The Ana Cabana (Ana Fans & Ana Mains Welcome): New Ana Legendary Skin! 8/6/2018

A simple way to get a potg as Ana is to nanoboost a multikill via an ability or ult, and then either use your biotic grenade on the targets or get a solo kill yourself while doing so.

I have gotten PotG in Elimination a couple of times, and most of them were just like how you described them! I have one ā€œshame of the gameā€ where I got it for missing half my shots on a fricken nearby Rein as he was chasing a Widowmaker, nanoboosted him, and then accidentally killed the Widow with my nade. That was it. :roll_eyes:

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What I have managed:

  1. I have slept both Pharah (donā€™t have a clip) & Mercy (I actually have a clip, the best part is that itā€™s Mercy using Valkyrie before it was nerfed) off a clip.
    Clip Link: Overwatch: Ana Highlight #1 (PS4) - YouTube
  2. I have gotten a POTG before: Overwatch: Ana POTG #1 (PS4) - YouTube
  3. I have actually killed an entire team with primary fire and Biotic Grenade in 4v4 Team Deathmatch and got POTG, but PlayStation erased the highlight before I could save it.
  4. My most healing in one game is 15,380 healing.
  5. I have gotten a Legendary Upvote twice in Quick Play.

What I aspire to do with Ana is improve my win rate with her, but I think part of the issue with that comes with that is the fact that most people on Console donā€™t really know how to play with an Ana so she kind of gets crapped on.

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I think the issue with me not getting PotG is that I donā€™t dps enough - Iā€™m super heal oriented (you know, I went from Mercy to Ana) so I think I need to improve on my offensive abilities before it will happen. I just donā€™t really have the ā€œkiller instinctā€, I always worry about my teammates and their health!


Thatā€™s something that you get better with over time, trust meā€¦I was just like you when it came to Ana in the past.

Nowadays I just focus on what whether or not my team is about to get overwhelmed or when theyā€™re going to make a big push so that I can use my Biotic Grenade to support them.

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I love when you get that one flanker who just reaaaally wants a dip in Nanaā€™s teacup but you just manage to hit every sleepdart.

I remember I had a doomfist chasing me once. Nasty man kept hunting poor nana down but every time he turned his muscular shoulders round that corner he felt the little prick of my sleep dart. Out of frustration he then tried to send that peppy young brit after me but she met exactly the same fate. I stopped killing her after a while: youngins need their sleep after all!


Also, on a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you relate to this (for me? 100)

Uhā€¦I hope I donā€™t sound like a jerk when I say this, but 1? (I initially thought it was 1-100.)

Iā€™ve actually gotten better at healing Genji & Tracer over time. If thereā€™s anything that annoys me, itā€™s teammates and barriers impeding any sort of healing.

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Show off :stuck_out_tongue:

Itā€™s more when they jump around and spam, it stresses me out! Sometimes Iā€™m pretty good at hitting the shots, sometimes itā€™s as if they know where Iā€™m aiming then jumping in the other directionā€¦ xD

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"Widowmaker here".

From 1-10 about a 5. I can do it if Iā€™m not thinking about it/can scope in most of the time but if thereā€™s a high pressure situation on or if Iā€™m just having an old lady moment Iā€™ll miss every shot consecutively until the Genji stops. Either politely or becauseā€¦ ermā€¦ yeah

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We have policies for Widowmakers in this cabanaā€¦

"Donā€™t think we havenā€™t forgotten about what you did."


they need to revert the ana nerfs she aint even a main healer anymore

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I love Anaā€™s kit, but if you could create a whole new ability for her what would it be? I think I would like an ā€œaimbotā€ for healing that you could use to clutch-heal that far away ulting Genji for 2-3 seconds to make sure he survives.

Asked Winston his thoughts on removing Ana from comp altogether, know what he said?

ā€œNo, I do not want to ban Ana.ā€



I won a ffa on Eichenwald as Ana and got a POTG never felt so satisfied


Seriously, Ana needs some love (from the devs, she already has OUR hearts)


Seeing as this is the Ana Cabana, anybody got any tips for Ana on console?
I want to add her to my support line up but my aim sucks, I have no idea when to use Nano boost other than when someone else ults and my positioning is all over the place. Anything would be helpful!

I mean, generally if you see a push incoming, like a lack of combat for a period of time after a few small skirmishes, get ready to give it to someone who can either get the most kills or to nullify their push, like a anchor tank
If you are pushing give it to someone who pushes last, so they can surprise the enemy

cut last ā€œaā€ from ā€œcabanaā€ and thatā€™s how ā€œboarā€ sounds in russian.