The Forums are Extra Toxic

Post memes
No one will notice that you don’t know how to personality if you post enough memes.

That’s how you become frustrating to deal with in threads that actually attempt discussion.

When you’re sitting here expecting a logical response and all they did was post a popcorn meme or something completely unrelated, they’re not helping the discussion and are being off topic as well as derivative to the conversation.


Let’s do a test.

Buff - she’s been over nerfed!

only way to buff dva in my eyes is to revert her back to DM-bot and then give baby dva abilities of her own.
And maybe give dva the ability to get out of mech whenever she wants with ctrl since she cant crouch already while in mech. then just put the interact option F as the way to get back in it, or just keep it on ctrl, whatever works.
And also probably change how she flies out of mech because right now baby dva usually dies 5 seconds after her mech gets killed. This is applicable in platinum and above imo. and probably give dva her dm a two second cooldown so there cant be “fluttering” (possibly optional)

and that is the only way imo, to make Dva unique and fun to play as and against.
it allows baby dva to not be honest to god pointless in most situations. make Dva a gud tanky protectory grill, possibly give her a fusion cannon buff so it works better at mid ranges.

I agree.

But on what merit do you say she’s been overnerfed?

What should they buff?

She needs a bit more strength but nothing further than 1-5 damage point values on something or just maybe 50 more HP or maybe .3 seconds on her DM with a .6 sec longer cooldown?

Idk. Just spitballing here.

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Positivism is pretty much a shortfall here in the forums.

Many people, including you, and myself have tried:

But people prefer to wallow in the mire of negativism and martyrdom to break out of those cesspools.

Nevertheless, i say, troop on like a Crusader with our blue shields of positivism and banging heads with our hammers of hope!


">not using the superior shrek 2 version

I want my collision damage back, and the shotguns reevaluated. The RNG of the pellet spread is too damn high. It feels like elmer fudd trying to shoot bugs bunny sometimes.

It’s one thing having to lead your shots to deal with ping, but with the rng pellet spread makes life hell sometimes.

I don’t know… so far she’s been doing pretty good all things considered

Honestly, this is a non-issue.

If you don’t like a shotgun hero, don’t play one. It’s pretty simple. I say this to everyone who complains about shotgun spreads or the damage of each pellet. It’s not limited to just dva but extends to roadhog, reaper, torb, as well as Doomfist in some scenarios.

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Those peeps don’t need memes to post angry gibberish, memes are faster to read than whatever unproductive mess they would have posted instead.

This has been addressed, short answer:
I’m bound by the laws of synth

They’re equally unproductive which is against CoC tbh.

I’m not saying that we should be punishing everyone who posts unproductive things, but what I’m advocating for here is equality.

Why is it okay for people to only post a meme and not get suspended, but as soon as someone posts something with actual words that’s not productive, the conversation gets shut down and the user gets banned?

Why is it okay for people who have controversial opinions to get suspended for next to no reason, yet players can continue to post spam or pick fights with other users?

Equality and consistency is all I’m asking for. It’s hard to predict what the rules are when they’re consistently changing and only sometimes apply, specifically a user by user basis.

If a “forum god” posts something unconstructive or just plain spam, the community brushes it off like it never happened. Yet when the average user posts something they actually believe in with evidence and suggestions on how to fix the issues they present, they get mocked and “memed” and told they “deserve everything coming at them” because of their opinions?

It’s so incredibly biased that I don’t even know what to do here.


I wouldn’t call it a non-issue since it is an issue with all the characters you listed and the state of the majority of them. Something needs to change with shotguns.

But I wasn’t here for a real discussion. That’s another thread. I just wanted to see how soon we got into the “she’s fine.”

I think something needs to change with Shotgun’s counters. Armor needs a complete overhaul tbh. Brigitte is so effective at giving out armor that over half the cast has their damage halved by it.

Shotguns weren’t laughed at Before Brigitte. Now they are. Coincidence? I think not.

but shotgun heroes are rare and are currently getting the boot due to armor being given like candy.

Either rework how that given armor via abilities work or buff shotguns as a whole.

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Before Brigitte, RH, Reaper, and Dva were extremely popular. (Guarenteed atleast 1 per game).

Now they’re not played nearly at all. Because Brigitte counters them all so hard.

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Welcome to status quos. The system tries it’s best but it’ll never be good enough. Peeps are protective of their memes, rules change based on who has power and influence, get yourself some.

yeah but i mean rare as in numbers.
there’s only reaper, roadhog, Dva and torb. There is no other shotgun hero on the game except for these four.

there are a whole lot of semi automatic weapons that dont get affected by armor that much simply because of how the gun works in general.

so, imo, the only real way to fix that situation would be to buff shotguns in general because if you change given armor, it would give everyone else a buff bigger than shotgunners.

I don’t think shotguns are too bad, except Reaper, but he’s Reaper. Hog main btw.