THANK YOU for Talking About Matchmaker's MMR and Forced 50%

I could lend someone my Donkey Konga b0ngos if it’s needed!


I’d say, it’s unlikely. I don’t know that we can say it’s false.

The only logical things I can conclude are A) he’s got a very high level of skill in similar games which supports his belief B) he’s underestimating how good other players or C) he’s suffering from the oft-cited Dunning-Kruger effect.

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Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the premise of Cuthbert’s post but almost none of the conclusions.


that’s an unfair question to bright titan, why would they have an answer for that? We’ve spoken before, I think MMR sucks mixed with SR… but I don’t think it would change much in terms of WHERE people end in the ladder. I think it would make the ranks more even.

A top 500 would like not move, and a bottom 500 would likely not move. but all the other more populated ranks…would even out and the games would overall be more even in skills. stop mixing ranks to make the MMR match, and make the ranks match. That’s all.

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its ok fren, i havent reached rank 1 yet either. maybe its the rigged MM?!?!?!?!?!


One or both are correct…

I can’t possibly fathom how.

Not really. Titan knows me well enough to know that its rhetorical.

Because he’s intelligent enough to speculate.

I mean… Must be a population based thing.

Playing on NA servers the games I experienced were always pretty well balanced with the exception of the fact that “I” sucked for many seasons. Eventually I improved and lost significantly fewer games than I won.

The End.

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In fairness there are just as many wackos on the anti-riggers side of the fence. Post a vod, stop blaming teammates, fix your mistakes, git gud, stop throwing, the matchmaking is fine, if its rigged how did I climb from bronze to gm on 10 different accounts, only the elderly and handicapped people are stuck in bronze etc. regardless of the context or facts stated in your post.

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Looking at the overall player distribution, it is clear that bronze players in particular have above-average problems playing or understanding the game. Also there are technical issues like a bad computer, internet problems, lags, low framerate etc.

I know that a lot of very good players love to tease and taunt the inexperienced ones, but they are absolutely right.

What do you think Michael Jordan, Lionel Messi, Lewis Hamilton, or maybe Tom Brady (random examples) would recommend to you if they realized you had strong ambitions as an amateur player? Probably:

  • stop blaming teammates
  • fix your mistakes
  • stop throwing (literally bad in most U.S. sports joke)
  • the matchmaking is fine
  • focus on things, you can control

What I would like to add is the relatively recent experience that “celebrities” like Flats, Chipsa, Dafran (and others like Shroud & Co) seem to be so much more tangible than the old league of professional athletes from real sports. Twitch & Co. disguise a bit the fact that they are people who spend more or less 8-10 hours a day doing nothing but playing a particular game. They really earn money with it! This is absolutely not comparable with people who play 1-2 hours in the evening.

In classic sports, management protects players from too much contact with the outside world. They get special training to say very little crap in front of cameras and in public, and if something goes wrong, there is a gigantic apparatus of PR and consultants to mitigate the damage. As a result, these people often seem like aliens and live as if in a gilded cage. You learn very little about their private lives, and then usually only the scandals.

But in terms of professional video gamers, this leads to an increased survivorship bias. We see the best of the best in their living room or bedroom and think their successes are achievable. But the truth is likewise that my skill gap with Chipsa or Flats when it comes to Overwatch is just as large as my gap with Hamilton or Schuhmacher when it comes to Formula 1. Overwatch is obviously much more accessible than F1, so the comparison is a bit limp, but I hope my point is made. Besides, I only know a few Overwatch celebs :wink:

Just because Flats may not look like a top athlete doesn’t mean he has an immense advantage in terms of skill in video games. The same goes for the OWL players, of course, but I don’t really know them by name.

TLDR: You should always keep in mind that in all activities there are people at the top who will never be beatable for the majority. That’s exactly why they are at the top and fight against their peers. Just because those guys might be overweight or nerds or streaming in the basement doesn’t mean you can copy or match their success. Some can, most don’t. So don’t expect that you could play at the same level with minimal effort. And on the other hand, don’t put too much pressure on yourself and your teammates when things aren’t going well.

Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to some false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias. Survivorship bias can lead to overly optimistic beliefs because failures are ignored.


I’m always fluctuating betweeen diamond and GM and can assure you the MMR and the AH screws me up hard. I am babysitting bad players all the time.


Absolutely. As with any issue, you’re going to have people on either side who aren’t thinking much at all about the topic or what’s being said. It’s not about discussion, honestly engaging with other opinions, or discovering the truth. They just want to win an argument.

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I am Bro of the Sharingan, master of the Sharingan flicks; I am Hanzo the one trick.
I play on a laptop with a 60hz monitor (fluctuating fps of 90-140), basic wireless keyboard and wireless mouse.

It’s not about the gear, it’s about the player.
Underestimate me and you will be punished :wink:

Sounds pretty fun and I welcome the challenge :wink:


Hard pass. Must be same rules for everyone. Bro doesn’t cower in the face of a more powerful enemy. Bro welcomes any and every challenge. :wink:

(And, yes, this me speaking of myself in the 3rd person for emphatic taste)


Bro, that got me so hyped up that I instinctively punched four holes in my wall! <3


I won’t argue with you on any other points. There is no speculation why other people think things. That would be like me guessing why you say the things you say. I don’t know why you think the way you do, I think you’re a pretty smart person… but asking you to guess why someone believes they way they do, even for speculation reasons… when that person doesn’t believe the same, isn’t even close to fair to those people.

Ask them why they think they deserve top 500. And by most of their VOD reviews that you and others have done, they don’t. If you asked me that question, do I deserve top 500? no. why do others who believe this think that? I don’t know, I bet they go out on their own a lot… walking past me, while I try to regroup and spam the regroup button.

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I actually like this because it does bring up some good points. I actually agree here to an extent, pro sports players would say this for sure.

However how do you think they’d react if similar actions were taken in their leagues like in the OW Matchmaker? Let’s take Michael Jordan in his heyday.

What if the NBA said “You know what, the Bulls are too stacked, its not an even match. We’re gonna take Scotty Pippen and Dennis Rodman and move them to a weaker team.” Or “Michael you’re too good with the Bulls, we’re putting you with the worst team in the league to even things out.”

Not only would the players be enraged but so would the fans. What kind of stupidity would that be? Is that real competition? I guess if that’s how the league is. I mean there are salary caps right? Although Id’ equate that to the “You must be within 1000 SR to play together” rule.


Just sayin’ I’ve used this example before. In before “can’t compare video games to sports”

I agree with your assessment.

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I’m sorry to bother but how do we KNOW that it is in the game other than some patents?


how do we know MMR is in game? This is common knowledge. Along with PBSR, and SR.

How it works, and how strong it is, and whether it belongs at all is the debate. I don’t think anybody discounts that MMR exists. Any other guess about how it works, are all speculation depending on what the player’s experience is.

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I mean in this case they can’t disagree with it, they brought up the sports analogy themselves lol.