The hypocrisy of "skill"?

But even then, that’s a lack of game knowledge that will punish them no matter who they play. That’s not a Brig-only skill that they’re lacking.

And yes, Brigs and Mercys are different at different ranks, but the skills that are different are general skills that all heroes need to learn.

That’s simply not true. A support’s job is quite different than of a DPS’ or tanks’ (in fact, when you play Mercy, I believe you’re playing a different game than your Genji). Yes, game sense and positioning are general skills, but there are differences relating to what hero you use and they develop in split ways.
Brig is an excellent support for protecting/supporting healers (the peeler), that plat Brig for example did not know that and failed as a support in this regard. You don’t ask your Genji for protection the same way you ask for Brig’s protection. + A GM Brig would never leave Ana as a feeding machine for enemy flankers.

But if you look at the support roster, what does Brig or Mercy need to learn that Ana and Lucio don’t, for example?

But a GM Genji would also know that Ana shouldn’t be left to flankers, right? It’s not Brig exclusive to know that Ana has a hard time vs flankers. Might not be Genjis, job, but what about a McCree? Or even an off-tank or another support?

Positioning is quite different with all of these heroes. Playstyle is different. When to rez, when to shield bash, when to amp it up, when to nade or nano. A great Ana can completely suck on Mercy if she never touched her, the same in the other way round.

Yes, but:

It’s Brig’s job as a support. If you don’t know that, you’re not playing her well. She has other stuff to do too, but this one’s one of the most important.

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Your name, good sir or mam, I applaud it.

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Thank you very much Crazyshark1 :heart:


People insult other people for their choice of hero so they can aggrandize their sense of ability. Every hero in this game is designed to be approachable and the skill floors and ceilings between them are not as enormous as some people like to believe.

This community is the worst I swear, all these posts on this thread proves it

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Funny, I saw plenty of Reinhardts smash Brigittes in the World Cup. And I have never personally have had any problems with Brigitte as Reinhardt, neither in Gold, nor in Diamond.

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A good Rein at full health defeats a good Brig at full health every time.


It’s not so much that Brigitte’s kit is forgiving, I think the problem really comes down to that her kit punishes bad game sense and positioning.

I’ve seen exactly the same sort of criticism in League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm that is affecting Brigitte; she punishes bad players hard, and then they throw a tantrum on the forums.


Skill should be rewarded is that where is the hypocrisy in that? I literally picked up brigitte without any real practice and destroyed people who i know are better than me should that be considered fair? She enables the most stupid comp ever GOATS rush point and get in their faces and just smash m1 and give your rein a shield ez kills.

Is that how the game should be played in your eyes honestly?

Yes. *eyeroll *

(Tons of characters)

care to go in deeper than just saying yes that is not really a discussion that is you wanted to be in the right.

easy to play heroes should never outperform heroes that require time and dedication to play I have 60% winrate as brig and so does everyone else

Well we have had the discussion already. Just quit the game if you don’t like it.

If you play a character that is hard countered by another character, then yes, you need to be better than the other player to win. It’s hard to kill a Brigitte as Tracer, but far from impossible.

What’s the point of having counters if you can’t handle that some matchups are harder than others?


Blizzard has said officially many times that what you call low skill heroes should be viable on all tiers.


So we should keep our mouths shut and play the game no matter what? If you like her fine by me does not give you the right to shut me up i am still playing it won’t make me quit but i do voice out. If you got a problem with that than don’t reply your comments are stupid anyway just quit 4head.

It would be interesting to see how the winrate for Brigitte looks like when the opposing team actually tries to counter her. Instead of trying to force Genji, Tracer et cetera against her.

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