Hello there my fellow aging snipers! Welcome to the Ana Cabana!
Are you tired of giant rampaging gorillas and 19-year-old Korean girls making you regret not putting more money into your 401k?
New model polarized barriers screwing up any and all of your shots?
Back pain?
Well, say no more! The Ana Cabana has any and everything any aging sniper needs to enjoy their retirement or vacation!
Here you can relieve and share tales of your glory days with your follow resort members and have a grand old time having discussions about why you enjoy being one of the best, if not THE best sniper in the world!
Please remember that we here at the Ana Cabana would appreciate that all discussion and topics are centered around that of Ana Amari and we would appreciate if said topics remained on the said subject regardless of gameplay discussion or lore discussion.
Other than that we hope that you enjoy your stay at the Ana Cabana!
"We never stop fighting for what we believe in!"
New Ana Summer Games Legendary Skin!!! 8/6/2018
Go get it this upcoming Thursday!
this one time, in comp i got POTG as ana, hasn’t happened since but it was pretty cool.
I’m still so proud of my random Ana POTG I got last week.
Hanzo main btw.
I was debating calling it the Ana Resort but it didn’t really have the same ring to it.
I’m still thinking about changing it.
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Nearing 60 hours of Ana play and still no PotG.
Screams in frustration.
I think I was just lucky because the Soldier and Mercy I killed were a little on the derp side. lol
I believe I now have 4? 5 POTG as Ana but for some reason PlayStation is not not keeping my Highlights saved.
I can only share the two that I already have on my YouTube channel. XD
I have one clip saved where I nano boosted our Winston who killed an ulting Genji and ulting Pharah (yeah, still not sure how he did that), I healed him up from 30 hp to full, I killed D.VA by sleeping her into the well, seriously wounded the Tracer, all within 10-15 seconds… and I didn’t even get a highlight.
The Ana Cabana ignore what she says on respawn she needs it
The Amari Safari. My dudes.
Hmm…I was avoiding trying to use her name in the topic but this one…this one might actually go someplace.
Meanwhile Moira gets PotG for sucking the life out of two people. Two. Yeah, I don’t get the system, but I do hope you get a PoTG sometime soon. 
Awww, thank you (but please, don’t hold your breath!). 
Blizz please. I’m a big Moira fan but everytime I play her I’m hurt remembering what Ana could be. Also just slightly angry that they created an Ana lite that is much easier to play and puts out more burst AOE healing and can frag better and do all this while being significantly easier to play…
(pats back) There, there my shadowy friend, it’s okay. I understand.
We all want the best for Nana and to see her shine and not hobble around so much.
Hopefully there will be a day where she can shine once again and remind people why it’s important to respect their elders.
I had this amazing day where I was doing really, really well in FFA as Ana exclusively. Achieved 3rd place very often and even 1st place once although we had timed out and i had 15 kills. I’ll take it tho, lol.
I want to play her in QP again or even want to play QP at all. Arcade total mayhem results in way better team comps and people actually work together compared to QP 4-5 dps almost every game. I miss when I could see people actually want to play tank and I’d lock in Ana a lot of games. Now I fill sole tank or sole healer most games and feel like I’m working not having fun.
FFA and total mayhem is all thats left for me plus pve events.
So, do you guys have any personal goals when playing Ana that you would like to achieve? Some on my to-do list includes:
- Sleeping Pharah or Mercy outside the map
- Getting PotG
- Kill three people in a row (only managed two)
- Do over 15 000 healing in one game that’s not KotH (I think my record is around 13 000)
- Get awarded legendary after a game (at most I’ve had 9 likes… soooo close!)
What I have managed:
- Sleep ulting Genji - check (several times, and it’s always sweet)
- Tilt someone with sleep darts until they leave - check (might have a connection to no 1)
- Kill someone with a nade thrown across the map - check (now that was hilarious!)
- Sleep someone into the well - check (poor D.VA)
- Sleep someone, ask “do you need someone to tuck you in?”, spray a pillow under them, then kill them - check (granny needs to have some fun too!)
- Nano boost a quintuple kill - check (the funny thing was, I just threw it away at someone because I felt I needed to switch healer… turns out it was the perfect moment to use a Tac-Visor)
I feel bad about saying this, but I get an Ana play at least once every season.
The trick to getting play of the game is to do something super underwhelming and mildly amusing. For instance:
- Heal a roadhog. I did nothing else. Must have been a really boring game.
- Get charged by Rein, kill him with damage over time from primary, miss a few shots, hit a nade. Doesn’t matter that I saved my own life, I still got lifesaver and PotG
- Try to heal a monkey, miss repeatedly, accidentally hit and kill two enemies, get an assist from an earlier nade.
- Land a sleep, a nade, and do some unimpressive DPS Ana. It doesn’t look cool, but it is still PotG