The Devs listened

Yeah, the whopping 3 seconds is REALLY gonna make a difference, guys!

I mean forget that it takes forever to deploy, and you have to hit another button to use it, and that it’s already a worse version of Shadowstep.

I mean, the permanent feature is great, don’t get me wrong, but the range is still kind of a joke (I mean, it’s not… horrible, but let’s be real, it could be a LOT BETTER too, I still often find I have to place it in ‘welp I guess try not to get headshotted from all these angles when if I could deploy it 5m further it would be safe to safe but hey I guess we couldn’t have an ability that’s like functional lololol’) and the fact that you never have it up for midfight is just ridiculous. I just hate it, like -

Her whole kit is just a constant struggle in ways other characters are not.


Don’t you love when someone misunderstands the intention behind a quote? I was agreeing with tempest. Quoting him on something I agreed with them on?

Because it toasted the guy they were responding too?

Like the storm arrow nerf :unamused: we could have avoided a lot of trouble that caused if that came sooner

Why does it become to powerful if the cooldown starts to count immediately?

Still waiting for an answer on this.

Infinite teleporter with a long cooldown is objectively worse for all purposes save for a taxi surface.

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“Toasted the guy” “irrational”

Gee aren’t you friendly. Not.

Anyway your rudeness aside its because then you could redeploy it right away if it gets destroyed. Wouldn’t be worth destroying tp if it’ll just get put back up 2 seconds later. The devs even mentioned this.

You could use it for a taxi service if that’s all the creativity you can come up with. I’ve found more than spawn uses for it. I’ve set it up before a fight starts to get different angles on the enemy. Used it as a way to control high ground or multiple areas at once. All this stuff current tp can do but infinite does it better in my opinion. I don’t have to waste time redeploying it while in a fight which gives me more time to attack stuff, and with the beam changes attacking with primary is way more effective. Besides deploying tp takes awhile and in fights it’ll be better for me to run to a tp that’s already up than to deploy one to use. It’s still new and I think we need more time to get used to it.

If anything I think giving it the torb turret treatment would be fine.

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That didn’t matter when Orisa’s shield was introduced.

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So your claim is current teleporter is op then? Because that is literally what you can do now if it stays up long enough.

Right now if you fail to punish a tp they can have e one up again in 2 seconds.

On ptr if you fail to punish it then it just remains.

Can do that now but better.

Can do that now but better.

How? You are far more restricted with new tp then old one due to the higher cool down time.

Nothing is preventing you from refreshing the tp right now. You only have a 2 second window where it is missing.

However, if you want to change to do something else you are far more free to do so right now as compared to PTR.

The only real change is that your choices are reduced and your better off playing passively then aggressive. Which is the last thing sym needed.

You were called out on a very inaccurate statement. If the word “toasted” offends you then I’ll be glad to change it to “ousted” instead.

As for “irrational” that was not directed at you but at the change itself. Its irrational.

Their reasoning is that there was no point in destroying it if they’ll have a new one soon.

If that were correct then why is it worth shooting it NOW? People destroy the tp all the time right now despite it not harmong the cooldown. Why? Because they know that doing so makes sym punishable for 12 seconds.

The same would be applied to infinite teleporter with the exact same cooldown mechanics.


Yes you can put it back up with current teleporter but if it doesn’t get destroyed then it stays there and that’s the key difference. It remaining there after you deploy it isn’t something that should be underestimated. Teleporter even now is a strong ability when used right.

So I see having to refresh tp differently than you I think. To me, it can take you out of a fight and you need to find the time and position to safely do it. This means less time shooting people and managing turrets and doing other things.

I think the strongest thing about infinite tp is the increased power to control 2 specific areas at once. Your Point A and your Point B. To me this is much better than current teleporter which yes, may give you more possible areas to control but to a much weaker extent. And the reason I say it’s weaker is because tp will very quickly disappear and will need to be redeployed. This means that you have lost access and control to that area and will have to try and take it back. Infinite tp gives you 2 points that are more consistently yours. I’ve always seen Sym as a character that can be in two places at once and this strengthens her power to be just that.

