The Ana Cabana (Ana Fans & Ana Mains Welcome): New Ana Legendary Skin! 8/6/2018

Had a thought, maybe we should pretend to be bad with Ana to try to get her buffed? Or does being this good just come naturally?

Nice to see this.

You guys think Ana deserves an uprising skin?

Today my Anas plays !

I was duoting with my friend.

On Volskaya second point, attacking, I went to the elevator then sleep dart the ennemy rein. Then my friend playing rein ulted all of them and we took the point ! :smiley:

On route 66, deffending. My friend playing Rein again was charged by the ennemy rein that I slept, saving my friend ! :o

You owe me an eye !

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Love it.

If I hear ā€œAna is fiiiineā€ one more timeā€¦

Sheā€™s not fine. At all.


Hello fellow grannys, i just wanted to say hi and i love you all.

Although our beloved hero is in a bad place right now, may our heals be stronger than ever, may our SLEEP DARTS TURN OUR GAMES INTO A SLEEP NUMBER COMMERCIAL, MAY OUR ANTI-HEAL NADE DEMINISH THE TRANSENDANCE INTO NOTHING.

But most importantly, never stop fighting for what we believe in.



Already wearing it.

Oh, you meant the eventā€¦

While I wonā€™t say that Ana ā€œdeservesā€ an Uprising skin over anyone per say, I will say that I wouldnā€™t mind getting another Young Ana skin or a skin that is more lore-focused instead of a costume.

I find the lore-focused skins to be among the better skins in the game.

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500 hour Ana main with an account in top 500 here.

Iā€™m glad to see that Iā€™m not the only one still playing her lol



Tf2 medic main here, Picked up ana because like every other medic in every serious game ever, I used the Crusaders crossbow.

Came for the gameplay, came for the gun play.

Like the Crossbow there are so many ways to pre-fire to mitigate oncoming damage. The Sleepdart is okay I guess but itā€™s like a Delay Death tool that works for 5 seconds.

Gotta say, I miss my crit crossbow just 1 shotting everyone.
Or healing that silly soldier whoā€™s going to die from fall damage but giving him just enough hp to survive.

Those were so clutch

Hey, Iā€™m from the Zen Cafe! We were wondering if you wanted to set up a trade deal! We supply you with PiƱa Coladas, and you supply us withā€¦ Stuff?
Weā€™ll see about that later, but for now, here is the link to our cafe! us.forums.blizzard.c om/en/overwatch/t/the-zen-cafe-a-new-and-improved-place-to-vent-and-relax/115
(Oh, and we are fine with anyone, no matter who they main!)


Just a thought, We donā€™t have to co-operate but I feel it could be useful!



Has an Umlaut.

Fix it!

First of all, I didnā€™t know it was called that, second of all, HOW DO I TYPE THAT!?!?!?

Actually, Iā€™ll just steal yours!

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Your wretched hideout has been discovered. Now I shall finally have my vengeance. The full might of Talon descends upon you! We shall burn this hideout to ash. Blood shall flow.

Rein main here saying hello and sharing the love for my favourite main. :heart: :wave:

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Day 394: Ana still sucks, skill less, overtuned supports on the rise. Ggs.

"You know Gabrielā€¦if you actually took the time to stop stressing yourself out and relaxed for once you probably would stop being so angry all the time.

I think itā€™s about time you took a vacation."