The Forums are Extra Toxic

Here’s the link to the old Zen café. Feel free to vent. I’m one of the few here that is willing to help out there. Also feel free to join it’s discord to vent. The Zen Café, A new and improved place to vent and relax


So they took 2 years to clear the bugs?
They gave us LFG after a lot of players leave the game because of trolls. No one cares about this feature anymore, I barely can queue up a game in low Masters because no one is playing anymore in my server

And I’m not even mentioning the serious issues with FPS since Brigitte’s patch.

But ok, we all have to say good things about the company otherwise you are being toxic

I agreed with you up until the point where you did not post the Shrek 2 version of the song, which is the superior of the versions

“The Forums are Extra Toxic”

Probably because the mods stopped banning everyone for things that were bad.

Remember when they used to ban/suspend players for doing minor things that didn’t hurt anyone (Having a controversial opinion, attempting to argue your point, etc)? Well they don’t do that anymore. Instead they’re practicing a very “This is undenyable” approach.

Now they just ban players who directly break CoC in serious ways.

There’s players who have made/bought well into the 10s of accounts and keep coming back after being suspended/banned.

There’s players who continue to rank shame or pick fights with other users.

There’s players who continue to spam useless things like “memes” in comment sections and offer little to no discussion and sometimes actually derail the discussion if there even is one.

It’s incredibly hard to take these forums seriously when nothing happens to offenders of the CoC. Especially when all they have to do is pay another $20 (sometimes the game is this low priced) in order to continue being toxic.

IP/Hardware bans (by serial number) seem to be the only real deturret that I can
think of for this.

But the issue lies with moderation. They’re either banning you for literally nothing or not banning repeated CoC offenders.

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console players can make one account after another …

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No offense intended to anyone in particular; however, that is what happens when you poorly manage your game and run it into the ground. Even the most positive white knights crumble under such immense lack of care. Blizzard can win them back by doing good consistently in a row. If you do good, such as the social features, and then turn around with anti-consumer practices, it resets the good vibes from accruing.


I thought we were talking about Blizzard.

Who actually uses the word “toxic” seriously? As far as I’m concerned “toxic” means “thing I don’t like”.

…and I don’t like threads complaining about complaining. It’s like, you’re in a forum what did you expect? Hell, you have over 4,000 posts, you should know better.

I reserve the right to joke about worse developers.

Then so am I.

Seriously though, I completely agree. People need to lighten up.
But not everyone on this forum is toxic, you just have to look a little harder.

And as someone once told me, Be the change you want to see.

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Toxic is still a valid term honey, just because your definition of it is shallow nonsense doesn’t mean everyone else’s is.

Forums tend to draw disgruntled players, sure, but OW forums have always been a special brand of toxic. And part of that is Blizzard’s fault, other forums can create positive environments even when disgruntled or disagreement is the norm.


I’d agree but if this forum gets angrier than it did when new Hanzo first came out I’m calling an emergency.

lmao define toxic then 4head

and I’m not your honey, bro

Thanks for doing it for me. :wink:


Do you mind if I share my definition?

Go for it.

20 characters

Could you two please not?

Peeps not looking for discussion, just looking for peeps to be angry at. Lack of productivity and a focus on deriding others instead of developing oneself’s perspective.
Beyond excessive beating of the same dead horses for months without pause.
Lack of memes.

But it’s kind of nuts to forget all the good things as soon as the next new bad thing hits.

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Good choice, but I sold my soul to synth,
I cannot disobey.