Infinite tp also means you have a reliable instant escape option. Something people have been saying Sym desperately needs. This also includes everybody on your team as they can use it too. Sure you can keep redeploying the current tp but that takes precious time and it deploys slow, and from my experience there have been plenty of times where I have died because I didn’t have a tp up already and/or because tp did not last long enough.

And about why people are shooting it now well 9 times out of 10 people are shooting tp to stop you from teleporting your whole team to point. Thing is with the infinite teleporter if they don’t destroy it then it stays up and will continue to be available to you and your team. If the team fight seems lost or someone is low on health and the enemy team hasn’t destroyed the tp, then any or all of you can take it back out. No having to wait 3 seconds for Sym to put it back up. Not only that but if the enemy wants to take that advantage away from you they have to dedicate time and resources attacking the tp which means they’re not attacking you.

I’m not saying infinite tp doesn’t come with its downsides but I am saying that despite what it loses it gains so much more. I’m also sure they’re not done buffing sym either but we’ll see. She can be so much more than just a taxi bot and I wish people could see that.

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I feeel like a made a huge difference.

Yeah I’m so glad that after years of complaints whilst they dismantled Sym’s kit to sell you “new” heroes they gave us something no one asked for (teleporter cooldown only starting after it’s destroyed).

I mean i saw a lot of people telling that the cooldown for the sym infinite tp was too long.

Just wish they halved the cd when you destroy the tp yourself.

or make it similiar to torbs turrets cooldowns

If what you needed to accomplish needs those 2 seconds AFTER the first 10 then it was not worth doing in the first place.

The truth is that if you use your teleporter in an aggressive manner the fight is resolved not based on how long the teleporter lives but how well the people who use it perform. Either way the teleporter will live through the engagement as its not the priority target if there are people coming out of it.

The teleporter just exists. In current form or ptr form. The issue is that on live there is enough flexibility to adapt and change positions to make it workable due to the instant start of the cooldown.

On ptr you are just stuck into a static position for the duration or you are punished if you try to be more flexible by deleting it early (thus preventing your team from utilizing it) and waiting a full 12 seconds for an opportunity that almost never comes.

Its worse in every way as applied in combat. The only way it better on ptr is an out of combat taxi. Which it comes in third behind other options that would have served your team better.

What increased power? Live does the exact same thing save you can change what two points you control more often and consistently. Fights don’t remain static formations where two points remain relevant the entire time. They evolve in change.

Even if they DO remain static we are talking an uptime of 10 out of 12 seconds which is roughly 88% uptime. Making it extreme strong at holding two points.

Couple that with the 2 seconds paid so you can SWITCH the positions to something more relevant after having had it up for 10 seconds of valuable time.

Because the problem is that a static teleporter is far less valuable since it loses relevance quickly. Once a teleporter loses relevance you want another one.

On live you get another one in 12 seconds flat. If you notice at 6 seconds it no longer has a use then you wait 6 more seconds and deploy another in a relevant spot.

On ptr if you notice your teleporter no longer has relevance at 6 seconds you delete it and then wait… 12 seconds.

See the problem? Infinite teleporter means nothing in a fight because rarely (if ever) does a spot remain relevant for long periods of time. Sym needs more pliability. Not static placement.

It would help if they did not make changes that encourage taxi work over combat. Because that is exactly what has occurred here. Her teleporter is worse in combat and better at taxi service.


Wait, they buffed D.Va? OMG, someone is holding the devs hostage… It’s the only explanation.

3 seconds is an absolute massive time in Overwatch.

You mean, what she has on live, right now, where a teleporter that isn’t destroyed runs 10 seconds and then is offline for 2?


Thank god they reverted that D.Va nerf.

God that would’ve been dumb.

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Baby Dva was an oversight though.

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Yeah I know that, I’m just happy it got reverted.

tell that to all the junk mains, o wait most of them have quite OW until junk gets some REAL BUFFS not “buffs” but in reality they are net nerfs

They also listened regarding the Moira buff