Let’s get one thing out of the way:
The recent Ball changes affect more than just spin2win.
It limits other valid strats used by Ball. There are spots where Ball can hang in the enemy backlines and spy undetected. There are other hang spots Ball can use to drop down on enemies when they pass through.
Ball players often “prime” their grapple beforehand in order to reduce activation time on particular spots/combos.
Several rollouts or map techs, while not directly requiring 6s of grapple, are much harder without it. For example, Ball can grapple a moving platform, then get behind map geometry and wait until the platform moves. If he lets go right as the platform jerks him around the geometry, he can fling himself straight into the air for a more creative attack angle.
These are strats used by high-level players, and while it doesn’t hurt his capability that much, it takes away some fun skill expression and makes him feel clunkier to play.
How to fix Spin2Win while avoiding these problems.
Let’s be clear here. I don’t think Spin2Win is a problem. It’s extremely easy to counter, even without CC. You can focus-fire the Ball down in no time flat, and if all he’s doing is moving in a predictable circle, he’s not giving hardly any value, compared with a tank who is actually doing things.
BUT, if we’re determined to remove it, here’s how we can do that while keeping his other techs in place.
- Make it so that Ball’s grapple breaks after 6s in combat
- Give it an indicator, for clarity, when it’s going to break.
We know that Blizzard has a system for determining if heroes are in combat or not (we saw it used for some OW2 beta tests). None of the longer uses that I’m aware of actually happen in combat, but Spin2Win is always a combat move. So if Ball’s chain only breaks while in combat, we preserve his other interactions and make him less clunky while still killing spin2win.
An indicator of how long his grapple has left would be needed to warn Ball players that they entered combat, and it’s going to break soon. Frankly, an indicator is needed now anyway.
Putting grapple on a timer affects more than just spin2win. The best way to keep his other techs intact and to reduce clunkiness is to make it so the chain only breaks after 6s of being in-combat, and also give him an indicator of when it’s going to break.
I hope Blizzard considers this. It would be a huge step towards making Ball feel better to play while also keeping the reduction in Spin2Win tactics.