That's three unnecessary Ball nerfs now

Double shield is meta not ball

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he’s still strong, but this nerf really killed a lot of the versatility he had to solve a problem that only really afflicts extremely low rank and forum users.
any hammond player would tell you trying to pull off spinning on point wouldn’t make you last longer than 4 seconds, so this nerf is rather meaningless.

They just killed a lot of the hero’s useability for literally nothing, to appease some loud forum users to solve a problem that was barely even real

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What makes you think we have a double shield meta as the dominant one?

Ball is higher picked than both Sigma or Reinhardt in GM. There is A double shield meta, but double shield isn’t THE meta.

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Because every game I play is double shield. Every game top 500’s play that they always talk about… is double shield.

I mean people are still complaining about how double shield is meta to this day lmao.

Because they hate it, but ball is picked WAY more than Rein is in GM.

That is the beginning and end of it. People complained about Mei when she was strong with her being in “every game” when she wasn’t even in the top 1/2 of picked DPS heroes in any rank.

People complained about Sombra when she was one of the lowest picked heroes in the game with the lowerest win rate in every single rank.

What people complain about and what is ACTUALLY meta are VERY different beasts.

Ball is straight out picked more in ranks where Meta is played.

Ball has a pick rate of 7.96%
Rein has a pick rate of 3.79%

You are literally over twice as likely to have ball in a game than Rein in GM.

Orisa’s pick rate is even lower.

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This is the logic I will never understand. “My hero sucks and has didn’t deserve X that happened or needs to happen to it, but I play quickplay/arcade only”


They’re talking about orisa sigma not orisa rein/sigma rein. But otherwise yes you’re correct. Double shield is a strong consistent comp, but by no means is it meta, even in OWL, they are playing ball.

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Right but Orisa has a lower pick rate than Rein, which I mentioned.

I was giving an upper bound on double shield.

Which is lower than Balls pick rate.


IMO ball is the only tank that didn’t feel complete crap to play as over the last 12 months. You can thank all the tank nerfs for that. Kinda explains the pick rate. His win rate is bottom 2 though.

Against competent players, stall game hasn’t really an effective thing as ball. Mei can do that so much better these days (except she’s crap in just about all other scenarios)

They really hate spin to win. Keep in mind they see heroes in how they are used, not what they are intended todo.

Actually no, Hog passed Ball recently. Pretty heavily, too, Hog’s pickrate seems to have skyrocketed this patch.

They are asking how they got to the stage of nerfing for this patch, the drop in play afterwards is you know “working as intended”

Sorry, but I just don’t buy that this nerf had anything to do with GM tbh.

I can think of exactly 0 reasons they might do this other than to kill Spin2Win. Ball’s other techs, while fun, were niche enough that all they did is make him feel worse, not necessarily reduce a large amount of his GM power.

You are right, it wouldn’t be because of GM, it was obviously targetted at spin to win but because of GM pick rate they didn’t give a buff with it to another part of their kit.

Which they would have done otherwise.

What’s so hard to understand about playing a video game for fun and having the devs that barely play their own game change things that ruin the fun?

understanding everyone else also does so?

Haha no, there’s lots of tryhards that only find the game competitive

Of course they don’t. They just look what DPS one-tricks or streamers want to be nerfed.

Seriously, that was where Hammond was the strongerst and even then there were maybe three parts of different maps where he could that efficiently (like Eichenwalde bridge). But poor DPS cried they were “forced” to pick some CC because mean old hamster would boop them off the map and that’s “not fun” to have to switch to something you don’t like playing (doesn’t matter same DPS would report you for throwing if you don’t pick shield into one sniper). And you know what’s the best part? The DPS mains still insta-swap to some hard CC as soon as they see me rolling.

Yup, that’s what I said. No “reverse cooldown” or numbers going down or anything.

Or we could revert the previous nerf of him spawning with a cooldown.

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ball makes the game less fun. cant nerf him enough. any ball nerf is pro fun.

only double shield pls

so fun