The Devs listened

They actually changed syms teleporter CD from 15 seconds to 12 sec.

And the dva pilot mech ultimate cost reduced by 12%.


That’s not what the sym players were asking for. The cooldown being 12 seconds doesn’t matter, since it only goes on cooldown after the teleporter is destroyed.


where is that? a patch note?

Where else would it be?

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This would give her a near infinite uptime if that wasn’t the case…


It would need to in order for the teleporter to be infinite

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a stream, a post maybe media. 🤷🙅🤷🤦

It was actually very nice of them to finally tweaked it a bit, this means they do read the forums and listen to the feedback.

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Because it would be up constantly, even after the enemy team successfully destroys it. It can be a very strong ability for you and teammates. It also fits in line with the other builder - torb and his turret, the cooldown only starts when it’s been destroyed. I’ve been playing her a lot on the PTR and these changes have definitely improved her. You cant reposition tp as often but the reduction to 12 helps a lot. The big change is now I have to fight around my tp which isn’t really that bad.


I feel the Dva one was just an oversight to be honest.


No it doesn’t. Torb can reposition his turret instantly as long as its not firing or taking damage. He doesn’t have to blow it up and make a new one just toss out a new one

They also didn’t reduce a thing, it’s always been 12 seconds they just reverted the nerf they gave her on ptr that never went live. This is a bad change for sym in a 222 environment. This is when hybrid heroes are supposed to move closer to the categories they are put in. We don’t need a support ability on a dps, we need a dps ability on her


It already can do this. With only a 2 second break.

Once again, why does it need such a long cooldown just because of infinite duration? How does gaining those two seconds break it?

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The dev listened

No to be serious, they often listen, but it sometims takes too much time.


Don’t you love how people try to rationalize an irrational change by spouting nonsense that is straight false?

Don’t you love when people leave out a whole part of the post.


Their actual quote:

It’s almost as if that whole section of context makes a difference.

Also, if Torb destorys his own turret, isn’t the cooldown quicker? Or at least out of fighting it is quick to cooldown when self destroyed.


It should be closer to torb turret where if it’s being attacked it gets the full cooldown. Totally forgot. I do think half cooldown if no one is using or attacking it is reasonable but right now her tp is still really good on the ptr.


Hoping they listen to the tons of feedback from Brigitte players :frowning:


They reverted a D.Va nerf :scream: :scream: :scream: