That's three unnecessary Ball nerfs now

Just gonna leave this here so ppl know I was saying the Mccree buff makes no sense, bye now

??? Are you ok?

who are you talking about with an Alt? This is the only account I post on.

Dude leave me alone and stop harassing me ty

Stop twisting my words and pretending I said other things that I didnt

Also I removed “alt” before u even replied

I mean I hadn’t even been talking to that person for an hour, but seeing as how they are that unhinged over somebody making a response to their thread, they will happily go to mute forever. lol

when they nerf a hero time after time frankly they should undo some of the other nerfs… if spin to win was some how the issue then bow about undoing the other stuff…

also why not give him more ammo? i mean then he stays in crap form more which makes himn more vunerable right now he can hardly finish someone of before the damn magazine runs drive… there is no give and take there is only ever take.

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“Their thread” this is not my thread, and please y’all not leave me alone for a comment I made about mccree

I meant to put “y’all” not “u” also in my “hour comment” as it was like 3 ppl

Also ty for muting me, at least I know you won’t be twisting my words anymore :weary:

Also I am not “unhinged” I have aspergers and it’s really stressful for me when someone sitting twisting my words

when spinning if for winning or not is also a nice way to buy some time to look around and think thinks through… the only other hero that can ever get any overview of things and time ti think thing through is mercy…

it can be useful to temporarily just but same time to actually see whats going on with the rest of the team…

i mean someone gotta do the deep thinking or the team is just going to be the usual headless chicken running around…

Literally any other boop in the game is better than Hammond’s now
And his grapple on cooldown when respawning should be gone since they removed Spin2Win, which btw, was accomplished poorly, it could’ve been done WAYYYYY better with an audiovisual cue and not ruining other of Ball’s niche grapple uses with this nerf.

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He was meta?

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We will see. I still see him around.



Bad habits develope bad opinions. If you didn’t spin2win, this nerf doesn’t effect you.

(And no, I don’t care that you pulled off a tricky play 8 months ago, because you had a longer grapple.)

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This one is the most annoying tbh, it was made as a measure to reduce his stall capability but the 6 sec nerf does exactly this. Its now 2 nerfs addressing the same problem, the spawn nerf is no longer needed at that point, at the very least they should reduce from 5 seconds.


Yeh it’s almost like a character that negates the landscaping in every map is a ridiculously overpowered concept, huh?

Ball needs mobility nerfs. Even with 6 second grapple, it barely makes a difference. He can just fly over the landscape of virtually every map whereas the majority of others have to negotiate turns.

He can get to places in 2 seconds that it takes the next fastest character 10 seconds to get to, which is just broken.

Ball is a dumb character and a really, really poor design. I don’t know why it’s still a thing, they should’ve redesigned him 2 weeks after they implemented him but they’re too stubborn to admit that they were wrong.

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knockback nerf was warranted
grapple spawn timer was warranted

The new one isn’t even a nerf, it’s a disaster. It’s not even properly showing the timer. This is peak disrespect to the hero. They didn’t CARE.

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Character never should have existed in the first place. Should honestly be glad he hasn’t just been alt+f4’d from the game. The nerfs (for the most part) were deserved. But in the end, Hog and Ball remain some of the most awkward tanks in the game.

I wouldn’t be against a complete redesign for both of them, especially considering how OW2 will be played.

Very. Top picked hero in GM.

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Double shield is meta not ball

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he’s still strong, but this nerf really killed a lot of the versatility he had to solve a problem that only really afflicts extremely low rank and forum users.
any hammond player would tell you trying to pull off spinning on point wouldn’t make you last longer than 4 seconds, so this nerf is rather meaningless.

They just killed a lot of the hero’s useability for literally nothing, to appease some loud forum users to solve a problem that was barely even real

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