Why I'm an Ana Main šŸ’•

From a Rein main, donā€™t listen to the haters. You are all lovely! :hearts:


I presume sym doesnā€™t count?


To anyone who thinks it necessary to flame on someone for bad gameplay, bear this in mind: your anger and bad attitude results in someone missing more shots than average. You take a problem that isnt even there and make it worse than it ever truly was.

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I also main ana quite a bit because of what you described, sometimes Ana can pull off stuff that no other hero can and itā€™s only possible if you go into this crazy focused mode where everything seems to click, itā€™s a huge rush of adrenaline that only Ana players know


This. This is why Ana is my #1 played hero.

In the perfect moment when it all comes together and every shot and sleep dart lands, it feels ssssoo good.

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The ā€œfocusā€ mode is so accurate. Once it hits 2am and Iā€™ve been playing for 4ish hours, I hit my peak. Almost every shot is perfectly aimed, my sleep darts usually never miss, and my awareness skyrockets through the roof to where I can hear a Zenyatta walking. Exactly.

You described it perfectly.

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Console Ana-Main here, despite Anaā€™s subpar Pick-Rate (2.06%) & Win-Rate (43.78%), Iā€™m probably going to play her until Overwatch dies.

Contrary to most peopleā€™s opinion, I honestly find Genji-Mains to be my favorite people to heal and a fun challenge to my own abilities , not to mention theyā€™re usually the only people who can effectively and consistently use Nano Boost without panicking and absolutely flubbing it. (I find it strange how most players who use Soldier: 76 can never capitalize off of Nano Boostā€¦)

That said, I find that most people donā€™t actually know how to play with Ana as thereā€™s little to no situation where youā€™d actually use her in place of another healer.

Just the other day I was in a match where I consistently slept this Reaper and the Widowmaker on my team kept waking him up because they thought they could kill him without using her scope (I got a Death Blossom in the face for thatā€¦)

Then you have the Tanks thatā€™ll charge back in the fight despite being at critical health and the Support players who are not used to having an Ana on the team and constantly neglect to heal her as if she had passive self-sustain.

At the rate that the game is going, I fear that Ana will still struggle even if Dive goes out of meta as everyone is too used to playing with less demanding healers.

ā€¦Regardless, Iā€™m gonna keep doing what I do, praise or vitriol be damned.

Anyway, I just came in this thread to let you fellow Ana-Mains know that if you guys ever need a pick-me-up:

ā€¦there will always be places for you to feel welcome at.


Hey, nano-Sym ainā€™t no joke, itā€™s a legitimate OPAF strategy. 180 damage per second, no aim required, with that microwaving sound that makes people forget how to aimā€¦ Iā€™ve seen some thingsā€¦

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Dont worry. We have Junkertown.

This is why I donā€™t play Ana or like when sheā€™s on my team. We just feel less-effective. Doesnā€™t matter how good the Ana is.

Also, to OP: We donā€™t hate you for playing support, we just wish you were playing an (imo, objectively) better support. Anaā€™s not useless or unwanted, you just really feel when sheā€™s on the team versus someone like Zen or Moira who can make an insane impact. Or if that person really does have such good accuracy, theyā€™d probably be making more of an impact playing a DPS. If Ana gets some buffs(sleep dart in particular has some wicked anti-synergy in such a fast paced game with damage flying everywhere), that could change.

This post on the whole is about attention, and Iā€™d say the same thing I say to all these posts: If you main a hero, especially an off-meta hero, youā€™re going to get flak. Either continue on like you have been doing and get the flak, or learn to flex a bit more and try some other characters. You might even enjoy it.

[Although, cynically, I know you wonā€™t, as negative-attention and criticism is still adjacent to the attention youā€™re looking for.]

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You have more hours on Mercyā€¦

Yes, I do. Which is exactly why everyone always calls me a Mercy main.

Havenā€™t played her in 6-7 months, leaning towards 7 I think.

I feel you, I used to be a die-hard Mercy main with little to no time on Ana. Then came the rework, I was disgusted with how Mercy basically became ā€œez-modeā€ and didnā€™t want to touch her. Iā€™ve basically played all my hours of Ana from November till now, and looking at my stats it would be sooo easy to just dismiss me as ā€œlol, Mercy main/one-trickā€. I consider myself more of an Ana main than Mercy main these days, I only really play her because sometimes the team comp basically demands it.

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  1. Youā€™re an Ana main? Welp. You have my undying respect. :heart:
  2. Jeez. Iā€™m sorry you get chirped for doing ā€œbadā€. I will also extend my greatest sorry for the Genji. Just know, not every Genji main is like that. (I like to believe Iā€™m positiveā€¦)

Anyways, to summarize, sorry for the toxicity, thanks for keeping people like me alive, and I hope you have a great night/day.


There is one spot in Hanamura that have becomes my favorite.
The second floor opening to the left of the bell, I could just crouch in the corner and still pocket the tanks at choke, and the enemy never suspects a thing.

Welcome to the life of a support main where everything is your fault even the lack of kills. This is why I love Moira not only does she have great healing but I can actually protect myself when my team fails to do so.

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I mean technically Symmetraā€™s shield generator applies self-healing shields to the team.

But she never counts for anything so yes. She doesnā€™t count.

ā€œyou are as lovely as everā€

May I ask what your graphics settings are? they look very clean and crisp.

Its not your fault that people cant stand still for one second to get healed. Tell the hyper active Genji boy to chill out.