The Ana Cabana (Ana Fans & Ana Mains Welcome): New Ana Legendary Skin! 8/6/2018

Much better than a commander at the beach.

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Sure thingā€¦though it depends on what sort of stuff you want us to supply you with?

I guess just whatever we are running low on at the time, sound good for you?

I remember the good ol days when i gave and edgy deathlord a drug that turned him into a beyblade.

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Has anyone played Ana in retribution yet? Iā€™m too much of a coward to do it, people favor dps in the mode and Iā€™m afraid I wouldnā€™t be able to keep up on the higher difficultiesā€¦ :confused:

Iā€™ve played her in Retribution and think Iā€™ve seen a couple of people that state using Ana in conjunction with Bastion & Orisa is pretty helpful when it comes to mowing down some of the more resistant enemies & the Heavy Gunner.

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Can you sleep the heavy? Any tactics that have worked with her other than pairing her with Orisa and Bastion?

You can sleep everyone in Retribution including the Heavy Gunner (especially when heā€™s using his Charge).

I donā€™t know what else to tell you other than to constantly move but keep your distance whenever youā€™re in shootouts with regular enemies and the Heavy Gunner, youā€™re less likely to be hit by stray fire otherwise.

Whenever an Assassin or Sniper shows up, you are best sticking around with your team so that you arenā€™t picked off too easily.

Sleep Dart is your friend and Nano Boost whenever you see fit.


Iā€™ll see if I can convince my friends to let me try sometime, I only have Legendary left to beat and I suspect my Ana play still isnā€™t good enough. But maybe with the right team comp! :slight_smile:

Only played on Hard, once with Bation/Sym/Rein, once with Bastion/Torb/Brigitte (I guess three stack like Bastion?). She can sleep anyone, including the Heavy. Not sure how the Assassin scales with difficulty levels, but letting a higher health teammate get attacked by the Assassin or Heavy and sleep->nade works well. I also like to throw a nade into the dropships, but that may be better used defensively since anti-heal isnā€™t relevant, and 60 damage isnā€™t that much.

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With Anaā€™s lack of self sustain I wouldnā€™t want to play her on higher difficulties without another healer, did you feel it worked well playing with Brig?

She was out of passive healing range since Bastion and Torb are fairly stationary so she was the cleanup crew, but the heal packs were helpful. I had to waste fewer nades for sure. Also, more stuns on the bosses are always useful. Not sure about total damage with Brigitte only having slow damage, you may need a Bastion or something similar to burst the enemy team down effectively.


I needed that, thank you.

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The best feeling is when you sleep dat Genji Ult and he lies in front of you at your feet.
Thenā€¦ 0.5s later the worst feeling come when a bullet randomly hit that genjiā€¦ :ā€™(
I call it the Amariā€™s feeling Roller Coaster.

I have one goal as Ana is to climb to Top 500 Ana. Best iā€™ve done so far is 700ā€¦

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No, the best feeling is when you sleep Genji during ult and then see that he raged quit moments later! :wink:

And yes, this happened to me in QP after I slept one Genji too many times apparently. :joy:

Since my thread was revived I feel like I want to invite you guys to the discussion!

Can I get uhhā€¦ Ana buff? With extra self healing and clip size.

I used to be an Ana main, then meta got flipped toā€¦ dive and now Ana is patiently waiting for the quad/triple tank to return for full anti-heal vengeance.

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I once got an Ana PotG. Swear to Horus.

Yesterday I received the new Ana PotG sequence where she jumps over the camera as tracer fire flies around. Yeah, never going to see that actually in-game.


Its such a cool PotG too. Its so disappointing xD

Iā€™m sorry for making you regret not putting more money into your 401k, not an Ana main, but I wish you guys to get a buff, thank you for your nanos.

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