THANK YOU for Talking About Matchmaker's MMR and Forced 50%



Saul Goodman approves!


Well if you join the discord it might become a reality!


I played against Basel and octo - havenā€™t played against rhain(Romulus) or Abdullah but I invite them to a scrimmage

By the way why did you conveniently leave yourself out?

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I donā€™t really understand what you mean here. Though Iā€™d argue that modern day livestock farming and its relationship to nature is pretty much the antithesis of balance.


Ok first off, these teams are mad unfair. I like our odds in a debate, but not an Overwatch scrim. Cuthbert hasnā€™t even played in years, and as far as Hulk goes, having the rest of us on his team would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

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Why would it be unfair? Half of ā€œyourā€ team is convinced to play at an elite level.


So much for joking around. I guess this is the part where we turn lighthearted comments back into a debate.

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Iā€™m actually serious with this idea. This event should totally happen.

After a few matches, teams could even be shuffled for a more lighthearted event :wink:

After all, these are the most active and enthusiastic players on this forum, all points of contention aside.


I am not sure anyone here is actually arguing that there exists no skill difference among the player base/ the different ranks. So I donā€™t really see the point in this other than for shā€™ts and giggles


The average SR spread among these teams is huge and I know weā€™d get the floor wiped with us. Might be fun though. Weā€™d have to impose some hero limits or other caps to make it at least somewhat competitive.

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Receipts unironically has said that in the past that and this dude believes as a season 3 silver player he could be t500 if MMR didnā€™t exist. Which is funny because if he placed nowadays heā€™d be closer to b500.

But half that team thinks SR is meaningless? :thinking:


To be clear Iā€™m not going that far. Itā€™s just a bad, illogical argument. If SOME people can get to top 500 in an MMR system, then obviously anyone of equal or higher skill could do it under the same conditions.

I see a lot of bad arguments from people on my side of the debate, and I donā€™t condone any of them.

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I mean I just ignore that part of his ramblings.


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Itā€™s difficult to get specific people together for events like that but Iā€™m always down for a scrim so HMU.


He makes some articulate cogent points that, in my opinion, lead to where the evidence points. But some of it is just suspect or unfounded.

As we talked about before, I think most people have the basic hardware to get to top 500 (whether they have the grit, determination, ingenuity, and cleverness is a different story). But you canā€™t claim that actually accomplishing the feat is just a formality. And thatā€™s too bad because Iā€™d love to attain glory by relaxing on the couch.

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As long as anyone above 3000 SR on the opposing team agrees to play with their toes, Iā€™m in. :slight_smile:

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Game pad, bro. Crossplay :smiley:


Yes thatā€™s part of your point Iā€™m supporting


If you go through the historical data youā€™d see some pretty questionable statements.

Then why make it at all if itā€™s beyond false?


That would be SO great!! :heart_eyes: