the DF is ez mode threads?


Apparently I did, going back through old pages to look now. I know people complain about his mobility. Genji mobility was complained about too alot back in earleir months too.

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We literally have the star system to show the skill level of the hero.Rein and Winston can’t be compared to Brigette.she takes no complicated think whatsoever. They do. Brigette is not a fine hero. Why does everyone use that stupid range argument? Lucio is in this game. He nullifies your range issue. She counters almost half of the roster. She’s too strong.


The stars are in the game if you look at the heroes info, not just on the wiki


So your top 3 heroes in comp are Moira, Mercy, and Brigette…yea im just gonna leave this here