That's three unnecessary Ball nerfs now

No you don’t :innocent:

Junk has suffered enough.

Pretty sure he’s better than Moira and reaper combined especially his with last buff

Also my comment before wasn’t about junkrat himself it was about how the trap stuff makes no sense for those 2

All 3 are trash


His last change was a nerf.


Frag Launcher

  • Impact damage reduced from 50 to 40 (Total 130 to 120).

Nerfs don’t need compensation buffs! Sometimes a nerf is just a nerf! Ball has been the #1 PR hero in the game in GM for nearly 6 months. That’s wild for a hero that is meant to be situationally niche and one who frankly makes the game less fun for everyone he is playing against and for everyone on his own team. To be honest, I don’t think the nerfs were enough, as the last two (which, mind you, were his only balance changes in like a year?) were specifically just to help alleviate the stupid end-game stall mini-game that Ball makes nightmarish.

And since I know it will be forthcoming; the game is balanced around high SR and down. A competitive, skill, teamwork based FPS can’t survive being balanced in any other way, not long term. Almost any competitive game that’s found success will have the same balance model -though of course, they typically will balance a lot faster


Why are u turning this into he is bad tho anyway…

I was talking about the logic

Nerfing an underperforming hero even if it makes sense is a non starter.

The buff itself wouldn’t even help Moira or Reapers viability. Junk isn’t keeping them down.

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Why are ur still making it about “he is bad” jeez I was talking about the logic of it

Because viability is more important than the game making sense. We’re playing a game where people survive being shot in the face, having bombs blow up on top of them and we have talking animals.

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It’d be pointless. Junkrat is losing his trap’s hard cc. Now it follows you around and applies a slow or something. It was ‘leaked’ by some content creator who was in a call with the dev team after the OWL PvP showcase (not the least meeting, just so we’re clear).

Why the heck would you care then about nerfs?

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Ok just gonna ignore ya both, I didn’t want it removed, I was just talking about the logic of dust not being able to escape a trap but McCree can roll out of cc while in the air

But keep being u guys, acting like I said other stuff when I was replying to a thing about mccree


He’ll be nerfed more, trust me.

Oh I know. Zen and Sigma shouldn’t trigger it in the first place logically. Maybe Junkrat attached a mini vacuum cleaner that keeps Reaper/Moira in place.

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You asked why and Toast explained it to you. A lot of things in this game don’t make any sense, but making it make sense would make Junkrat less viable. I think trap is a garbage ability as is. We shouldn’t make it more garbage by allowing 2 more heroes to escape it.

The last thing Junkrat needs is people countering more of his abilities when he’s not even all that great. He’s pretty trash, despite what the people in low ranks would like you to believe.

This is how trap works:

I didnt ask why… I was comparing the logic to McCree new buff:

Either way, you made a comment and somebody cleared it up for you. Now it shouldn’t baffle you anymore. :woman_shrugging:

Lol no because I was comparing the logic… stop twisting my words ty

I don’t need an explaination. Also I was baffled by the McCree buff…

“It still baffles me how he got that buff” = me talking about McCree

Then if you don’t want responses to comments you make, don’t put them on a public forum. How’s that logic for you?

What? I never said that either…

Not my fault that you think I want nerfs for Junk when all I did was reply to a comment about how McCrees buff makes no sense and compared it with something else which 2 other heroes cannot do despite turning into dust

What do you think you’re implying by bringing it up? A lot of things don’t make any sense. Giant fighting gorillas and such… Hello?